Kartez  id: 3611634
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Enemy Territory 1on1 Summer Cup '12 #1
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10.09.12 ToHaj Detail
25.08.12 3564208 Detail
Enemy Territory League Winter 2011 1on1 Play Offs
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11.03.12 Docrom Detail
04.03.12 1940846 Detail
26.02.12 wizzem Detail
19.02.12 6115451 Detail
Enemy Territory 1on1 Wire Test Cup #1
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05.02.12 3654945 Detail
05.02.12 2064401 Detail
05.02.12 2010325 Detail
Enemy Territory League Winter 2011 1on1 Part 1
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22.01.12 2990864 Detail
Enemy Territory 1on1 Ladder
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25.12.11 5219370 Detail
20.03.11 R00NNY Detail
06.02.11 957342 Detail
28.01.11 957342 Detail
18.01.11 5381324 Detail
18.01.11 Pannari Detail
17.05.10 1859754 gg wp Detail
22.01.10 2275618 Detail
18.12.09 4548761 Detail
02.12.09 flavis assasine got wrong guids. Detail
20.10.09 SIMOON Detail
18.10.09 2275618 wp Detail
13.09.09 2275618 gg wp Detail
01.09.09 3093379 wp nice player Detail
12.08.09 4308031 leaved, and said \" kurwa\" :x Detail
29.07.09 3634494 wp no complaint. Detail
23.07.09 3931218 wp nice player, hard. Detail
23.07.09 guffy Detail
21.07.09 3243945 wp Detail
09.07.09 3728763 whiner :( Detail
29.06.09 3614481 Detail
23.06.09 3806829 wp nice player no complaint Detail
09.06.09 3728763 nice. Detail
09.06.09 2119287 wp nice player no complaint Detail
06.06.09 coOles hes not fair-play, and I didn\'t see him on first round of huntplace..UPLOAD ALL DEMOS thanks Detail
04.06.09 3134262 Detail
27.05.09 4121236 Wp, gl hf for the future ;o) Detail
26.05.09 4143312 Nice opponent wp. Detail
21.05.09 3243945 Nice opponent, lold @selfkill :D Detail
19.05.09 3448093 No comment Detail
16.05.09 SIMOON Nice opponent, hard :D Detail
14.05.09 2753495 Nice opponent, gl hf in the future (: Detail
13.05.09 SpaceCakezed Detail
12.05.09 3904371 Nice opponent, but need some exp :D Detail
10.05.09 606734 nice opponent, not a whiner :) Detail
10.05.09 3662164 nice player, gl hf in the future ;) Detail
06.05.09 3928875 omg selfkilled again :(((( bad reflex today :/ Detail
06.05.09 2753495 bad reflex on ctf_multi ( selfkilled ) :s Detail
06.05.09 3966004 Nice opponent but he doesn\'t have experience :s Detail
28.04.09 4019115 nice opponent Detail
28.04.09 1859754 He doesn\'t play last round. Detail
25.04.09 3386218 Nice opponent Detail
25.04.09 3928875 nice opponent, gg wp and gl hf for the future Detail
22.04.09 1696747 There was not death after 1 round, because it is a ridiculous camper. Detail
22.04.09 3093379 Detail
31.03.09 3960770 Detail
24.03.09 3662681 GG WP Detail
21.03.09 746577 Spu9 got 999 but nice player :p Detail
18.03.09 3445808 Detail
12.03.09 1449710 Detail
Enemy Territory 1on1 Summer Leagues 2011 Playoffs
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21.08.11 saKen Detail
Enemy Territory 1on1 Summer League 2011 Groupstage
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17.06.11 3964461 Detail
13.06.11 4140339 Detail
10.06.11 5161932 Detail
08.06.11 4347225 Detail
Enemy Territory 1on1 League Summer Playoffs
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28.09.10 3243945 gg wp Detail
13.09.10 HaoKakao Detail
Enemy Territory 1on1 League Summer 2010
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02.08.10 3364516 gl hf for the future Detail
Enemy Territory 1on1 League Spring 2010 Play Offs
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07.06.10 Oneofthem wp Detail
27.05.10 957342 Detail
24.05.10 4014839 Detail
21.05.10 3364516 Detail
Enemy Territory 1on1 League Fall 2009 Part 2
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08.11.09 4443325 wp, watch out for selfkill xd Detail
Enemy Territory 1on1 League Summer 2009 Play Offs
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01.09.09 3639419 insulting Detail
Enemy Territory 1on1 League Summer 2009 Part 1
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28.07.09 3797443 Wp no complaint, not a whiner, nice! Detail
26.07.09 2545866 wp, gl hf for the future Detail
22.07.09 chelmianin But quited + forfeit ctf multi :< Detail