Simon 'Li77l3' Lindegger  id: 2598692
[ Match Ratings ]
[ ratings received ] [ ratings submitted ]

CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
created to rating comment match
01.12.15 9610330 Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created to rating comment match
26.03.12 MC HAMMER Detail
25.03.12 1479539 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder
created to rating comment match
26.03.12 3307573 Detail
22.03.12 blaX Detail
18.03.12 6171478 Detail
17.03.12 4515909 Detail
15.03.12 fbn Detail
14.03.12 t0mz Detail
08.03.11 BEAT Detail
03.12.10 1769827 Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Fixed Europe
created to rating comment match
25.03.12 5817257 Detail
CS:S Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
created to rating comment match
24.03.12 3743514 Detail
18.03.12 3060848 Detail
15.03.12 4166535 Detail
18.05.11 Aquamann Detail
12.05.11 1715093 Detail
25.04.11 3307573 Detail
24.04.11 5661622 Detail
20.03.11 oFi Detail
13.03.11 2786205 Detail
09.03.11 5425737 Detail
07.03.11 cRoss. Detail
05.03.11 3338426 Detail
05.03.11 mrH Detail
05.03.11 BEAT Detail
28.02.11 Chrizz Detail
23.02.11 4886220 Detail
23.02.11 3764718 Detail
22.02.11 ociN Detail
21.02.11 JuSt Detail
19.02.11 5040626 Detail
19.02.11 2333945 Detail
19.02.11 4215232 Detail
09.02.11 3338426 Detail
08.02.11 EZLIFE Detail
08.02.11 5191913 Detail
19.01.11 2709694 Detail
18.01.11 RiprSVK Detail
18.01.11 3004657 Detail
16.01.11 1594209 Detail
16.01.11 rubEnh Detail
21.12.10 RazoG Detail
21.12.10 1735988 Detail
06.12.10 SolettiH Detail
05.12.10 Geni Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder
created to rating comment match
18.03.12 dns Detail
18.03.12 N1roxis Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
24.04.11 2311550 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aim Ladder
created to rating comment match
20.01.11 1769085 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
20.06.10 2693102 flame Detail
01.06.10 2783559 Detail
01.06.10 399787 Detail
25.10.08 2085896 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aim Ladder
created to rating comment match
15.04.10 2190157 Detail
15.04.10 3837324 Detail
03.04.10 4922170 Detail
02.04.10 wekz Detail
02.04.10 4957287 Detail
02.04.10 3011426 Detail
02.04.10 4462394 Detail
19.03.09 3494171 Detail
18.03.09 3749439 Detail
18.03.09 Sheld Detail
17.03.09 3012897 Detail
03.03.09 Grim Detail
09.02.09 2515419 Detail
09.02.09 3073260 Detail
09.02.09 3359559 Detail
21.01.09 Uzzziii Detail
14.01.09 Freelance Detail
12.01.09 3011867 Detail
02.01.09 1318532 Detail
07.12.08 Hqrdest Detail
06.12.08 2901756 Detail
03.12.08 2926522 Detail
03.12.08 3469760 Detail
02.12.08 2403956 Detail
29.11.08 toyeca Detail
26.11.08 3434696 high ping Detail
15.10.08 2846903 Detail
14.10.08 1764792 Detail
14.10.08 2825870 Detail
14.10.08 2910531 Detail
13.10.08 2894157 Detail
13.10.08 2632211 Detail
08.10.08 1250040 Detail
08.10.08 2393604 Detail
08.10.08 2757348 Detail
08.10.08 2558011 Detail
02.10.08 3406626 Detail
02.10.08 SwissbiT Detail
02.10.08 2032207 Detail
02.10.08 3308104 Detail
01.10.08 3068636 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
15.04.10 3837324 Detail
04.04.10 BoSs Detail
02.04.10 pre Detail
02.04.10 4913513 Detail
30.07.09 977065 Detail
22.07.09 Gonz0 Detail
17.07.09 4251599 Detail
15.07.09 3712368 flame Detail
22.05.09 4124608 Detail
13.04.09 xox Detail
03.03.09 3552426 Detail
03.03.09 Björn Detail
23.12.08 3159508 Detail
18.10.08 2104009 Detail
16.10.08 3166061 Detail
