Zli Gli  id: 5662173
[ Match Ratings ]
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HaxBall 1on1 Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
30.11.12 6915686 Detail
09.06.12 Ozil Detail
04.06.12 6585123 Detail
04.06.12 eHaniball Nista video nisam ali nema veze, evo ti poeni. Detail
04.06.12 6756634 Very \"nice\" host, I lost 5:2 in first half because of it. See you on neutral next time. Detail
31.05.12 6791096 5:0 in your room, 6:1 for me in mine... Fair result. Detail
31.05.12 6443113 :D Detail
31.05.12 6266640 Detail
31.05.12 6847057 Very very lucky win. Detail
30.05.12 6688734 Detail
30.05.12 5945699 Detail
29.05.12 6176779 Detail
27.05.12 SUPER EINS Camping + counterattacks wins Detail
26.05.12 5961527 Detail
25.05.12 6600990 Detail
24.05.12 5887333 Detail
24.05.12 6880834 Detail
22.05.12 4932140 Detail
18.05.12 6878192 Detail
13.02.12 5909124 Detail
11.02.12 4899361 Detail
31.12.11 6101408 Detail
29.12.11 5791917 Detail
24.12.11 4283122 Detail
18.12.11 6442738 Detail
17.12.11 5802303 Detail
17.12.11 6047416 I played like a total noob Detail
17.12.11 6315621 Detail
17.12.11 5848386 Detail
16.12.11 6003354 Detail
16.12.11 6359618 Detail
15.12.11 6055793 Detail
15.12.11 5979644 Detail
15.12.11 5840297 I played like shit Detail
15.12.11 5848386 Free points this time, I was in a good mood Detail
15.12.11 6003354 Detail
14.12.11 6211952 Very nice attacking style, and also a good guy. Detail
14.12.11 MalkaviaN Lucky win, you played very bad this time Detail
14.12.11 3127936 Detail
13.12.11 5848386 Awful game for me Detail
13.12.11 5931256 Detail
13.12.11 6214369 Detail
12.12.11 5742324 Detail
12.12.11 5959465 Detail
12.12.11 5848386 Detail
12.12.11 MalkaviaN Detail
12.12.11 5881398 Detail
10.12.11 5848386 Lucky win for me Detail
09.12.11 6248611 Very lucky in my room and lucky first goal in the end, not so good as your rating shows. Detail
09.12.11 6047416 Vidal = mister fair play Detail
08.12.11 5633094 Detail
08.12.11 6426751 Detail
07.12.11 5931256 Cripple fight, fuckin\' cpu load... Detail
07.12.11 5635488 Detail
05.12.11 6418591 Detail
05.12.11 5909124 Another shitty game from me Detail
05.12.11 5802303 I played like a robot in second half, made no mistakes. My best game in a long time. Detail
01.12.11 6055090 Detail
01.12.11 5716488 Detail
01.12.11 5965761 Detail
30.11.11 5599314 Detail
30.11.11 5835288 Awful match for me :D Detail
30.11.11 6143444 Detail
30.11.11 6022031 Ugliest match of all times, skill of both players = 0 :D Detail
30.11.11 MalkaviaN I\'m an idiot, again. Detail
29.11.11 snackbox I played so bad that it hurts :D Detail
29.11.11 6159629 Detail
29.11.11 6385309 Great player and good guy, and also nice ping for Russian room. Detail
28.11.11 snackbox Nice match Detail
28.11.11 6245928 I should won, but made stupid mistake 5 seconds before the end. I\'m an idiot. Detail
28.11.11 5966862 Detail
28.11.11 5968249 Detail
28.11.11 6047416 Detail
28.11.11 5966862 Detail
27.11.11 6147309 Detail
27.11.11 5961527 Detail
27.11.11 5931256 Detail
27.11.11 5628577 Detail
27.11.11 5848386 Detail
26.11.11 6047416 What a bullshit match, haha! Detail
26.11.11 Seful Detail
24.11.11 6135202 Bad ping but nice guy, so no protest. GG. Detail
24.11.11 6185301 Detail
24.11.11 6326623 Detail
23.11.11 6385843 Detail
23.11.11 6019472 Detail
23.11.11 6248611 Nice ping faking when loosing, noob. Detail
21.11.11 6350234 Very laggy room, again. Detail
21.11.11 5716595 Detail
20.11.11 6003354 Detail
19.11.11 6044180 Detail
19.11.11 6336703 You are good but lucky win again, because of my mistakes Detail
18.11.11 6003354 Detail
18.11.11 5686032 Detail
17.11.11 5864605 Detail
17.11.11 6248611 Detail
16.11.11 5635488 Detail
15.11.11 6336703 Lucky win, but very good player anyway Detail
14.11.11 6101408 Detail
14.11.11 5931256 100% undeserved, lucky win Detail
13.11.11 6219362 Detail
13.11.11 5566782 Detail
07.11.11 6341753 Detail
07.11.11 Whiplash Lucky win for me Detail
06.11.11 6328374 Bad player but I played awful and lost. Shame on me. Detail
06.11.11 5871358 Shittiest game ever, so much luck for you. Detail
