osa  id: 3332279
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PokerTH Spring League 2017 - Award + Premium!
created to rating comment match
19.05.17 noizy Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
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06.05.17 C.Style Detail
25.04.17 C.Style Detail
24.04.17 Jawie Detail
07.10.10 5245071 hahhahah noob! Detail
18.09.10 johNNy Detail
28.08.10 4875627 Detail
28.08.10 OneShoot Detail
28.08.10 5276657 Detail
28.08.10 yeRbaN1z '.' Detail
28.08.10 Own3d Detail
28.08.10 hohoy0 Detail
28.08.10 OneShoot Detail
28.08.10 4853175 Detail
27.08.10 5232149 Detail
27.08.10 OneShoot Detail
CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
created to rating comment match
26.09.16 NoOr KiLlEr Detail
24.09.16 Splendid Detail
28.08.16 rAzkey Detail
25.07.16 5230139 Detail
28.03.15 KARZET Detail
13.01.14 krayzN Detail
13.01.14 728514 Detail
24.01.13 SoleVita Detail
23.01.13 wizbaLL_ Detail
23.01.13 2272905 Detail
23.01.13 6263668 Detail
23.01.13 sk4b unfair opponent, winner because i have lagg and i\'am afk Detail
23.01.13 2895370 Detail
23.01.13 2272905 Detail
22.01.13 papeR Detail
22.01.13 rss___ Detail
22.01.13 2272905 Detail
22.01.13 4282610 Detail
22.01.13 pyh Detail
21.01.13 5894902 Detail
21.01.13 5846176 Detail
17.01.13 camelow Detail
17.01.13 774564 Detail
17.01.13 KubiK Detail
17.01.13 4000818 Detail
17.01.13 camelow Detail
17.01.13 2091263 Detail
17.01.13 besBurger Detail
17.01.13 5008382 Detail
11.01.13 tskm Detail
11.01.13 pyh Detail
10.01.13 feelix1 Detail
10.01.13 1580289 Detail
10.01.13 adrianit0 Detail
10.01.13 1074589 Detail
10.01.13 5694698 Detail
08.01.13 6801138 Detail
08.01.13 6963214 Detail
08.01.13 7241432 Detail
08.01.13 akmaster23 Detail
06.01.13 6801138 Detail
CS 1.6 Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
created to rating comment match
27.06.12 dav1d bg, opponent is lower, but my ping is to high.. Detail
15.06.12 Fement Detail
15.06.12 2671882 Detail
15.06.12 awek Detail
14.06.12 3740584 Detail
11.06.12 Fement Detail
14.07.11 4785486 Detail
14.07.11 1950549 Detail
13.07.11 v1ta Detail
13.07.11 4386468 Detail
13.07.11 3830289 Detail
25.04.11 bogi Detail
24.04.11 earsonn- Detail
24.04.11 1239403 Detail
23.04.11 mali Detail
23.04.11 5092632 Detail
22.04.11 3603353 Detail
12.04.11 1707548 Detail
12.04.11 665255 Detail
09.04.11 5449856 Detail
05.04.11 864004 Detail
01.04.11 sucukmeister Detail
24.03.11 cerlap Detail
24.03.11 FuME Detail
01.02.11 2983111 Detail
27.12.10 2969777 Detail
26.12.10 1175503 Detail
26.12.10 BJM Detail
26.12.10 2406322 unfrendly Detail
25.12.10 4026474 Detail
25.12.10 3545555 Detail
25.12.10 zymo Detail
24.12.10 2353383 fucking server Detail
24.12.10 avix Detail
24.12.10 killz Detail
23.12.10 3403577 Detail
23.12.10 zapmaN low, but i have 100ms and his 8.. Detail
07.10.10 4238461 Detail
07.10.10 1992233 Detail
06.10.10 2158169 Detail
06.10.10 killz Detail
03.10.10 3731602 Detail
05.09.10 dendo Detail
30.08.10 3690990 Detail
Blub Game Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created to rating comment match
15.06.12 5396505 Detail
07.08.11 Escape the Fate Detail
20.07.11 5670971 Detail
20.07.11 relax.-r lags Detail
20.07.11 MILO Detail
