Angelo 'aNg' Collura  id: 2811068
[ Match Ratings ]
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League of Legends 1on1 Quick Cup #3 (06 Febbraio)
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06.02.12 5497027 gg Detail
CoD4 Open Ladder 1on1 Deathmatch Europe
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01.06.10 4091277 gg Detail
Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Desert Eagle Cup
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10.02.09 Peeveswozere gg Detail
Race Driver Grid 1on1 Ladder
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27.10.08 3123122 gg :D Detail
24.10.08 IronMax sempre gg :D Detail
20.10.08 2984831 gg :) Detail
18.10.08 IronMax bellissima Detail
14.10.08 2888823 gg ^^ Detail
14.10.08 3551032 gg bellissima gara Detail
13.10.08 2962360 gg very good Detail
12.10.08 3554248 gg Detail
10.10.08 IronMax gg o.o alien Detail
Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder Old
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18.10.08 2226187 gg mi sn divertito soprattutto a crash xD Detail
18.10.08 2931586 gay smack Detail
17.10.08 Guybrush camp ftw Detail
24.09.08 3119715 Detail
Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
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09.02.08 2302091 gg bravo Detail
04.02.08 2174940 DA PAURA O_O Detail
02.02.08 2389131 Detail
31.01.08 2337806 Detail
28.01.08 2725323 Detail