Samy 'Stooflex' Smail  id: 3120665
[ Match Ratings ]
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MSN Games Cup FunCup #9 - Tirs aux Buts !
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15.07.12 5131602 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 AWP Ladder
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09.07.12 LorD Detail
29.05.12 5480732 Detail
MSN Games Cup CupSeries #20 - Bumper Stars !
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15.06.12 5530938 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 HG AIM Ladder
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29.05.12 hartx Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Fast Cup King Of aim_icemap
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23.05.12 n00iT Detail
23.05.12 AngA Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 AWP Ladder
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28.03.12 5827118 Detail
21.03.12 5827118 Detail
04.12.11 5846381 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder
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26.03.12 6571227 Detail
21.03.12 5827118 Detail
OMGPOP FleetFighter 1on1 Ladder
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20.03.12 MAKESS' Detail
19.03.12 5817257 Detail
18.03.12 4269068 Detail
OMGPOP Booya 1on1 Ladder
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20.03.12 5602257 Detail
19.03.12 5817257 Detail
OMGPOP Putt Putt Penguin 1on1 Ladder
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18.03.12 4269068 Detail
15.03.12 4269068 Detail
08.03.12 4269068 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Ladder
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10.10.11 4175827 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 HG AIM Ladder
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27.08.11 3448031 Detail
20.03.10 2079017 Detail
20.03.10 MATTHEW Detail
18.03.10 niko Detail
MSN Games Pierre Feuille Ciseaux 1on1 Ladder
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18.09.10 4840260 Detail
19.03.10 4386007 Detail
19.03.10 3862318 Detail
19.03.10 bOSZZORRR- Detail
18.03.10 1976961 Detail
18.03.10 3862318 Detail
18.03.10 kero Detail
18.03.10 2584165 Detail
18.03.10 AzQ Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Turbo Ladder
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31.08.10 4481102 Detail
23.04.10 4758157 Detail
23.04.10 3596634 Detail
24.03.10 4168943 Detail
24.03.10 2079017 Detail
24.03.10 3752249 Detail
20.03.10 3206891 Detail
20.03.10 2079017 Detail
20.03.10 4662545 Detail
19.03.10 4273720 Detail
18.03.10 2050545 Detail
17.03.10 1699133 Detail
17.03.10 1753082 Detail
17.03.10 4034908 Detail
17.03.10 3921785 Detail
15.03.10 2584165 Detail
MSN Games Rock, Paper, Scissors 1on1 Ladder
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01.04.10 2953420 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 AWP Speedstrike
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01.04.10 4897412 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 AWP Ladder
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20.03.10 2444150 Detail
18.03.10 KpA Detail
13.02.10 2657130 Detail
12.11.08 3328219 Detail
09.11.08 3232060 Detail
08.11.08 3073260 Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
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18.03.10 bishop Detail
18.03.10 3610325 Detail
18.03.10 2693102 Detail
17.03.10 aka. Bagalut Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
25.02.10 4228351 Detail
24.01.10 3143521 Detail
23.01.10 3725773 Detail
14.04.09 1751133 Detail
04.04.09 3337346 Detail
03.04.09 3050192 Detail
29.03.09 2831324 Detail
27.03.09 3873238 Detail
27.03.09 2939016 Detail
22.03.09 3143521 Detail
21.03.09 3713847 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder Old
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14.06.09 Flou Detail
06.05.09 2583344 Detail
27.03.09 Ar3s Detail
22.03.09 mthw_ Detail
22.03.09 SomebodY Detail
22.03.09 pesHH Detail
21.03.09 1993605 Detail
21.03.09 2750587 Detail
21.03.09 2005885 Detail
20.03.09 2198298 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aim Ladder
created to rating comment match
23.02.09 XSOO Detail
12.11.08 3309300 Detail
08.11.08 3073260 Detail