Marc-Philipp 'x0philipp0x' Miernitzak  id: 2997860
[ Match Ratings ]
[ ratings received ] [ ratings submitted ]

FIFA 17 (One) 1on1 Community Cup #3 Germany
created to rating comment match
01.11.16 10491255 Detail
FIFA 17 (One) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created to rating comment match
30.10.16 DON_VEGA87 Detail
MSN Games Bumper Stars 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
30.09.10 REMIX Detail
24.05.10 4419632 gg <333 Detail
19.04.10 renamed by ESL Detail
11.04.10 2754385 Detail
19.03.10 Staylox Detail
19.03.10 BoBaN_ON Detail
18.03.10 728185 Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Amateur Series
created to rating comment match
20.06.10 CommiDE sehr nett++ Detail
01.05.10 sTiLlLiFe gg Detail
22.04.10 4419632 gg++ der typ ist einfach der beste<3 Detail
17.01.10 596146 Detail
29.12.09 Bella Detail
13.12.09 3476392 Detail
FIFA 10 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
27.05.10 3805834 -- Detail
27.05.10 502093 Detail
27.05.10 h y p e R R Detail
27.05.10 2361183 gg++ bro Detail
27.05.10 2345621 gg Detail
26.05.10 3805834 lern regeln und spielen.. nC Detail
25.05.10 1046259 Detail
25.05.10 krabbe1337 Detail
23.05.10 2515145 unfreundlich ---- so was wie dich hab ich noch nie gesehen Detail
19.05.10 LarsJ gg Detail
18.05.10 4961379 Detail
17.05.10 699521 Detail
17.05.10 1652415 was ein glück!! luck klärt nP Detail
16.05.10 vkpush4 Detail
16.05.10 h y p e R R Detail
15.05.10 1627474 Detail
14.05.10 1562432 Detail
14.05.10 1636649 Detail
20.04.10 1562432 Detail
20.04.10 SaMbA44 Detail
19.04.10 1940789 gg broo Detail
14.04.10 2187161 gg sehr freundlich Detail
14.04.10 1972096 Detail
28.03.10 2140694 Detail
27.03.10 4773432 Detail
27.03.10 3357604 gg meister<3 Detail
27.03.10 2745936 Detail
27.03.10 1940789 so was lächerliches!! Detail
26.03.10 CamaRo gg stark gespielt Detail
26.03.10 2745936 gg++ Detail
26.03.10 2721766 Detail
25.03.10 1686109 Detail
25.03.10 boonhuhn Detail
23.03.10 DeDeck Detail
23.03.10 762465 Detail
20.03.10 vkpush4 Detail
19.03.10 3679430 regelnt?!... letzte min 3:3 ohne sinn Detail
16.03.10 MontevonzoT Detail
16.03.10 K1RB Detail
14.03.10 2763962 Detail
07.03.10 1892156 nC!! Detail
07.03.10 1530824 Detail
19.02.10 4853363 Detail
30.12.09 502093 Detail
30.12.09 iwnkl Detail
30.12.09 2554509 Detail
21.12.09 1103846 Detail
21.12.09 3553960 Detail
21.12.09 2554509 con??! nC Detail
20.12.09 1161687 Detail
20.12.09 3831081 junge du bist so lächerlich con regelnt in der letzte sec ein tor nC regeln..?-- Detail
17.12.09 1492045 Detail
17.12.09 2272818 lächerlich so ne con Detail
16.12.09 4625570 Detail
16.12.09 1972096 Detail
16.12.09 2745936 Detail
16.12.09 mskej Detail
16.12.09 1285760 Detail
15.12.09 3907576 Detail
13.12.09 2880648 Detail
13.12.09 LockDoG Detail
12.12.09 1833764 Detail
12.12.09 3237937 Detail
11.12.09 4627663 Detail
11.12.09 2255139 luckker only Detail
MSN Games Bumper Stars Spontanizzle #3
created to rating comment match
24.05.10 PrD'sTr Detail
24.05.10 2560885 Detail
MSN Games 1on1 Frühjahrscup 2010
created to rating comment match
05.05.10 sTiLlLiFe Detail
30.04.10 q'aos gg++ Detail
20.04.10 kxn Detail
MSN Games Cups Championship Quali 2010
created to rating comment match
25.04.10 sweety gg++++ Detail
21.04.10 KieZ gg sehr sozial!! und freundlich Detail
19.04.10 3742963 gg Detail
FIFA 10 1on1 Bundesliga Ladder
created to rating comment match
19.04.10 vAENN3R gg Detail
25.03.10 ImBaImanu gg<3 Detail
20.02.10 2460151 Detail
12.02.10 Feltonski gg++ Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Blitz Ladder
created to rating comment match
16.04.10 3229365 Detail
27.03.10 3131198 Detail
13.03.10 3033787 Detail
12.03.10 3498354 Detail
12.03.10 4920853 Detail
10.03.10 3242888 gg Detail
10.03.10 titus gg sehr nett Detail
