Kalix  id: 4232326
[ Match Ratings ]
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PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
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02.02.18 C.Style gg ++ Detail
01.02.18 Qmpz Detail
31.01.18 Kamikaze6992 gg ++ Detail
HaxBall Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
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01.02.18 EKO Detail
CS:S Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
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15.02.14 3012616 gg Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Turbo Europe
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09.02.14 SPELLAN gg Detail
09.02.14 5447622 gg Detail
06.02.14 4899746 g g Detail
25.01.14 4034908 gg Detail
10.01.13 5321999 gg Detail
26.12.12 gianlu gg Detail
PokerTH 1on1 ESL-Series
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23.01.14 Callmedady gg Detail
OMGPOP Booya 1on1 Ladder
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30.01.13 ChakalARTISTE Detail
26.01.13 7415706 Detail
13.01.13 3810046 Detail
31.12.12 3857366 gg Detail
21.12.12 6559001 Detail
21.12.12 1163228 Detail
21.12.12 1944816 Detail
13.04.12 2539369 Detail
31.03.12 5602257 Detail
28.03.12 MAKESS' Detail
11.03.12 4836400 Detail
08.03.12 6685755 Detail
06.03.12 4836400 gg Detail
06.03.12 5720112 Detail
06.03.12 4288409 Detail
06.03.12 5602257 Detail
18.02.12 MzK Detail
13.02.12 5993269 Detail
08.02.12 4568985 gg Detail
07.02.12 jvasticae Detail
07.02.12 5131602 gg Detail
07.02.12 4060983 Detail
OMGPOP Booya 1on1 Ladder
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30.01.13 MASKA Detail
28.01.13 Alex Evil Detail
24.01.13 kor_H Detail
22.01.13 Alex Evil Detail
16.03.12 fporzonsiu mhj Detail
15.03.12 Fr3aK Detail
14.03.12 skill Detail
13.03.12 FreaXta Bello Detail
12.03.12 3287563 Detail
12.03.12 2608283 Detail
12.03.12 6366145 Detail
11.03.12 endyQ Detail
11.03.12 4836400 Detail
11.03.12 fporzonsiu mhj Detail
10.03.12 3727328 Detail
08.03.12 6685755 Detail
07.03.12 6062431 Detail
06.03.12 4836400 Detail
03.03.12 2061618 Detail
03.03.12 Basje Detail
01.03.12 eXample. Detail
27.02.12 5176221 Detail
24.02.12 wail Detail
24.02.12 Snaiper gg Detail
24.02.12 4959752 Detail
23.02.12 3541157 Detail
22.02.12 6652402 Detail
22.02.12 Walker Detail
21.02.12 6456276 Detail
21.02.12 5176221 Detail
20.02.12 6599667 gg Detail
19.02.12 6254011 Detail
18.02.12 RhinoGerman Detail
18.02.12 skill Detail
17.02.12 5602257 Detail
17.02.12 6107685 Detail
OMGPOP Pool 1on1 Ladder
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26.01.13 6403709 Detail
23.01.13 MejjzR. Detail
20.01.13 4334209 gg Detail
13.01.13 BqNTM gg Detail
03.01.13 6037734 Detail
22.12.12 RSK gg Detail
30.04.12 ENIIKKK Detail
27.04.12 6780750 Detail
23.04.12 4437342 Detail
23.04.12 6780750 Detail
23.04.12 6403709 Detail
15.04.12 5101113 Detail
14.04.12 2539369 Detail
10.03.12 Bourino33 Detail
08.03.12 6685755 Detail
05.03.12 toyboy51 Detail
04.03.12 5602257 Detail
03.03.12 6403709 Detail
16.02.12 6618544 Detail
08.02.12 3494736 gg Detail
08.02.12 4570797 gg Detail
26.08.11 6153814 Detail
23.08.11 4494928 Detail
23.07.11 5341187 Detail
OMGPOP Pool 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
24.01.13 6054563 Detail
24.01.13 1391248 Detail
24.01.13 6584494 Detail
21.01.13 2430355 Detail
12.03.12 3934607 Detail
11.03.12 4097552 Detail
08.03.12 6685755 Detail
08.03.12 KIRISH_Somnians Detail
07.03.12 6062431 Detail
05.03.12 jvasticae Detail
03.03.12 KIRISH_Somnians Detail
20.02.12 RhinoGerman Detail
20.02.12 KIRISH_Somnians Detail
19.02.12 6599667 Detail
08.10.11 5982708 nice player Detail
27.08.11 5730637 Detail
04.08.11 MasterOfDisasta Detail
26.07.11 1734984 Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Ladder
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20.01.13 4516339 gg Detail
31.03.12 3822066 laisse pas de temps pour screen Detail
31.03.12 3822066 Detail
16.03.12 4516339 Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Fixed Europe
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10.01.13 5321999 gg Detail
02.01.13 7362876 gg Detail
26.12.12 gianlu gg Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Turbo Ladder
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29.12.12 4399754 gg Detail
26.12.12 3715472 Detail
25.12.12 5331510 gg Detail
