Dennis 'NoctiS' Brand  id: 3815017
[ Match Ratings ]
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S4 League 1on1 ESL Series
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16.02.14 8206732 Gg. Detail
S4 League 1on1 Autumn Cup
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10.11.13 8013292 Gg, anytime! Detail
04.11.13 8023569 Gg. Detail
S4 League Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
04.05.12 5943550 Gg. Detail
03.05.12 6786111 Gg,see you next week. Detail
02.05.12 6640762 Gg. Detail
26.11.11 4940282 Gg. Detail
06.11.11 6275468 Gg. Detail
30.10.11 6275468 Gg Detail
23.10.11 6168401 15 minutes but still gg. Detail
23.10.11 5790532 Gg, sorry for being a bit late. Detail
22.10.11 6268238 Gg. Detail
15.10.11 4663544 Gg. Detail
14.10.11 2104636 Gg. Detail
13.10.11 5943550 Gg Detail
09.10.11 tieX Gg, see you next time! Detail
23.09.11 6166070 Gg. Detail
17.09.11 6130506 Gg, Detail
06.09.11 5479280 Gg. Detail
07.08.11 5144337 Gg. Detail
05.08.11 5626153 Gg. Detail
25.07.11 5850877 Gg,wp. Detail
23.07.11 2104636 Gg,wp. Detail
23.07.11 5664710 Gg. Detail
19.07.11 4855079 Gg. Detail
07.06.11 3890924 Gg Detail
31.05.11 5786769 Gg. Thanks for waiting! Detail
27.05.11 4776712 Gg Detail
26.05.11 5196709 Gg. Detail
27.04.11 5860909 Good game until his lags started. Detail
27.04.11 5745037 Gg. Detail
26.04.11 3822742 Gg. Detail
24.04.11 5720094 Gg,Sorry about my mistakes Detail
17.04.11 3875015 Gg. Detail
05.03.11 5669078 Gg Detail
04.03.11 4663544 Gg,but a bit laggy, we need to replay once the servers are fixed. Detail
02.03.11 4881320 Gg. Detail
21.02.11 5654381 Gg. Detail
20.02.11 5056398 Gg, sorry for the inconveniences. Detail
18.02.11 4863625 Gg. Detail
18.02.11 4486671 Good game! Detail
17.02.11 5639998 Gg. Detail
09.02.11 4567173 Gg. Detail
19.01.11 3708968 Gg. ^-^ Detail
07.01.11 5372942 Gg Detail
14.12.10 4632456 Gg Detail
10.12.10 4852291 Good game. Detail
30.10.10 4854363 Good game. Detail
11.10.10 4821165 Gg <3 Detail
02.09.10 3822742 Gg. Detail
09.06.10 MooNRaN Gg. Detail
04.06.10 4855064 Gg. Detail
19.04.10 4562939 Gg. Detail
11.04.10 4554545 Gg, sorry about the d/c Detail
07.03.10 Snowie Gg Detail
06.03.10 4491495 Gg Ps of doom xD Detail
03.03.10 Du4L Gg! =) Detail
27.02.10 4554545 Detail
22.02.10 4488500 Nice player, good game. Detail
20.11.09 4358843 gg wish i had survived that last one :( Detail
12.11.09 4494674 gg Detail
30.10.09 4488045 fair opponent C: Detail
30.10.09 4203175 gg, ms. aimless C: Detail
20.10.09 3818983 gg :C Detail
19.10.09 3821094 gg. Detail
19.10.09 4494051 Detail
03.10.09 2338231 a one on one is not \"hide and seek\" very lame. Strong player. Detail
30.09.09 4182383 gg Detail
25.09.09 Takku gg circle sucks :< Detail
17.09.09 Naru gg Detail
04.09.09 Ryu gg Detail
26.08.09 4182383 gg,very close last kill :P Detail
23.08.09 1905861 gg Detail
16.07.09 3850268 worst game i ever had,no fun at all. Detail
13.07.09 2247327 Detail
06.07.09 4208967 gg Detail
04.07.09 3846572 gg Detail
18.06.09 3964612 Detail
