Philipp 'NukE' Kölmel  id: 436
[ Match Ratings ]
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HaxBall 1on1 Ladder Old
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10.01.11 zupfkuchen Detail
Worms Reloaded 1on1 Ladder
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21.10.10 LoB Detail
20.10.10 LoB Detail
24.09.10 LoB Detail
24.09.10 LoB Detail
18.09.10 Gunnarrrr Detail
12.09.10 Detail
12.09.10 2234224 Detail
12.09.10 LoB Detail
11.09.10 355861 Detail
05.09.10 Friedfisch Detail
29.08.10 355861 Detail
29.08.10 LoB Detail
Worms Reloaded 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
18.09.10 Gunnarrrr Detail
11.09.10 355861 Detail
10.09.10 444417 Detail
Testing Area Counter-Strike 1on1 Anti-Cheat Ladder Old
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07.09.10 2698331 Detail
CS 1.6 Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe
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17.06.10 crz Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 Pistols Only Zeitladder
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15.06.10 raal Detail
Intern Beta 1on1 Ladder
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20.11.09 MadDog Detail
27.10.09 LoB Detail
26.10.09 Thefly Detail
Beta 1on1 Ladder
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27.10.09 Friedfisch Detail
27.10.09 LoB Detail
Testing Area 1on1 Multigaming Dev League
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06.10.09 LoB Detail
03.09.09 eNx Detail
26.08.09 LoB Detail
Testing Area 1on1 SF4
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18.09.09 2698331 Detail
18.09.09 eNx Detail
18.09.09 LoB Detail
Testing Area 1on1 Super Mario Kart Dev Cup
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04.09.09 LoB Detail
04.09.09 immutef Detail
04.09.09 sLiDeR Detail
Testing Area 1on1 Trackcup
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20.08.09 steam Detail
Testing Area 1on1 Armagetcup
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19.08.09 2455668 Detail
19.08.09 n1tro Detail
19.08.09 2455668 Detail
19.08.09 eNx Detail
Testing Area 1on1 Ladder
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31.07.09 eNx Detail
Playray Minigolf 1on1 Ladder
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18.05.09 Friedfisch Detail
17.04.09 Friedfisch durchschnittlich Detail
Testing Area 1on1 Amateur Series
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17.10.08 556010 Detail
Intern Office Q3 Ladder
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19.09.07 10507 Detail
19.09.07 10507 Detail
05.11.04 10507 Detail
02.11.04 10507 Detail
25.10.04 Thefly Detail
21.10.04 Thefly Detail
20.10.04 MadDog Detail
19.10.04 Thefly Detail
18.10.04 Thefly Detail
14.10.04 MadDog Detail
12.10.04 MadDog Detail
12.10.04 Thefly Detail
Intern Office Fight Night 3 Cup #1
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28.04.06 Koalabaerchen Detail
Testing Area 1on1 Ladder
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20.12.05 jaba Detail
20.12.05 Alex immer wieder schöne Testmatches! Detail
09.11.05 Pannischer Detail
29.07.04 61632 Detail
07.07.04 90964 Detail
05.07.04 prophet Detail
17.05.04 90964 äußerst fairer gegner Detail
26.04.04 90964 Detail
20.02.03 10507 Detail
Testing Area 1on1 BF2 Paramstest
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28.06.05 61632 Detail
23.06.05 Thefly Detail
Testing Area 1on1 rome
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14.11.04 626401 Detail
Testing Area cup321
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20.02.03 10507 Detail
Testing Area 1on1 Amateur Series
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14.02.03 Thefly bah Detail