21.12.12 6215798 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder
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29.12.12 4399754 gg Detail
26.12.12 3715472 Detail
25.12.12 5331510 gg Detail
22.12.12 6215798 Detail
OMGPOP FleetFighter 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
03.05.12 2589313 Detail
01.05.12 6028930 Detail
23.04.12 MAKESS' Detail
13.04.12 2539369 Detail
07.04.12 MAKESS' Detail
14.03.12 4668163 Detail
08.03.12 6685755 Detail
08.03.12 6685755 Detail
23.02.12 4269068 Detail
MSN Games Pierre Feuille Ciseaux 1on1 Ladder
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02.05.12 5993142 gg Detail
28.04.12 Bourino33 Detail
28.04.12 4653872 Detail
31.03.12 3822066 Detail
08.03.12 6685755 Detail
06.03.12 4836400 Detail
24.02.12 htanK Detail
19.02.12 6177142 Detail
19.02.12 Bourino33 Detail
19.02.12 5056644 gg Detail
19.02.12 3761920 gg Detail
OMGPOP Cup Spring League - Fleet Fighter #4 ~ 2012 !
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01.05.12 5059752 Detail
HaxBall Event Fun Classic X #5
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01.05.12 4570797 Detail
MSN Games Poker 1on1 Ladder
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01.05.12 5817257 Detail
07.04.12 4516339 Detail
18.03.12 4269068 Detail
MSN Games 7 Hand Poker 1on1 Ladder
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01.05.12 5817257 Detail
30.04.12 5521520 Detail
MSN Games Bowling 1on1 Ladder
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30.04.12 h31k0 Detail
18.03.12 MC HAMMER Detail
16.03.12 5604260 Detail
OMGPOP Cup Spring League - Putt Putt Penguin #3 ~ 2012 !
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27.04.12 6780750 gg Detail
27.04.12 Dje gg Detail
27.04.12 5874223 gg Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 AIM Ladder
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26.04.12 3001116 gg Detail
22.02.12 D4MSZCZKU Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aim Ladder
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25.04.12 4963763 Detail
23.04.12 5656852 Detail
23.04.12 6817440 Detail
29.08.11 4234077 Detail
HaxBall Event Turbo Ladder
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18.03.12 4269068 Detail
26.02.12 4570797 Detail
23.02.12 J03TA Detail
20.02.12 4269068 Detail
10.02.12 6565402 Detail
07.02.12 3494736 Detail
MSN Games Bowling 1on1 Ladder All Star
created to rating comment match
18.03.12 4269068 Detail
13.03.12 5694622 Detail
12.03.12 5331510 Detail
08.03.12 6685755 Detail
Blub Game Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
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14.03.12 skill Detail
08.03.12 LinDav2011 Detail
08.03.12 6685755 Detail
08.03.12 6685755 Detail
HaxBall Event WinterCup classic #13
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22.02.12 4269068 Detail
OMGPOP Cup FlashCup #61 - Booya !
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21.02.12 3494736 Detail
OMGPOP Cup Pool Tournament #10 !
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20.02.12 5680172 Detail
20.02.12 3051468 Detail
20.02.12 4560364 Detail
HaxBall Event Ladder
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20.02.12 4269068 Detail
18.02.12 J03TA Detail
23.07.11 shoKky Detail
HaxBall Event WinterCup hockey #12
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17.02.12 2539399 Detail
MSN Games Cup WinterCup #4 - All Star Bowling !
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17.02.12 5105728 Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 Quickie Ladder
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09.02.12 2294071 gg Detail
OMGPOP Cup Pool Tournament #5 !
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07.02.12 3494736 gg Detail
MSN Games Rock, Paper, Scissors 1on1 Ladder
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04.08.11 4269068 Detail
MSN Games Cup FastCup : Petite Finale Juillet !
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31.07.11 6038047 Detail
31.07.11 4792894 Detail
MSN Games Cup FastCup #99 - Pierre Feuille Ciseaux !
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26.07.11 4785491 Detail
26.07.11 Unlucky Detail
26.07.11 4269068 Detail
MSN Games Cup FastCup #97 - Poker 7 Mains !
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24.07.11 5105728 Detail
24.07.11 5059752 Detail