Krzysztof 'Zizou' Kępiński  id: 3541318
[ Match Ratings ]
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Go4Hearthstone Poland Finał Grudzień
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12.01.19 7064134 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Cup #8
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18.12.18 11059629 Detail
18.12.18 11441666 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Cup #7
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11.12.18 8984047 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Cup #6
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04.12.18 Pawlacz Detail
04.12.18 13045315 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Cup #5
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27.11.18 6083599 Detail
27.11.18 8574055 Detail
27.11.18 12414941 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Cup #4
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20.11.18 10975417 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Cup #3
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13.11.18 11646166 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Cup #1
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30.10.18 4858649 Detail
30.10.18 6355671 Detail
ESL Mistrzostwa Polski Sezon 17 Qualifier #3 Swiss
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25.09.18 12839623 Detail
ESL Mistrzostwa Polski Sezon 17 Qualifier #2 Swiss
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23.09.18 8935791 Detail
23.09.18 10283938 Detail
22.09.18 6457006 Detail
22.09.18 10795082 Detail
22.09.18 12332892 Detail
22.09.18 11886216 Detail
22.09.18 12332112 Detail
ESL Mistrzostwa Polski Sezon 17 Qualifier #1 Swiss
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18.09.18 Pilewar Detail
18.09.18 12667230 Detail
18.09.18 8114457 Detail
18.09.18 Americano Detail
18.09.18 9771182 Detail
ESL Mistrzostwa Polski Sezon 16 Qualifier #4
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04.04.18 6811085 Detail
ESL Mistrzostwa Polski Sezon 16 Qualifier #3
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31.03.18 9871511 Detail
ESL Mistrzostwa Polski Sezon 16 Qualifier #2
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28.03.18 6554235 Detail
ESL Mistrzostwa Polski Sezon 16 Qualifier #1
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24.03.18 12336937 Detail
24.03.18 11945139 Detail
Hearthstone 1on1 Play4Fun Finał Październik Poland
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19.11.17 Nimpus Detail
19.11.17 9025577 Detail
Hearthstone 1on1 Play4Fun Standard #62 Poland
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11.10.17 8269471 Detail
11.10.17 5604365 Detail
11.10.17 9438977 Detail
11.10.17 10733237 Detail
11.10.17 11701406 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Finał Wrzesien
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07.10.17 8363389 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Cup #70
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27.09.17 10532396 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Cup #69
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25.09.17 zahorde Detail
25.09.17 11714599 Detail
25.09.17 olaf86 Detail
25.09.17 8878729 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Cup #68
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23.09.17 11740894 Detail
23.09.17 Azn Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Cup #67
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21.09.17 11686182 Detail
21.09.17 5581106 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Cup #65
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15.09.17 9798789 Detail
15.09.17 9798789 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Cup #62
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28.08.17 8878729 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Cup #61
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26.08.17 11641030 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Cup #59
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22.08.17 5581106 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Finał Lipiec
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19.08.17 9236838 Detail
19.08.17 9254707 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Cup #56
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07.08.17 10795082 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Cup #55
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03.08.17 11545954 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Cup #53
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27.07.17 9254707 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Cup #52
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25.07.17 8818891 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Cup #50
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19.07.17 11323270 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Finał Czerwiec
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15.07.17 9239437 Detail
15.07.17 9252327 Detail
15.07.17 11217966 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Cup #49
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12.07.17 6648634 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Cup #48
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08.07.17 olaf86 Detail
08.07.17 10891567 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Cup #47
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04.07.17 9236838 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Cup #46
