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Lukas 'dRfi.' Jordan  id: 4701696
[ Match Ratings ]
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CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe
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14.08.16 10316943 Ich wünsche deiner huren mutter den schlimmsten und schmerzvollsten tod. NETTER BOY ----- Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Ladder
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12.04.12 5246089 Detail
11.04.12 5908529 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 AIM Cups 2012 #02
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23.02.12 LyX Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder
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30.12.11 5087765 nur am flamen Detail
25.07.11 2717059 Detail
18.07.11 5943498 Detail
13.07.11 3196843 Detail
10.07.11 2717059 Detail
27.04.11 1184369 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 1on1 AWP Ladder
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29.12.11 3017746 Detail
29.12.11 deSo Detail
02.08.11 1520835 Detail
28.07.11 MSR Detail
28.07.11 2828193 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder
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29.12.11 5536798 Detail
04.08.11 Several netter spieler++ Detail
02.08.11 sLaksi flameboy Detail
24.07.11 DrifterSN Detail
17.07.11 5291551 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap 1on1 Knife Ladder
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04.08.11 sno gg+++ Detail
03.08.11 6030283 Detail
28.07.11 2828193 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 1on1 Ladder
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25.07.11 3503633 Detail
17.07.11 3102886 Detail
17.07.11 5114835 Detail
16.07.11 1431164 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 Aim Cup #13
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28.04.11 4267448 Detail
28.04.11 KieZ Detail