XeNo  id: 3947809
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StarCraft 2 Open Cup #32 Europe
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17.08.20 SKillous Detail
17.08.20 AnT Detail
StarCraft II World Championship Series 2013 Season 2 Challenger League Qualifier #2
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07.07.13 Starbuck Detail
07.07.13 6844022 Detail
StarCraft II World Championship Series 2013 Season 2 Challenger League Qualifier #1
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06.07.13 Socke Detail
06.07.13 6441278 Detail
StarCraft II World Championship Series 2013 Season 1 Challenger League Qualifier #4
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12.05.13 ShadowRoma Retarded Detail
StarCraft II World Championship Series 2013 Season 1 Challenger League Qualifier #3
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11.05.13 NightEnD Detail
11.05.13 5262083 Detail
StarCraft II World Championship Series 2013 Season 1 Challenger League Qualifier #2
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05.05.13 5095105 Detail
StarCraft II World Championship Series 2013 Season 1 Challenger League Qualifier #1
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04.05.13 XlorD Detail
04.05.13 4437264 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #255 - Win €200 (Sun 30.12.12)
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30.12.12 1054541 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #254 - Win €200 (Sun 23.12.12)
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23.12.12 6032440 Detail
23.12.12 5626166 Detail
23.12.12 6140910 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #249 - Win Go4SC2 Points (Wed 05.12.12)
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05.12.12 7101262 Detail
05.12.12 7345158 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #244 - Win Go4SC2 Points (Wed 14.11.12)
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14.11.12 3304394 Detail
14.11.12 3744922 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #210 (Wed 11.07.12) - Qualify for €500 monthly final
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11.07.12 2676003 Detail
11.07.12 3363219 Detail
11.07.12 Aridhol Detail
11.07.12 5630682 Detail
11.07.12 1242489 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #208 (Wed 27.06.12) - Qualify for €500 monthly final
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27.06.12 3593184 Detail
27.06.12 6537438 Detail
StarCraft II Blizzard ESL Qualifier #16
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18.06.12 5272934 Detail
18.06.12 525031 Detail
StarCraft II Blizzard ESL Qualifier #15
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16.06.12 6909560 Detail
16.06.12 6120372 Detail
16.06.12 4606965 Detail
StarCraft II Blizzard ESL Qualifier #14
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13.06.12 Adelscott Detail
13.06.12 6944558 Detail
13.06.12 6903478 Detail
13.06.12 4723996 Detail
StarCraft II Blizzard ESL Qualifier #13
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11.06.12 4572786 Detail
11.06.12 Pyroman Detail
StarCraft II Blizzard JeuxVideo.com Qualifier #12
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09.06.12 1059096 Detail
09.06.12 3953453 Detail
09.06.12 6323881 Detail
09.06.12 4535880 Detail
StarCraft II Blizzard ESL Qualifier #11
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06.06.12 2180442 Detail
StarCraft II Blizzard aAa Qualifier #9
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02.06.12 1732975 Detail
02.06.12 5920762 Detail
02.06.12 6058216 Detail
StarCraft II Blizzard Millenium Qualifier #8
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30.05.12 6557111 Detail
30.05.12 6254785 Detail
30.05.12 6895975 Detail
30.05.12 525791 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #201 (Wed 30.05.12) - Qualify for €500 monthly final
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30.05.12 6506549 Detail
StarCraft II Blizzard Millenium Qualifier #7
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28.05.12 5215450 Detail
28.05.12 5978926 Detail
StarCraft II Blizzard LDLC Qualifier #5
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23.05.12 Laukyo Detail
23.05.12 6659598 Detail
23.05.12 5284790 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #199 (Wed 23.05.12) - Qualify for €500 monthly final
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23.05.12 1030042 Detail
23.05.12 6203983 Detail
23.05.12 5560333 Detail
23.05.12 6894634 Detail
StarCraft II Blizzard RoG Qualifier #4
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21.05.12 5289988 Detail
StarCraft II Blizzard ESL Qualifier #3
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19.05.12 1885106 Detail
19.05.12 6827063 Detail
StarCraft II Blizzard RoG Qualifier #2
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16.05.12 6870832 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #197 (Wed 16.05.12)
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16.05.12 3150265 Detail
StarCraft II Blizzard aAa Qualifier #1
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14.05.12 2150250 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #195 (Wed 09.05.12)
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09.05.12 6175343 Detail
09.05.12 6366037 Detail
09.05.12 1012509 Detail
09.05.12 FGT__N__T Detail