CS 1.6 Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe
created to rating comment match
15.06.12 5104060 Detail
15.06.12 iyon Detail
23.04.11 1175503 Detail
23.04.11 3854323 Detail
22.04.11 mh Detail
22.04.11 4946067 Detail
22.04.11 3471055 Detail
06.10.10 3881247 Detail
06.10.10 664987 Detail
06.10.10 bRaUnA Detail
19.09.10 4834972 Detail
19.09.10 HEUER Detail
19.09.10 EssoX Detail
19.09.10 3466181 Detail
19.09.10 flax Detail
19.09.10 4834972 Detail
Blub Game 1on1 Summer Cup
created to rating comment match
17.08.11 2451104 Detail
Blub Game 1on1 Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
18.07.11 3430345 Detail
18.07.11 5350173 Detail
13.07.11 4433374 Detail
13.07.11 5059752 Detail
13.07.11 3171057 Detail
09.07.11 Egu Detail
09.07.11 k31b0000 Detail
08.07.11 MILO Detail
08.07.11 4371736 Detail
08.07.11 5342099 Detail
08.07.11 4710055 Detail
08.07.11 4859478 Detail
22.04.11 4495139 Detail
22.04.11 MILO Detail
22.04.11 4810641 Detail
22.04.11 5628771 Detail
15.04.11 4946190 Detail
Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
13.07.11 3610138 Detail
09.07.11 5869895 Detail
24.04.11 3469111 Detail
09.04.11 k0r Detail
26.12.10 3991808 Detail
21.11.10 5245080 Detail
18.09.10 3463571 Detail
16.09.10 5269131 Detail
05.09.10 3665362 Detail
Counter-Strike AWP 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
09.07.11 3810554 Detail
09.07.11 5497805 Detail
Counter-Strike Funmap 2on2 Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
08.07.11 3786244 Detail
25.04.11 5641687 Detail
24.04.11 INVERT Detail
24.04.11 3296786 Detail
24.04.11 Ai No Corrida Detail
24.04.11 4598843 Detail
24.04.11 5840266 Detail
24.04.11 5065335 Detail
24.04.11 5763570 Detail
27.12.10 2085666 Detail
27.12.10 1175503 only resp Detail
27.12.10 Ai No Corrida Detail
27.12.10 3891539 Detail
27.12.10 4493903 Detail
27.12.10 phlOdx Detail
26.12.10 4488782 Detail
26.12.10 movil Detail
26.12.10 4295079 Detail
26.12.10 3430184 Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 Funmap Ladder
created to rating comment match
29.06.11 manyon Detail
Kurnik Chinczyk 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
25.04.11 4772183 Detail
23.04.11 4389330 Detail
09.04.11 OPTIUMUS PRIME Detail
02.04.11 4247575 Detail
02.04.11 4283122 Detail
01.04.11 5121221 Detail
CS 1.6 Open Ladder 1on1 MR12 Europe
created to rating comment match
23.04.11 tskm Detail
23.04.11 F R E E S T Y L E Detail
23.04.11 4551498 Detail
22.04.11 davidsoNp Detail
12.04.11 Liquid25 Detail
09.04.11 4048187 Detail
05.04.11 alaKrity Detail
05.04.11 5771719 Detail
05.04.11 2011608 Detail
05.04.11 829321 Detail
03.04.11 crayyy Detail
03.04.11 5771719 Detail
01.04.11 sLack Detail
24.12.10 cRonitE fucking idiot, fucking server, fucking low Detail
21.11.10 2363441 Detail
21.11.10 608627 Detail
21.11.10 4660960 Detail
21.11.10 zapmaN Detail
Blub Game 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
22.04.11 4840509 Detail
22.04.11 5628771 Detail
18.04.11 4495139 Detail
Kurnik Pan 1on1 Ladder
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28.03.11 4524519 Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 MR15 Puchar Polski ESL
created to rating comment match
16.09.10 1937282 Detail