Sebiq  id: 6280234
[ Match Ratings ]
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League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #51 (03.08.12)
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03.08.12 5515086 Detail
03.08.12 6210160 Detail
03.08.12 WebsterPG Detail
03.08.12 7051116 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #49 (24.07.12)
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24.07.12 6129405 Detail
24.07.12 7036321 Detail
24.07.12 5321784 Detail
24.07.12 5515086 Detail
24.07.12 4903852 Detail
24.07.12 7021893 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 Finał Miesiąca - Czerwiec
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29.06.12 Thiv Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #42 (22.06.12) - All Mid - Darmowa rotacja
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22.06.12 Thiv Detail
22.06.12 6948458 Detail
22.06.12 6109130 Detail
22.06.12 6620117 Detail
22.06.12 5763896 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #41 (19.06.12) - All Mid - Darmowa rotacja
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19.06.12 4956462 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #40 (15.06.12) - All Mid - Darmowa rotacja
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15.06.12 6878276 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #39 (12.06.12) - All Mid - Darmowa rotacja
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12.06.12 6297016 Detail
12.06.12 3652144 Detail
12.06.12 DuDu Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #38 (08.06.12) - All Mid - Darmowa rotacja
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08.06.12 6297016 Detail
08.06.12 6885393 Detail
08.06.12 5993958 Detail
08.06.12 4178338 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #37 (05.06.12) - All Mid - Darmowa rotacja
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05.06.12 6413525 Detail
05.06.12 6086993 Detail
05.06.12 4178338 Detail
05.06.12 3736610 Detail
05.06.12 6912701 Detail
05.06.12 6695716 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #36 (01.06.12) - All Mid - Darmowa rotacja
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01.06.12 6217321 Detail
01.06.12 5380493 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 Finał Miesiąca - Maj
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29.05.12 SleeP Detail
29.05.12 5969436 Detail
29.05.12 5746679 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #34 (22.05.12) All Mid - Darmowa Rotacja
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22.05.12 6019897 Detail
22.05.12 1640895 Detail
22.05.12 Mardeway Detail
22.05.12 6129405 Detail
22.05.12 6375295 Detail
22.05.12 6891570 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #33 (18.05.12) All Mid - Darmowa Rotacja
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18.05.12 5969436 Detail
18.05.12 5624326 Detail
18.05.12 6547447 Detail
18.05.12 6882459 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #32 (15.05.12) All Mid - Darmowa Rotacja
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15.05.12 5746679 Detail
15.05.12 5969436 Detail
15.05.12 5298089 Detail
15.05.12 Mataha Detail
15.05.12 6807982 Detail
15.05.12 Mistik Detail
15.05.12 6851013 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #31 (11.05.12) All Mid - Darmowa Rotacja
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11.05.12 5969436 Detail
11.05.12 5307182 Detail
11.05.12 6160023 Detail
11.05.12 6864251 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #30 (08.05.12) All Mid - Darmowa Rotacja
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08.05.12 6712181 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #29 (04.05.12) All Mid - Darmowa Rotacja
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04.05.12 5859301 Detail
04.05.12 5746679 Detail
04.05.12 6846077 Detail
04.05.12 5966218 Detail
04.05.12 6129405 Detail
04.05.12 Avaratix Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #23 (11.04.12) - King of the Random
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11.04.12 5099916 Detail
11.04.12 Herzy Detail
11.04.12 5678153 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #22 (09.04.12) - King of the Random
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09.04.12 6713401 Detail
09.04.12 6726814 Detail
09.04.12 6757339 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #21 (30.03.12) - All Mid
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30.03.12 Avaratix Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #20 (28.03.12) - All Mid
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28.03.12 6713401 Detail
28.03.12 6737528 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #19 (26.03.12) - All Mid
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26.03.12 6613858 Detail
26.03.12 2457120 Detail
26.03.12 5039388 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #17 (19.03.12) - All Mid
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19.03.12 Avaratix Detail
19.03.12 5099916 Detail
19.03.12 6129405 Detail
19.03.12 2948586 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #16 (14.03.12) - All Mid
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14.03.12 2788025 Detail
14.03.12 3436704 Detail
14.03.12 6457619 Detail
14.03.12 3277373 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #15 (12.03.12) - All Mid
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12.03.12 2184017 Detail