09.05.12 4625707 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #193 (Wed 02.05.12)
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02.05.12 6831399 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #192 (Wed 25.04.12)
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25.04.12 Aturion Detail
25.04.12 5866607 Detail
25.04.12 6449872 Detail
25.04.12 skunkkk Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #188 (Wed 11.04.12)
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11.04.12 609901 Detail
11.04.12 rulaZ Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #187 (Wed 04.04.12)
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04.04.12 Chee Detail
04.04.12 5802550 Detail
04.04.12 6231670 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #185 (Wed 28.03.12)
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28.03.12 1240563 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #183 (Wed 21.03.12)
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21.03.12 5347279 Detail
21.03.12 4165023 Detail
21.03.12 6623603 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #182 (Sun 18.03.12) - Win €200
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18.03.12 4974818 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #181 (Wed 14.03.12)
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14.03.12 5166954 Detail
14.03.12 5446892 Detail
14.03.12 5560016 Detail
14.03.12 6709850 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #176 (Sun 26.02.12) - Win €200
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26.02.12 2475012 Detail
26.02.12 2533528 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #175 (Wed 22.02.12)
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22.02.12 6026981 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 GoFr4SC2 #162
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18.02.12 5178785 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #174 (Wed 15.02.12)
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15.02.12 5311214 Detail
15.02.12 5414128 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #173 (Sun 12.02.12) - Win €200
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12.02.12 Adelscott Detail
12.02.12 5584264 Detail
12.02.12 6151263 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #172 (Wed 08.02.12)
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08.02.12 4099392 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #169 (Sun 29.01.12) - Win €200
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29.01.12 2500445 Detail
29.01.12 2475012 Detail
29.01.12 6567087 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #168 (Wed 25.01.12)
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25.01.12 1461472 Detail
25.01.12 5493435 Detail
25.01.12 6022791 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #165 (Sun 15.01.12) - Win €200
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15.01.12 5508645 Detail
15.01.12 6088406 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #163 (Sun 08.01.12) - Win €200
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08.01.12 5363349 Detail
08.01.12 6504060 Detail
StarCraft II Sennheiser Cup Season 2 Cup #16 (07.01.12) - Win €50 + Qualify!
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07.01.12 Raza Detail
07.01.12 4578019 Detail
07.01.12 4454151 Detail
07.01.12 5341331 Detail
StarCraft II Sennheiser Cup Season 2 Cup #15 (17.12.11) - Win €50 + Qualify!
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17.12.11 2658239 Detail
17.12.11 6172470 Detail
17.12.11 Zazu Detail
17.12.11 5305814 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #158 (Wed 14.12.11)
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14.12.11 2358493 Detail
14.12.11 218846 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #157 (Sun 11.12.11) - Win €200
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11.12.11 2407548 Detail
11.12.11 5661558 Detail
StarCraft II Sennheiser Cup Season 2 Cup #14 (10.12.11) - Win €50 + Qualify!
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10.12.11 Matiz Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 GoFr4Sc2 #136
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03.12.11 2690844 Detail
03.12.11 6403152 Insultes Detail
03.12.11 6341702 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #155 (Wed 30.11.11)
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30.11.11 5893475 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #154 (Sun 27.11.11) - Win €200
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27.11.11 3259029 Detail
27.11.11 6366037 Detail
27.11.11 RazoR Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #153 (Wed 23.11.11)
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23.11.11 5303109 Detail
23.11.11 2877211 Detail
23.11.11 5206160 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #152 (Sun 20.11.11) - Win €200
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20.11.11 3978477 Detail
20.11.11 3500316 Detail
20.11.11 3265532 Detail
20.11.11 SANKA Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #148 (Sun 06.11.11) - Win €200
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06.11.11 2142792 Detail
06.11.11 3221422 Detail
06.11.11 5864364 Detail
06.11.11 5666764 Detail
StarCraft II Sennheiser Cup Season 2 Cup #10 (05.11.11) - Win €50 + Qualify!
