DiogoVieira_  id: 7189462
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FIFA 20 (PS4) 1on1 Wednesday Swiss Open Cup #62 Europe East
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10.06.20 15768707 Detail
FIFA 19 (PS4) 1on1 Challenger Tournament #2 Portugal
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12.06.19 13639958 Detail
FIFA 19 (PS4) 1on1 Challenger Series Cup #3 Portugal
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18.05.19 Guialex28 Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Portugal Cup #6
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13.04.19 Runrun Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Portugal Cup #3
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23.03.19 RafaJGL Detail
23.03.19 13514324 Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Europe Cup #20
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17.02.19 Mlody Detail
17.02.19 qilez Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #14
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06.01.19 13156307 Detail
FIFA 19 (PC) 1on1 Christmas cup Europe 2018
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03.01.19 pain Detail
03.01.19 13051228 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #11
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16.12.18 jpna1007 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #9
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02.12.18 11188353 insane horrible lag, breaks every second Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #7
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18.11.18 12965781 Detail
FIFA 19 (PC) 1on1 Autumn Cup #3 Europe
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15.11.18 konrado_moreno Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #5
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04.11.18 8147486 true lag Detail
FIFA 19 (PC) 1on1 Autumn Cup #1 Europe
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01.11.18 12342366 Detail
FIFA 19 (PC) 1on1 Halloween Cup 2018 Europe
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31.10.18 Hilly Detail
31.10.18 12958234 Detail
31.10.18 MartinKofod_2604 Detail
31.10.18 KxXxZz Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #4
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28.10.18 Adus Detail
28.10.18 Cold-Blood Detail
28.10.18 Pluxer Detail
28.10.18 12956560 Detail
28.10.18 11202863 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #3
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27.10.18 11202863 Detail
27.10.18 10168281 Detail
27.10.18 X1rujano Detail
FIFA 19 (PC) 1on1 Community Cup #3 Europe
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25.10.18 magnik1ng Detail
25.10.18 HighFrequenz Detail
25.10.18 Mr Lenoir Detail
FIFA 19 (PC) 1on1 Ultimate Team Cup #1 Europe
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18.10.18 4162695 Detail
FIFA 19 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
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16.10.18 7536868 Detail
13.10.18 6538772 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #2
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14.10.18 9377196 Detail
FIFA 19 (PC) 1on1 Community Cup #2 Europe
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11.10.18 HighFrequenz Detail
11.10.18 7536868 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #1
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07.10.18 EYESPORTS.Antoxa Detail
07.10.18 Cold-Blood Detail
07.10.18 5741876 Detail
07.10.18 Nicolas Detail
07.10.18 12822239 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #50
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16.09.18 12751482 Detail
16.09.18 Gorkemlol Detail
16.09.18 12823858 Detail
CS:GO 1on1 Aim Cup #2 Portugal
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14.09.18 7294912 Detail
FIFA 18 (PC) 1on1 Summer Cup Playoff 2018 Europe
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12.09.18 J'CEO'Z Detail
12.09.18 J'CEO'Z Detail
FIFA 18 (PC) 1on1 Summer Cup #6 2018 Europe
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06.09.18 KxXxZz Detail
06.09.18 12769793 Detail
FIFA 18 (PC) 1on1 Summer Cup #1 2018 Europe
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02.08.18 12342366 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #43
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29.07.18 VeenoM_98 Detail
FIFA 18 (PC) 1on1 Community Cup #28 Europe
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26.07.18 12201038 Detail
26.07.18 12369969 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #42
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22.07.18 11796058 Detail
22.07.18 12342366 Detail
FIFA 18 (PC) 1on1 International Cup Playoff
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17.07.18 neobrefb Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #40
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08.07.18 12033363 Detail
08.07.18 6247636 Detail
FIFA 18 (PC) International Cup Group Stages
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26.06.18 8825356 Detail
FIFA 18 (PC) 1on1 Ultimate Team Cup #8 Europe
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03.05.18 9138302 Detail
03.05.18 11613913 Detail
FIFA 18 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
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24.04.18 6048498 Detail
13.04.18 9055237 Detail
08.04.18 MattZ75 Detail
07.04.18 tsantos26 Detail
04.04.18 9369600 Detail
30.03.18 6953439 Detail
05.01.18 dorukhanilhan10 Detail
29.12.17 7792569 Detail
29.12.17 poxi Detail
27.12.17 7792569 Detail
25.12.17 jerometh3fox.. Detail
25.12.17 8079087 Detail
20.12.17 11998139 Detail
20.12.17 dafzigic Detail
20.12.17 dorukhanilhan10 Detail
19.12.17 11998139 Detail
17.12.17 11948232 Detail
12.12.17 Kalasznikow Detail
12.12.17 Adsoon Detail
06.12.17 Qmpz Detail
06.12.17 11953105 Detail
06.12.17 Adsoon Detail
19.10.17 3426874 Detail
FIFA 18 (PC) 1on1 Easter Cup 2018 Europe
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02.04.18 12201038 Detail
02.04.18 RadomirSVK Detail
