PezJoe  id: 3216059
[ Match Ratings ]
[ ratings received ] [ ratings submitted ]

War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 Quick Ladder
created to rating comment match
31.08.12 7124925 GG++ Detail
21.08.12 7078900 nice game Detail
War Rock Open Ladder 1on1 CQC Quick Europe
created to rating comment match
11.07.11 6020753 gg Detail
11.07.11 5343545 Detail
11.07.11 4323468 Detail
11.07.11 5670976 Detail
01.07.11 5959534 gg Detail
29.06.11 3366200 gg Detail
29.06.11 4898421 Detail
27.06.11 4096593 Detail
25.06.11 5575442 gg Detail
25.06.11 5929560 lag Detail
23.06.11 2260496 Detail
21.06.11 5201574 gg correct player Detail
08.06.11 5959599 Detail
06.06.11 patz Detail
25.05.11 5458825 gg Detail
12.12.09 4393990 gg Detail
09.12.09 naStar0 Detail
27.11.09 Capitano Barbanera Detail
26.10.09 4091331 gg Detail
08.10.09 4010336 Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
11.07.11 4450422 Detail
30.06.11 4450422 Detail
27.06.11 3321169 Detail
22.06.11 5031118 ++ Detail
War Rock Open Ladder 1on1 CQC Sniper Europe
created to rating comment match
21.06.11 4595943 Detail
01.12.09 3580516 Detail
08.11.09 METRA lag more v.v Detail
08.11.09 irfandu69 GG Detail
08.11.09 3366200 GG i like your gaming style Detail
04.11.09 4517572 wht ssg :( Detail
27.10.09 4091331 GG. Detail
22.10.09 4147220 Detail
24.07.09 2309929 very nice player and nice aim too Detail
20.06.09 2870012 much lag italian connection sick... Detail
10.06.09 2912577 n1 ping però troppo lag :( Detail
07.06.09 3302204 gg, but today server lag. italy connection suck.. Detail
08.05.09 2415193 gg very nice aim Detail
07.05.09 3229115 me hanno detto che sai chekkinà! Detail
07.05.09 2470067 GG man i have got luck today :P Detail
07.05.09 3490103 GG non sfidarmi nella ladder ita xDD Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 Quick Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
05.09.10 3255621 gg nice aim Detail
31.08.10 Mattiuccio GG++ Detail
13.05.10 2953826 Detail
05.05.10 5044503 gg Detail
02.05.10 4899784 Detail
30.04.10 5028058 gg Detail
12.04.10 4605463 gg Detail
05.03.10 3515994 Detail
22.02.10 4865307 gg Detail
22.02.10 4338631 gg Detail
20.02.10 4311108 gg ++ Detail
19.02.10 4836188 gg Detail
18.02.10 4058385 Detail
18.02.10 4192184 gg Detail
18.02.10 4071473 gg Detail
18.02.10 4028912 gg Detail
17.02.10 4845735 gg Detail
16.02.10 4828911 gg Detail
16.02.10 4150544 gg Detail
16.02.10 Nikucata gg Detail
15.02.10 Nesli gg Detail
14.02.10 3103821 Detail
25.11.09 4111155 GG Detail
23.11.09 3888215 GG. Detail
21.11.09 4076991 GG Detail
14.11.09 3893718 gg Detail
08.11.09 4525753 GG Detail
08.11.09 ExA mellow GG Detail
27.10.09 4352092 GG Detail
26.10.09 4155123 gg andre Detail
22.10.09 4447716 gg Detail
04.10.09 3321169 Detail
04.10.09 2928778 Detail
03.10.09 3460187 gg Detail
03.02.09 Aiirstrike bella froz333n Detail
27.01.09 Predator ^^bella^^ Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 Handgun Ladder
created to rating comment match
13.05.10 2066682 gg Detail
13.04.10 4192184 GG Detail
21.11.09 4076991 gg Detail
06.11.09 4356208 GG Detail
28.10.09 4492641 GG! Detail
27.10.09 4244430 gg Detail
22.10.09 4447716 GG. Detail
11.10.09 3474332 GG Detail
04.10.09 2485595 gg! Detail
03.10.09 3356846 Detail
03.10.09 4038114 GG Detail
29.09.09 4206442 GG Detail
29.09.09 4441196 G!! Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 Sniper Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
27.04.10 2943149 gg++ Detail
13.12.09 4447716 Detail
16.11.09 3801622 Detail
14.11.09 3836784 Detail
08.11.09 4258875 GG Detail
08.11.09 2489443 GG Detail
06.11.09 4546683 GG nice aim Detail
04.11.09 3114544 GG Detail
02.11.09 4525753 Good Game. Detail
31.10.09 4492641 GG. Detail
29.10.09 4505022 Detail
28.10.09 3689244 GG Detail
26.10.09 4155123 GG Detail