25.09.08 2846903 Detail
24.09.08 1754898 Detail
22.09.08 1384616 Detail
22.09.08 3310801 Detail
15.09.08 munxito Detail
15.09.08 1966026 Detail
15.09.08 3048294 Detail
15.09.08 2268646 Detail
14.09.08 carisma Detail
14.09.08 Spymach1ne Detail
14.09.08 elektro_freak n1 player Detail
13.09.08 1394530 gg Detail
13.09.08 adeL gg Detail
11.09.08 2420732 flame Detail
07.09.08 h0rik insult Detail
30.08.08 1995891 nC Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder
created to rating comment match
03.04.10 3305292 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aim Map Summer League
created to rating comment match
24.08.09 2950697 Detail
06.08.09 3425810 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aim Map Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
12.08.09 STEALEr. Detail
06.08.09 N1XBRO Detail
05.08.09 GetOnSenne Detail
03.08.09 4312090 Detail
02.08.09 kOeGy Detail
30.07.09 2280137 Detail
30.07.09 3395621 Detail
27.07.09 2950697 Detail
26.07.09 JONAS Detail
25.07.09 2898065 Detail
22.07.09 3080771 Detail
20.07.09 3004657 Detail
17.07.09 t0zkoparan Detail
17.07.09 1349190 Detail
17.07.09 2027495 Detail
17.07.09 zonderling Detail
17.07.09 j0kerY Detail
16.07.09 zet Detail
13.07.09 4012649 Detail
09.07.09 feelix1 Detail
08.07.09 3973649 Detail
22.04.09 ked Detail
21.04.09 Eh beh Detail
16.04.09 3182778 Detail
16.04.09 1303496 Detail
16.04.09 Nobem Detail
16.04.09 c 0 r r r e Detail
16.04.09 3151981 Detail
15.04.09 1454603 Detail
08.04.09 Cyriuuu Detail
26.03.09 3258750 Detail
26.03.09 2548417 Detail
26.03.09 B o.O Detail
26.03.09 3513791 Detail
26.03.09 2803596 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Fun Yard Cup #1
created to rating comment match
10.08.09 paLa Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 HandGun Cup MR9
created to rating comment match
30.01.09 L E N Z N Detail
30.01.09 sLoX Detail
30.01.09 583431 Detail
30.01.09 2513646 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aim-Map Cup MR9
created to rating comment match
29.01.09 Fastchiller Detail
29.01.09 2391197 Detail
29.01.09 2579170 Detail
29.01.09 jK' gg Detail
ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
28.12.08 2513646 Detail
27.12.08 3366113 Detail
27.12.08 688529 Detail
CS 1.6 Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
created to rating comment match
25.12.08 INAKTIVCOCO Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Aimmap 1on1 Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
10.12.08 Whizzler Detail
08.12.08 Trabbi Detail
06.11.08 3564758 Detail
01.11.08 2873683 Detail
21.10.08 2727765 Detail
15.10.08 n_N Detail
15.10.08 d. Detail
15.10.08 3165101 Detail
28.09.08 2834816 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aimmap CUP
created to rating comment match
09.12.08 quaKe Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Standard Map Cup
created to rating comment match
25.11.08 INAKTIVCOCO Detail
25.11.08 assa n1 player Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Allrounder Series Season 1 Groupstage
created to rating comment match
18.11.08 Hellkill Detail
18.11.08 2037512 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Octobercup #2
created to rating comment match
06.10.08 3310801 Detail
06.10.08 d. Detail
06.10.08 marc Detail
06.10.08 dnL Detail
06.10.08 Jay Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
14.09.08 1778399 flame spaam usw Detail
28.08.08 2852631 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Summercup #9
created to rating comment match
26.08.08 Doom Detail
26.08.08 692860 Detail