17.06.09 4112533 Detail
17.06.09 1726660 Detail
S4 League 1on1 Spring Cup1
created to rating comment match
22.04.12 Painmeister Detail
20.04.12 5056398 Gg. Detail
S4 League Deathmatch 1on1 1on1 Autumn Cup
created to rating comment match
06.11.11 5943550 Gg. Detail
06.11.11 746963 Gg, sowrds! Detail
06.11.11 6275468 Gg. Detail
06.11.11 4663544 Gg. Detail
League of Legends EU West 1on1 Old Ladder
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22.08.11 4179474 Gg,wp. Detail
19.08.11 6134068 Gg,wp. Detail
16.08.11 4345573 Gg, well played Detail
05.08.11 6018464 Gg. Detail
21.07.11 5807692 Gg,wp. Detail
S4 League Deathmatch 1on1 Weekend Cup #2
created to rating comment match
11.12.10 3813208 Gg Detail
11.12.10 4852291 Gg Detail
S4 League Versus 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
06.06.10 4971073 Gg Detail
05.06.10 4863897 Gg, Sorry about the sword again.. Detail
14.04.10 3788461 Camper. Detail
27.03.10 4862262 Gg Detail
15.03.10 4853780 Gg Detail
14.03.10 4260152 Gg. Detail
11.03.10 3644083 Gg Detail
10.03.10 4323422 Gg Detail
09.03.10 4859745 Good game :3 Detail
08.03.10 Du4L Detail
08.03.10 4534842 gg. Detail
05.03.10 4162958 Sorry about the laggs =/ Detail
S4 League Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
11.04.10 1752776 Gg =D Detail
14.03.10 2104636 Gg, danke fürs warten! Detail
01.03.10 Qriz Gg =) Detail
19.02.10 4757236 Detail
07.11.09 4203175 gg Detail
20.10.09 4491495 gg Detail
10.10.09 4434675 Detail
28.09.09 4434675 Detail
08.09.09 Ryu gg Detail
26.07.09 3754206 gg Detail
15.07.09 Ryu gg Detail
07.07.09 4178971 gg Detail
02.06.09 3788461 Detail
01.06.09 3817152 Detail
27.05.09 1726660 Detail
25.05.09 4043491 gg Detail
21.05.09 3812117 gg,High skilled&Fair Detail
16.05.09 4033688 Detail
14.05.09 3812117 gg Detail
13.05.09 3782423 gg! Detail
12.05.09 3788461 roofcamp Detail
11.05.09 4100967 gg Detail
10.05.09 1569934 gg Detail
06.05.09 3856478 Detail
26.04.09 1726660 gg Detail
21.04.09 Takku Detail
20.04.09 3812454 Detail
14.04.09 4030733 Detail
10.04.09 2401563 Detail
08.04.09 Qriz gg Detail
05.04.09 2245472 Detail
04.04.09 3948042 Detail
04.04.09 3800187 Detail
27.03.09 3644083 Detail
25.03.09 3601914 Detail
25.03.09 2032712 Detail
13.03.09 2345150 Detail
04.03.09 3788243 Detail
04.03.09 3786296 Detail
25.02.09 3656975 Detail
25.02.09 Shadow Detail
S4 League 1on1 Versus#1
created to rating comment match
15.03.10 4854367 gg Detail
25.02.10 4854909 Gg, sorry about the ap xD Detail
25.02.10 4566029 Gg. =) Detail
25.02.10 4856326 Gg. =) Detail
S4 League 1on1 Weekend Cup #1
created to rating comment match
13.02.10 3813208 Gg. Detail
S4 League Deathmatch Sword 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
10.11.09 4319945 .. Detail
08.11.09 4536689 gg very good player Detail
26.10.09 3802899 gg Detail
21.10.09 4491495 Sry :C Detail
20.10.09 4492426 Detail
16.07.09 Hungry_Hugo. gg Detail
14.07.09 4121567 gg Detail
S4 League 1on1 Spontanizecup#2
created to rating comment match
17.04.09 3644083 Detail