26.10.09 4352092 GG Detail
25.10.09 4505806 GG Detail
24.10.09 3416739 lag Detail
22.10.09 4447716 Gg Detail
20.10.09 3313927 GG nice aim Detail
18.10.09 3774064 GG Detail
11.10.09 4478118 GG Detail
11.10.09 4409586 GG Detail
07.10.09 3377318 gg Detail
04.10.09 2608283 GG Detail
04.10.09 3718063 GG Detail
04.10.09 4147220 Detail
03.10.09 4447716 GG!!! Detail
03.10.09 3460187 Detail
29.09.09 3580516 GG! Detail
29.09.09 illidas bella partita, nice aim Detail
19.08.09 4103315 Detail
16.08.09 3686639 gg Detail
16.08.09 3505365 GG Detail
16.08.09 Predator gg Detail
16.08.09 3515994 GG Detail
25.07.09 4135010 bella lord! Detail
25.07.09 4284891 bravo player good aim Detail
25.07.09 3628709 bel match gg Detail
25.07.09 4285693 GG Detail
24.06.09 4108774 gg tonino Detail
24.06.09 4103315 gg... Detail
08.06.09 3215426 bella thak1 Detail
08.06.09 4155123 GG Detail
27.05.09 4071078 bella, alla prossima Detail
27.05.09 4151786 GG ottima mira, mette in difficoltà è molto tattico ^^ Detail
12.05.09 4108774 gg omo alla prossima Detail
12.05.09 3320664 gg Detail
11.05.09 4103315 GG, ma ti consiglio di accettare sfide con player di rank inferiore xD Detail
09.05.09 x B r o S GG Detail
09.05.09 3836784 GG Detail
09.05.09 2946041 GG Detail
08.05.09 3572948 GG bella sfida Detail
06.05.09 En333rgy gg un pò di lag ma np Detail
06.05.09 3467177 bella! è stata una partita all\'ultimo respiro Detail
05.05.09 3215426 GG Detail
05.05.09 3759360 GG :P Detail
03.05.09 4010854 Bella Tyrons :P Detail
24.03.09 3250038 GG Detail
22.03.09 3788285 GG Detail
20.03.09 2279913 Gg Detail
19.03.09 3229115 Ridicule Player :P Detail
19.03.09 3320664 bella dai, allenati un pò m24 ;O Detail
19.03.09 3877508 Gg Detail
17.03.09 3466653 Gg Detail
17.03.09 3255758 nice aim Detail
16.03.09 gAlbu Good Game Detail
03.03.09 3606085 gg Detail
22.02.09 3197145 bella sfida! Detail
22.02.09 3868339 ^^ bella sfida ^^ Detail
21.02.09 3558163 ^^ bella sfida ^^ Detail
20.02.09 3589103 ^^ bella sfida ^^ Detail
19.02.09 3086175 Detail
19.02.09 3557960 ^^ bella sfida ^^ Detail
19.02.09 3627553 buon player Detail
08.02.09 3229115 ^^ nice aimbot ^^ Detail
04.02.09 3501378 bella nice aim! :P Detail
03.02.09 Aiirstrike nice aim :( Detail
27.01.09 2943149 nice aim ^^ Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 KotH Dicembre 09
created to rating comment match
13.12.09 4010854 gg Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 Autumn Cup 2009
created to rating comment match
11.12.09 3698099 Detail
10.12.09 AydreZ GG Detail
04.12.09 4013720 GG Detail
01.12.09 4525154 gg Detail
War Rock Open Ladder 1on1 CQC Khyber Corner Europe
created to rating comment match
01.12.09 3580516 gg Detail
01.12.09 4358741 cfospeed more Detail
30.11.09 3216284 Detail
25.11.09 2596788 GG Detail
25.11.09 3488079 Detail
17.11.09 ZENZEN Detail
14.11.09 2767470 gg Detail
13.11.09 3420032 gg Detail
11.11.09 nNck gg Detail
11.11.09 3716338 gg Detail
07.11.09 2484524 Detail
04.11.09 Prohunter Detail
04.11.09 3321169 Detail
03.11.09 3182902 gg. Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 MP5K Night Cup
created to rating comment match
27.11.09 3188606 Detail
27.11.09 3375238 GG man very intensive match Detail
27.11.09 3367648 GG Detail
27.11.09 2519088 GG Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
23.11.09 4447716 GG Detail
16.08.09 3505365 bella Detail
16.08.09 4155123 GG Detail
16.08.09 3686639 bug user on xauen (guadare attraverso muri base derb) Detail
28.05.09 4038347 GG Detail
27.05.09 3939920 GG Detail
03.02.09 Aiirstrike bella ^^ Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 KotH Ottobre 09
created to rating comment match
14.10.09 3356846 Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 SteelSeries Summer Cup '09
created to rating comment match
09.08.09 2519088 GG Detail