02.04.18 VladOz-1x1K Detail
FIFA 18 (PC) 1on1 Community Cup #21 Europe
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29.03.18 11924962 Detail
29.03.18 NovoArno Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #22
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04.03.18 6247636 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #20
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18.02.18 asdasdasds Detail
18.02.18 Andy Gritti Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe January 2018 Finals
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12.02.18 Mogghi16 Detail
12.02.18 Adsoon Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #19
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11.02.18 8868743 Detail
FIFA 18 (PC) 1on1 Ultimate Team Cup #3 Europe
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01.02.18 12136306 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #17
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28.01.18 forz37 Detail
28.01.18 9788691 Detail
FIFA 18 (PC) 1on1 Community Cup #15 Europe
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25.01.18 12069739 Detail
25.01.18 12106421 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #16
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21.01.18 EYESPORTS.Antoxa Detail
21.01.18 9447659 Detail
FIFA 18 (PC) 1on1 Community Cup #14 Europe
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18.01.18 7308073 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #15
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14.01.18 Adsoon Detail
14.01.18 EYES_Castell Detail
14.01.18 9289379 Detail
FIFA 18 (PC) 1on1 Community Cup #13 Europe
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11.01.18 12047653 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #14
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07.01.18 Cold-Blood Detail
07.01.18 nebation Detail
FIFA 18 (PC) 1on1 Community Cup #10 Europe
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21.12.17 10888822 Detail
21.12.17 11534046 Detail
21.12.17 8513840 Detail
FIFA 17 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
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02.09.17 Supbit Detail
22.08.17 K39N Detail
08.08.17 6159261 Detail
08.08.17 6159261 Detail
08.08.17 11276208 Detail
08.08.17 5134442 Detail
08.08.17 11610727 Detail
07.08.17 7996357 ULTRA LAG PLAYER Detail
31.07.17 11276208 Detail
31.07.17 11336475 Detail
31.07.17 Supbit Detail
29.07.17 Supbit Detail
28.07.17 11556130 Detail
28.07.17 BFC_ZPedro Detail
26.07.17 10123810 Detail
24.07.17 9415920 Detail
24.07.17 9488012 Detail
21.07.17 7536868 Detail
20.07.17 Supbit Detail
18.07.17 Supbit Detail
18.07.17 4301449 Detail
18.07.17 4301449 Detail
17.07.17 7536868 Detail
14.07.17 9182393 Detail
14.07.17 NeO Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #48
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27.08.17 Dzoni Detail
FIFA 17 (PC) 1on1 Community Cup #33 Europe
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24.08.17 9993296 Detail
24.08.17 5503698 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #46
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13.08.17 Lazy Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #35 powered by Scuf Gaming
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29.05.16 8193514 Detail
FIFA 16 (PC) WINTER CUP FINALS 2016 Portugal
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22.03.16 chry311 Detail
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20.03.16 9261730 Detail
16.03.16 1514960 Detail
15.03.16 7582928 Detail
11.03.16 7869234 Detail
01.03.16 2615663 Detail
28.02.16 9013018 Detail
27.02.16 8439107 Detail
26.02.16 Shevjke Detail
18.02.16 9261730 Detail
14.02.16 7582928 Detail
14.02.16 Luso Detail
14.02.16 Luso Detail
13.02.16 SanFran Detail
13.02.16 SanFran Detail
09.02.16 1514960 Detail
08.02.16 9377196 Detail
08.02.16 9159329 Detail
04.02.16 BilhaPT Detail
FIFA 16 (PC) 1on1 WINTER CUP 2016 Portugal
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01.03.16 2400446 Detail
01.03.16 1514960 Detail
18.02.16 9377196 Detail
13.02.16 2400446 Detail
09.02.16 1514960 Detail
08.02.16 9377196 Detail
FIFA 16 (PC) 1on1 Opening Cup Portugal
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27.12.15 9176199 Detail
22.12.15 9498417 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #3 powered by Scuf Gaming
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18.10.15 4497577 Detail
FIFA 16 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
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10.10.15 KzRR_ Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #1 powered by Scuf Gaming
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04.10.15 Diamond Detail
04.10.15 7981539 Detail
04.10.15 8393369 Detail
FIFA 15 1on1 Opening Cup Portugal
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04.08.15 6856860 Detail
18.07.15 5673529 Detail
13.07.15 chry311 Detail
09.07.15 9137165 Detail
01.07.15 9013018 Detail
FIFA 15 1on1 Night Cup Series 2 Cup 1 Portugal
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07.07.15 Shevjke Detail
Go4FIFA Europe Cup #40 powered by Scuf Gaming
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05.07.15 F 1 n Detail
05.07.15 JohnnyGrime Detail
05.07.15 9160615 Detail
FIFA 15 1on1 Night Cup Series 1 - #1 Portugal
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23.06.15 DaniToureiro Detail
Go4FIFA Europe Cup #29 powered by Scuf Gaming
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19.04.15 Cold-Blood Detail
19.04.15 ReDw1nG Detail
19.04.15 SK.TornAdo Detail
FIFA 15 Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
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18.04.15 6053492 Detail
15.04.15 4183432 Detail
14.04.15 8503319 Detail
14.04.15 SK.TornAdo Detail
14.04.15 tomh Detail
11.04.15 1927360 Detail
10.04.15 7536868 Detail
10.04.15 deRrpPpPP Detail
Go4FIFA Europe Cup #28 powered by Scuf Gaming
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12.04.15 7827965 Detail
12.04.15 8518874 Detail
12.04.15 Kawka Detail