David 'Painmeister' Schnell  id: 5709189
[ Match Ratings ]
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S4 League Deathmatch 1on1 Rescue Cup
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23.09.12 7173273 gg Detail
22.09.12 3813802 GG :D Detail
S4 League Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
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30.05.12 6400673 gg but you hard lagg.. no chance to aiming you! Detail
19.05.12 6131712 GG Detail
18.05.12 5943362 GG Detail
05.05.12 5198564 Gg Detail
03.05.12 6168401 Flame weil ich weg gelaufen bin Detail
01.05.12 2104636 Detail
27.04.12 5622669 Gg Detail
27.04.12 6828183 GG Detail
27.04.12 6821583 Detail
27.04.12 5644934 Gg Detail
02.04.12 6601239 Detail
31.03.12 6753827 Gg Detail
30.03.12 6257368 Gg Detail
20.01.12 4854807 Good game but illegal pet. Detail
15.01.12 6512979 Gg Detail
15.01.12 6514156 Gg Detail
08.01.12 6453965 GG Detail
07.01.12 1677771 Gg Detail
04.01.12 4308303 Gg Detail
16.12.11 5412795 Gg Detail
06.09.11 6073753 Detail
02.09.11 4821165 Detail
S4 League 1on1 Spring Cup1
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23.04.12 4663544 Detail
22.04.12 NoctiS Gg Detail
22.04.12 4663544 Ws+Trecking Detail
08.04.12 Reaper Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #182 (Sun 18.03.12) - Win €200
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18.03.12 6232447 Good Game :) Detail
S4 League Deathmatch Sword 1on1 Ladder
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03.03.12 6124154 GG Detail
15.01.12 4117270 Gg Detail
15.01.12 6514156 Flame Detail
08.01.12 6495237 Flame Detail
08.01.12 6453965 GG Detail
S4 League Deathmatch 1on1 1on1 Autumn Cup
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06.11.11 5943550 Detail