Tomáš 'NME' Dúbravský  id: 6749413
[ Match Ratings ]
[ ratings received ] [ ratings submitted ]

FIFA 17 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created to rating comment match
05.05.17 10982220 Detail
02.05.17 kYoZZ Detail
24.04.17 4301449 Detail
11.04.17 Kal. Detail
23.03.17 Snavi go f**** yourself .. noobo Detail
23.03.17 9502520 Detail
29.01.17 4232021 Detail
CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created to rating comment match
22.02.15 2811961 Detail
29.05.14 kinnay =*********** Detail
CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe
created to rating comment match
30.05.14 dewo Detail
29.05.14 5488563 Detail
FIFA 14 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
27.03.14 5471946 Detail
15.03.14 Demigsson Detail
12.03.14 2344873 Detail
02.03.14 7806716 gg Detail
27.02.14 Demigsson Detail
15.02.14 kjo Detail
14.02.14 DRASTY Detail
14.02.14 Woki Detail
14.02.14 2583354 Detail
14.02.14 7510904 Detail
13.02.14 8233835 Detail
13.02.14 1710105 Detail
13.02.14 CrashY Detail
13.02.14 8114588 gg Detail
Vietcong 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
11.03.14 8226095 Detail
11.03.14 8227408 bg Detail
26.02.14 8226095 Detail
26.02.14 2396251 Detail
18.02.14 3429992 Detail
10.02.14 8226095 gg, po čase zase v hre.. :)gl Detail
09.02.14 Volk gg Detail
24.01.14 7394734 gg, .... Detail
10.01.13 6854588 gg :) prekvapil si ma.. Detail
30.10.12 PunisheR GG ! Detail
16.08.12 6852500 gg Detail
07.08.12 6336103 gg Detail
06.08.12 6852500 gg, Detail
02.08.12 5534979 camper ! Detail
02.08.12 DRASTY Detail
01.08.12 6336103 gg, aj nabudúúúúce ! Detail
31.07.12 6852500 gg, aj nabudúce... Detail
31.07.12 Puni gg, aj nabudúce ! Detail
25.07.12 3429992 gg, konečne dobrá hra ! Detail
25.07.12 Trapper trošku kemp že jo... Detail
23.07.12 3450224 gg,... Detail
22.07.12 6889354 gg, Detail
21.07.12 3429992 Detail
19.07.12 1219006 bg, Next time I will accept the agreement only a challenge! Detail
19.07.12 hrx gg,... Detail
16.07.12 3450224 gg, o 14 dní zase ! :D Detail
15.07.12 1523966 gg, aj nabudúce... Detail
24.06.12 5824441 dobrý match až na NVA... Detail
22.06.12 5534979 gg, dobrý match Detail
22.06.12 Pasta Detail
21.06.12 goLd Arroyo, nehorázny kemp tvl, soory Detail
21.06.12 5234800 gg, thank\'s game Detail
21.06.12 4007318 gg, thank for game... Detail
20.06.12 Departet camp, soory Detail
20.06.12 4615809 dobrý match, díky Detail
19.06.12 3754824 Detail
19.06.12 DRASTY Detail
19.06.12 3450224 odišiel lebo nevie prehrávať ! Detail
19.06.12 4831246 dobrý match !!!! Detail
17.06.12 6533952 strašný kemp... nuda Detail
01.06.12 Pasta Detail
01.06.12 6854588 Detail
31.05.12 nakels kemp Detail
31.05.12 3450224 Detail
31.05.12 Hawki Detail
30.05.12 PredatoR Detail
29.05.12 6828747 Detail
29.05.12 DRASTY Detail
27.05.12 1219006 Detail
26.05.12 kubiz Detail
12.05.12 DRASTY KEMP ! Detail
12.05.12 3902117 kemp, Detail
11.05.12 iLeGaL Detail
08.05.12 3429992 Detail
08.05.12 6211739 Detail
07.05.12 Pasta Detail
05.05.12 nakels Detail
04.05.12 DRASTY Detail
29.04.12 3429992 Detail
27.04.12 2066841 Detail
14.04.12 4719218 Detail
10.04.12 6316396 Detail
09.04.12 5299811 Detail
09.04.12 5534979 Detail
06.04.12 5462251 Detail
05.04.12 5534979 Detail
05.04.12 5299811 Detail
Vietcong Funmap 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
04.03.14 8226095 gg Detail
28.02.14 8251065 gg Detail
28.02.14 7234596 Detail
12.02.14 3450224 Detail
10.02.14 8226095 wou ^^ choď si nahrať aim na pub.. :) Detail
02.02.14 8135414 na dw good.. :) Detail
02.02.14 7856891 Detail
02.02.14 fantaa gg, :) Detail
02.02.14 3450224 gg Detail
23.01.14 3450224 gg,. Detail
10.01.13 DRASTY Detail
09.01.13 5326203 GG :) Detail
04.01.13 3429992 GG, treba sa ešte učiť :) Detail
22.12.12 3429992 gg, dík za hru Detail
14.12.12 6861883 dík za hru.. Detail
08.08.12 6336103 Dík za hru ! Detail
02.08.12 Viva la Greeny gg, zahral som si ! Detail
02.08.12 Viva la Greeny gg, zahral som si ! Detail
01.08.12 6131562 gg. Detail
01.08.12 6932290 Detail
01.08.12 DRASTY gg, Dobrá Hra ! Detail
01.08.12 3450224 Detail
01.08.12 7021657 gúúd gejm kámo ×D Detail
28.07.12 6336103 gg, ten muj aim :D Detail
23.07.12 Pasta Detail
22.07.12 6856838 gg, bol si dobrý ! Detail
22.07.12 6336103 gg, dík za hru Detail
19.07.12 7021657 gg, Detail
16.07.12 6169199 gg, Detail
16.07.12 hrx CAMPER !!! Detail
16.07.12 4615809 Detail
16.07.12 3429992 gg, aj nabudúce... Detail
13.07.12 4325032 CAMPER ! Detail
13.07.12 6856838 Detail
12.07.12 5326203 Detail
19.06.12 6169199 gg, díky za game Detail
19.06.12 4831246 Detail
03.06.12 6885571 Detail
02.06.12 4831246 Detail
01.06.12 6169199 Detail
31.05.12 5517034 Detail
29.05.12 3429992 Detail
27.05.12 the warrioR. Detail
12.05.12 6211739 trochu zalagované, nevadí Detail
12.05.12 3429992 Detail
11.05.12 DRASTY Detail
01.05.12 5534979 Detail
05.04.12 DRASTY Detail
04.04.12 4518923 Detail
CS 1.6 Open Ladder 1on1 MR12 Europe
created to rating comment match
07.08.13 6996032 Detail
07.07.13 m4ts0n Detail
06.07.13 bieniu Detail
04.07.13 provokateur Detail
03.07.13 7815244 Detail
03.07.13 6924579 Detail
CS 1.6 Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe
created to rating comment match
08.07.13 7202287 Detail
06.07.13 6107182 Detail
HaxBall 1on1 Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
19.01.13 7384117 gg :) Detail