10.03.10 1282276 Detail
10.03.10 3033787 Detail
10.03.10 283052 Detail
14.02.10 3274530 Detail
03.01.10 2261570 Detail
03.01.10 Kimyylein Detail
02.01.10 3369032 Detail
02.01.10 gaxar Detail
02.01.10 Kimyylein Detail
02.01.10 Fame sry luck Detail
19.12.09 1315444 kein screen Detail
17.12.09 Falk3 Detail
16.12.09 q'aos Detail
16.12.09 3783798 Detail
14.12.09 2959167 Detail
13.12.09 Beoking Detail
12.12.09 4597615 Detail
08.12.09 cassy Detail
08.12.09 4634830 Detail
07.12.09 2457108 Detail
07.12.09 PenG Detail
07.12.09 Kimyylein Detail
07.12.09 renamed by ESL Detail
07.12.09 ryze Detail
MSN Games Cups Birthday YB1898
created to rating comment match
01.04.10 FISCHERRRRR Detail
01.04.10 635732 Detail
FIFA 10 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
24.03.10 1561415 Detail
23.03.10 4880581 Detail
23.03.10 1094619 gg digga Detail
19.03.10 wingit Detail
19.03.10 Geo0rge Detail
19.02.10 4478679 Detail
17.02.10 1456652 Detail
15.02.10 1842355 Detail
15.02.10 4600692 con?! Detail
15.02.10 1878981 Detail
MSN Games Mixed Bumper Stars Spontanizzle #2
created to rating comment match
08.03.10 Quick gg Detail
08.03.10 HiGh TeNsIoN Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
18.02.10 2548713 Detail
02.01.10 Fame Detail
12.12.09 1984184 Detail
MSN Games Bowling 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
14.02.10 4735353 Detail
02.01.10 Fame Detail
02.01.10 4079983 Detail
21.12.09 3521387 Detail
19.12.09 1085435 Detail
13.12.09 4079983 Detail
11.12.09 jULE. Detail
07.12.09 1669424 Detail
07.12.09 1621678 Detail
MSN Games Cups ESL Wintergames 2010
created to rating comment match
13.02.10 1601334 gg Detail
13.02.10 NoS gg Detail
13.02.10 3742963 Detail
13.02.10 sushi Detail
13.02.10 2577549 Detail
MSN Games Uno Uno 1on1 Spontanizzle Cup #7
created to rating comment match
12.02.10 Bella Detail
12.02.10 4419632 gg sehr netter gegner Detail
12.02.10 3666894 Detail
MSN Games Mixed Winter Marathon
created to rating comment match
24.01.10 3332972 Detail
19.01.10 2577549 Detail
18.01.10 Speedy114 Detail
MSN Games Cups Birthday Bella
created to rating comment match
17.01.10 random Detail
ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
04.01.10 2401880 Detail
04.01.10 Fame Detail
31.12.09 faz_ay_jo Detail
16.12.09 2404859 Detail
MSN Games Bowling 1on1 Blitz Ladder
created to rating comment match
02.01.10 3320624 Detail
02.01.10 Fame Detail
02.01.10 4079983 Detail
21.12.09 4419632 Detail
17.12.09 1622996 Detail
14.12.09 2404859 Detail
13.12.09 3626181 Detail
13.12.09 Beoking Detail
13.12.09 4079983 Detail
11.12.09 Stolz und Ehre Detail
10.12.09 KieZ Detail
10.12.09 murd3r Detail
09.12.09 2840940 Detail
09.12.09 3190393 Detail
08.12.09 murd3r Detail
08.12.09 3728448 Detail
08.12.09 1625137 Detail
07.12.09 3039085 Detail
07.12.09 2123254 gg Detail
Blub Game 1on1 Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
02.01.10 4542541 Detail
30.12.09 3735971 Detail
30.12.09 3660917 Detail
MSN Games Mixed Mixed Neujahrscup Spontanizzle #1
created to rating comment match
01.01.10 q'aos Detail
01.01.10 Speedy114 Detail
MSN Games RPS Online 1on1 Blitz Ladder
created to rating comment match
16.12.09 3783798 Detail
12.12.09 3190393 Detail
08.12.09 3783798 Detail
MSN Games Rock, Paper, Scissors 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
12.12.09 3190393 Detail
10.12.09 3665403 Detail
10.12.09 4511099 flam of pls Detail
08.12.09 3783798 Detail
MSN Games 7 Hand Poker 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
12.12.09 3190393 Detail
MSN Games Tic-A-Tac Poker 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
11.12.09 2754385 gg Detail
MSN Games Bowling 1on1 Spontanizzle Cup #1
created to rating comment match
06.12.09 Stolz und Ehre Detail
06.12.09 2754385 Detail