05.11.11 6330914 Unfair player Detail
05.11.11 5687294 \"Me cago en todo mem cago en la madre\" :D Haha :D Detail
04.11.11 5753808 Detail
04.11.11 snackbox Detail
04.11.11 6297332 Detail
03.11.11 6278551 Detail
03.11.11 5958116 Greatest haxball match ever! Just take a look at the replay! :D Detail
02.11.11 6023540 Classic cheater, wouldnt let me score even if I uploaded screens after goals. Nice win for me. Detail
02.11.11 5984045 Worst ping ever Detail
02.11.11 6213357 \"Losa sreka\", a bratko? Nemoj kukati vise toliko, molim te. Detail
02.11.11 6328568 Detail
02.11.11 Radamel Falcao - UC Detail
02.11.11 6235244 Detail
01.11.11 5951871 Detail
01.11.11 5802303 Early lead and then selfdestruction, classic for me :D Detail
01.11.11 6325794 Very good player Detail
01.11.11 5931256 Detail
01.11.11 5892857 GG Detail
01.11.11 5607250 Ugliest match ever Detail
01.11.11 5977222 Lucky win :) Detail
01.11.11 6315795 Detail
31.10.11 5867141 Hard match Detail
31.10.11 MalkaviaN Very bad match for me, lost without a fight Detail
31.10.11 5840158 Hard match, good and fair player Detail
31.10.11 5931256 Detail
31.10.11 5802303 GG, a little more luck for you this time :) Detail
31.10.11 6160520 Detail
31.10.11 5623659 Dobar si, bilderu, ali jedan je Zli Gli !!! Detail
30.10.11 5430629 Detail
30.10.11 6315795 Detail
30.10.11 6214369 Detail
30.10.11 5858531 Detail
30.10.11 Marky Good player but I beaten myself with many mistakes. And also great ping in his room. Detail
29.10.11 6318585 Detail
29.10.11 5909644 Good player Detail
29.10.11 6022031 Detail
28.10.11 5931256 Good player, but also very very lucky Detail
28.10.11 6231548 Detail
27.10.11 5961527 Detail
27.10.11 5920572 Lucky win for me Detail
27.10.11 pr1ma Detail
27.10.11 6303077 Detail
26.10.11 6297130 Detail
26.10.11 spaghetto- Detail
26.10.11 5931256 One of my worst matches in a long time Detail
26.10.11 5903461 Detail
26.10.11 5909124 Bad liar, tried to create lag and delete match after after 2:0 for me in first. So lame. Detail
26.10.11 Radamel Falcao - UC Detail
25.10.11 6113771 Detail
25.10.11 5587554 Great guy and luckiest player alive. Also, he uses voodoo magic. Detail
24.10.11 5909124 Very good game and good player Detail
24.10.11 5945427 Typical Italian, cries about \"lag, ping 911\" and then on screens 115. Looser. Detail
24.10.11 6303616 Detail
23.10.11 6204007 Not so nice player Detail
23.10.11 6299725 Detail
23.10.11 6214369 Detail
23.10.11 5686032 Best player on ESL and also a good guy. Detail
23.10.11 5888915 Nice guy but crappiest host ever, should not be allowed to play with that connection. Detail
23.10.11 5961527 Detail
23.10.11 6296116 Detail
22.10.11 6070283 Lucky player and good man. Detail
22.10.11 6160808 Detail
22.10.11 6297130 Detail
22.10.11 6002985 Detail
22.10.11 5892857 Skilled but ultra defansive player, classic Italian pussy style of play Detail
22.10.11 5993724 Detail
21.10.11 6214369 Tough game, more luck for me this time Detail
21.10.11 6014553 Detail
20.10.11 mad Detail
20.10.11 hIGHSENSBOii Detail
20.10.11 snackbox Great guy, very friendly Detail
20.10.11 6290553 Detail
20.10.11 6192902 Detail
19.10.11 6266640 Camping + crying that ping is 300 and then on screens 120... Classic Portuguese style. Detail
19.10.11 5397380 Detail
19.10.11 6192902 Biggest camper on ESL, pushing the ball in the corner all the time, total pussy style. Detail
19.10.11 6185301 I played on steroids, unfair win :D Detail
18.10.11 2600459 Camper + awful ping.. I\'m sure you will get raped by better players. Detail
18.10.11 6210156 Very very lucky player, and I am very very stupid Detail
18.10.11 6014997 Detail
18.10.11 6128197 Better player than his ranking shows Detail
18.10.11 6227732 Detail
18.10.11 6193993 Detail
18.10.11 5587554 Detail
18.10.11 Radamel Falcao - UC Detail
18.10.11 MalkaviaN Detail
17.10.11 6255342 Detail
17.10.11 5931256 Detail
17.10.11 6070283 Good man Detail
17.10.11 5742324 Craziest style of play on ESL Detail
17.10.11 6217234 Detail
17.10.11 6185301 Detail
16.10.11 6251177 Detail
16.10.11 6122655 Detail