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05.11.11 5178785 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #144 (Sun 23.10.11) - Win €200
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23.10.11 GoOdy Detail
23.10.11 3379520 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #139 (Wed 05.10.11)
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05.10.11 4347231 Detail
05.10.11 1298135 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #138 (Sun 02.10.11) - Win €200
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02.10.11 VortiX Detail
02.10.11 4573568 Detail
StarCraft II Sennheiser Cup Season 2 Cup #5 (01.10.11) - Win €50 + Qualify!
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01.10.11 4948036 Detail
01.10.11 5880020 Detail
01.10.11 yog Detail
01.10.11 5297310 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #137 (Wed 28.09.11)
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28.09.11 5311214 Detail
28.09.11 4232397 Detail
28.09.11 5479974 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #134 (Sun 18.09.11) - Win €200
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18.09.11 LiveZerg Detail
StarCraft II Sennheiser Cup Season 2 Cup #3 (17.09.11) - Win €50 + Qualify!
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17.09.11 5045008 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #132 (Sun 11.09.11) - Win €200
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11.09.11 5045008 Detail
11.09.11 2774908 Detail
11.09.11 4725015 Detail
StarCraft II Sennheiser Cup Season 2 Cup #2 (10.09.11) - Win €50 + Qualify!
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10.09.11 5063007 Detail
10.09.11 3261572 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #131 (Wed 07.09.11)
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07.09.11 5217243 Detail
07.09.11 6159569 Detail
07.09.11 6195261 Detail
StarCraft II Sennheiser Cup Season 2 Cup #1 (03.09.11) - Win €50 + Qualify!
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03.09.11 6089195 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 GoFr4Sc2 #97
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20.08.11 5311214 Detail
20.08.11 5325838 Detail
20.08.11 2682570 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 GoFr4Sc2 #95
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13.08.11 3221422 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #125 (Sun 07.08.11)
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07.08.11 5302465 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 GoFr4SC2 Cup #93
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06.08.11 5807081 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #123 (Sun 31.07.11) - Win €200
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31.07.11 5807081 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #122 (Wed 27.07.11)
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27.07.11 2038563 Detail
27.07.11 Amoment Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #120 (Wed 20.07.11)
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20.07.11 5325816 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #119 (Wed 13.07.11)
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13.07.11 Rail Detail
13.07.11 2911269 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 GoFr4SC2 Cup #83
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02.07.11 4053748 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #117 (Wed 29.06.11)
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29.06.11 2734155 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 GSL Maps Cup #1
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25.06.11 4246495 Detail
25.06.11 5301680 Detail
25.06.11 5564520 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #115 (Wed 22.06.11)
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22.06.11 4982244 Detail
22.06.11 2911269 Detail
22.06.11 5895099 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #114 (Sun 19.06.11) - Win €200
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19.06.11 2502607 Detail
19.06.11 1121582 Detail
19.06.11 5166579 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 GoFr4SC2 Cup #79 (Sam,18/06)
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18.06.11 5528247 Detail
18.06.11 5983179 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #112 (Sun 12.06.11) - Win €200
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12.06.11 1465547 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 GoFr4SC2 Cup #77
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11.06.11 5007003 Detail
11.06.11 5518341 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #111 (Wed 08.06.11)
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08.06.11 5362139 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 GoFr4SC2 Cup #75
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04.06.11 586439 Detail
04.06.11 BsK Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #110 (Wed 01.06.11)
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01.06.11 Creed Detail
01.06.11 5665251 Detail
01.06.11 3884947 Detail