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28.06.17 8818891 Detail
28.06.17 Djkm Detail
28.06.17 11449119 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Poland Cup #45
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26.06.17 Jahu Detail
26.06.17 9210890 Detail
26.06.17 Sevel Detail
Hearthstone 1on1 Open Cup Series #16 Poland
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17.10.16 8792215 Detail
Hearthstone 1on1 Play4Fun #31 Poland
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12.03.16 9855203 Detail
12.03.16 8058964 Detail
ESL Hearthstone Legendary Series Katowice #1 - Europe
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08.02.16 9809569 Detail
08.02.16 9537587 Detail
Hearthstone 1on1 Play4Fun #24 Poland
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09.01.16 9743234 Detail
09.01.16 9073933 Detail
09.01.16 9165182 Detail
Hearthstone 1on1 Play4Fun #21 Poland
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10.12.15 4775317 Detail
Hearthstone Summer Cup #6 Poland
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05.08.15 9244132 Detail
Hearthstone Summer Cup #4 Poland
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29.07.15 8481091 Detail
29.07.15 Grezio Detail
29.07.15 7561646 Detail
29.07.15 4973665 Detail
29.07.15 arek2597 Detail
Hearthstone 1on1 Play4Fun #9 Poland
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16.07.15 ShadowShadet Detail
16.07.15 8436717 Detail
16.07.15 9069579 Detail
FIFA 15 Mistrzostwa Polski PC VIII tura kwalifikacyjna
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13.01.15 7539984 Detail
13.01.15 8163099 Detail
13.01.15 8234376 Detail
13.01.15 3068641 Detail
FIFA 15 Mistrzostwa Polski PC V tura kwalifikacyjna
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02.01.15 8250897 Detail
FIFA14 (FUT) Mistrzostwa Polski PC 6 turniej kwalifikacyjny
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29.03.14 7356157 Detail
28.03.14 8152177 Detail
28.03.14 8216370 Detail
FIFA14 (FUT) Mistrzostwa Polski PC 5 turniej kwalifikacyjny
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18.03.14 7846936 Detail
18.03.14 8228252 Detail
18.03.14 8215398 Detail
FIFA14 (FUT) Mistrzostwa Polski PC 4 turniej kwalifikacyjny
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07.03.14 XejDom Detail
FIFA 14 IEM Poland 1 turniej kwalifikacyjny
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24.02.14 7084073 Detail
24.02.14 7525640 Detail
24.02.14 7824979 Detail
FIFA14 (FUT) Mistrzostwa Polski PC A-Series
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19.02.14 bejott Detail
12.02.14 cyanide Detail
12.02.14 8156392 Detail
12.02.14 Krycha Detail
11.02.14 sroka Detail
11.02.14 5283956 Detail
09.02.14 3532110 Detail
FIFA14 (FUT) Mistrzostwa Polski PC 1 turniej kwalifikacyjny
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15.02.14 8153778 Detail
15.02.14 8182224 Detail
14.02.14 6506144 Detail
14.02.14 8152374 Detail
14.02.14 8211527 Detail
FIFA 12 PC 1on1 Ladder
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03.07.12 Krycha Detail
03.07.12 br0 Detail
11.04.12 MICHALGRO11 Detail
09.04.12 6495871 Detail
07.04.12 emka Detail
07.04.12 5354015 Detail
07.04.12 AIFI Detail
03.04.12 4923732 Detail
13.03.12 4923732 Detail
11.03.12 6299546 Detail
11.03.12 4520369 Detail
09.03.12 6644255 Detail
09.03.12 LisekHD Detail
09.03.12 6428044 Detail
09.03.12 6428044 Detail
09.03.12 Kacpil Detail
09.03.12 2299945 Detail
07.03.12 4923732 Detail
07.03.12 6428044 Detail
06.03.12 5362051 Detail
06.03.12 4923732 Detail
29.02.12 5555639 Detail
28.02.12 6495871 Detail
28.02.12 6299546 Detail
27.02.12 5362523 Detail
18.02.12 4923732 Detail
27.01.12 Miris Detail
29.12.11 Krzyska Detail
27.12.11 hom3r Detail
27.12.11 5347283 Detail
23.12.11 6376802 Detail
23.12.11 6260217 Detail
23.12.11 3114221 Detail
22.12.11 Krzyska Detail
22.12.11 4923732 Detail
22.12.11 5362523 Detail
20.12.11 Krzyska Detail
20.12.11 dzejkob05 Detail
20.12.11 Memez Detail
20.12.11 5362523 Detail
16.12.11 5955136 Detail
12.12.11 Krzyska gra bez mozgu Detail
12.12.11 2299945 Detail
12.12.11 mrn Detail
09.12.11 br0 Detail
08.12.11 bejott Detail
07.12.11 DominatoR Detail
07.12.11 AIFI Detail
07.12.11 4688872 Detail
05.12.11 Krycha Detail
05.12.11 2393623 Detail
05.12.11 5478550 Detail
04.12.11 4716059 Detail
04.12.11 4688872 Detail
04.12.11 4067606 Detail
04.12.11 5478550 Detail
04.12.11 Miris Detail
04.12.11 5362523 Detail
04.12.11 Krzyska Detail
02.12.11 4716059 Detail
02.12.11 br0 Detail
02.12.11 Kamilovsky15 Detail
01.12.11 6355778 Detail
ESL Pro Series Season 4 FIFA 12 1on1 Faza finałowa
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23.06.12 bejott Detail
ESL Pro Series Season 4 FIFA 12 1on1 PC
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16.05.12 cziko Detail
16.05.12 KarteKpL Detail
01.05.12 Cou Detail
23.04.12 3532110 Detail
19.04.12 bejott Detail
19.04.12 1951107 Detail
12.04.12 5362523 Detail
05.04.12 Bartas Detail
01.04.12 Falcon Detail
29.03.12 Jason Detail
28.03.12 1008740 Detail
20.03.12 Jaszczu23 Detail
18.03.12 Snavi Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Turniej eliminacyjny do kadry Polski FIFA12
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15.03.12 D4viD___pl Detail
13.03.12 GregoreK Detail
07.03.12 Baszczyk Detail
ESL Major Series Season X FIFA 12 Qualification Round 1
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06.03.12 iruleds Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Ladder
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27.12.11 6440278 Detail