Poland  id: 589128
[ Match Ratings ]
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Counter-Strike AWP 1on1 Jesienny puchar
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27.10.10 4331507 Detail
25.10.10 noker Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 MR15 Kup sobie maturę z Rzeczpospolitą
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13.10.10 2969777 Detail
Counter-Strike AWP 1on1 Summer Cup 3
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08.09.10 2488987 Detail
07.09.10 3675671 Detail
06.09.10 4620352 Detail
Counter-Strike AWP 1on1 Ladder
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01.09.10 4609994 Detail
01.09.10 4659064 Detail
01.09.10 4609868 Detail
01.09.10 nez Detail
01.09.10 1896180 Detail
29.10.08 2570722 tiaaamo ok, net nie Detail
04.10.08 2631029 Detail
Kurnik Kosci 1on1 Ladder
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10.08.10 4245022 Detail
18.07.10 4405611 Detail
18.07.10 4870901 Detail
22.02.10 SHHEEEIT Detail
22.02.10 k41kses Detail
22.02.10 aXond Detail
22.02.10 MB Detail
Alliance of Valiant Arms Annihilation Close Combat 1on1 Cup
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15.02.10 zarsky Detail
08.02.10 3939031 Detail
06.02.10 4068999 Detail
31.01.10 svensk gg Detail
30.01.10 Darmozjad gg Detail
26.01.10 3646963 gg Detail
Combat Arms Nightcup #5 - OMA 1on1 Cup (Tue 29.09.09)
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29.09.09 J03TA Detail
29.09.09 3895012 opponenet didnt show Detail
Combat Arms One Man Army 1on1 Handgun Ladder
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29.09.09 3746593 Detail
29.09.09 4124783 Detail
29.09.09 AaDeHaDe Detail
28.09.09 3719300 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Eliminacje Do Reprezentacji Kraju
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31.07.09 979070 Detail
29.07.09 Babel gg Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 MR15 Weekend Cup Series #9
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17.07.09 kubix tylko problem z ticketami, gg Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Ladder
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10.05.09 1278850 Detail
03.04.09 Piter Detail
02.04.09 3531231 Detail
02.04.09 skowri Detail
01.04.09 2501586 Detail
01.04.09 2250550 Detail
01.04.09 KarteKpL gg :D Detail
01.04.09 3637191 poker nie polega na tym ze grasz jak masz karty ;) Detail
01.04.09 3955977 gg Detail
Combat Arms 1on1 S&D Open Cup
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31.12.08 2273989 2x bugi i tyle na temat Detail
28.12.08 2264923 GG Detail
28.12.08 2822253 poza info o \"Info od BOGA\" to wszystko ok :D Detail
27.12.08 3730960 GG Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 MR12 Ladder
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25.01.08 2611003 serverek ok, meczyk ok, moglby bardziej zrozumiec przeciwnika ;) gg Detail
24.01.08 807208 spider jak zwykle klasa swiatowa =) pozdrawiam, moglo byc ze +5 wiecej dla mnie no ale coz :* gg Detail
18.07.06 1058696 GG // przeciwnik na poziomie Detail
16.07.06 1451281 Tylko mi sie CT jego na AZTECU nie podobalo \"_\" a tak to loozno Detail
15.07.06 1646448 GG Detail
26.02.05 iblek chcialbym aby sedziowie ocenili Demka Ibelka... Detail
26.02.05 1137158 full wypas przeciwnik, kulturka, good skill Detail
25.02.05 1063726 polecam ! gg ! jednak kazdy z nas dopasowal zla mape :P prosze o all demka Detail
22.02.05 1072482 bardzo dobry przeciwynik , wyrowanany mecz jednak oddalem 4 ostatnie rundy o_O Detail
21.02.05 1071601 Detail