st0rm-x  id: 7222040
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FIFA 17 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
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30.10.16 10579737 Detail
14.10.16 Jungle Uses Sync bug to try gain default win Detail
13.10.16 Kawka Detail
13.10.16 US1 Detail
12.10.16 ARAS Detail
10.10.16 Jungle Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #8 powered by Scuf Gaming
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22.11.15 9375630 Detail
22.11.15 9583713 very lag Detail
22.11.15 9460196 Detail
FIFA 16 (PC) 1on1 Community Cup #4 Europe
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19.11.15 Serag Bad attitude, Spammed chat during game. Detail
19.11.15 9561108 Detail
FIFA 16 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
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18.11.15 8766329 Detail
18.11.15 8791247 Bad attitude, Refused to use online squads Detail
17.11.15 9556757 Detail
17.11.15 Rionap Detail
17.11.15 4914819 Detail
17.11.15 iwnkl Detail
17.11.15 1755930 Detail
17.11.15 4280122 Detail
17.11.15 9538897 Detail
16.11.15 PitchBully Detail
16.11.15 9553353 Detail
16.11.15 9554184 Detail
16.11.15 8766329 Detail
15.11.15 kondekn quit early. Detail
15.11.15 6484991 Detail
15.11.15 iwnkl Detail
15.11.15 pain Detail
15.11.15 8916645 Detail
14.11.15 Maras Detail
14.11.15 P a p e k Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #7 powered by Scuf Gaming
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15.11.15 JohnnyGrime spammed EZ at end of game, passed around back 4. 1 attack, 1 goal.. Detail
FIFA 15 Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
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05.03.15 8863353 Constant LB+Y and Kick off bug Detail
04.03.15 1976571 Detail
FIFA 14 1on1 Opening Cup
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13.10.13 7973486 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Spring Cup 2013
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10.04.13 7214438 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Mixed Ladder
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28.03.13 5803341 Detail
28.03.13 3234398 VERY RUDE Detail
28.03.13 3545667 90th min rage quit Detail
26.03.13 1327141 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Night Cup Season 3 - #16
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26.03.13 7621616 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Night Cup Season 3 - #15
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24.03.13 Neros got 3 lucky goals, and very impatient Detail
24.03.13 6988632 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Mixed Ladder Old
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24.03.13 689240 Detail
23.03.13 andreyka1715 2 quick goals again... Detail
22.03.13 andreyka1715 Detail
22.03.13 3670982 Detail
22.03.13 DiogoVieira_ Detail
22.03.13 andreyka1715 bs penalty, and 1 dodgey goal from him.. Detail
21.03.13 1327141 Detail
21.03.13 3670982 Detail
21.03.13 rddk7 cheating prick... Detail
21.03.13 6005405 Opponent quit on my 6th goal @ 75th min Detail
21.03.13 609269 Detail
20.03.13 fraax Rude, Cheating, Breaking rules by using legacy defending Detail
20.03.13 3861151 Detail
20.03.13 Bl4ckLine 90TH MIN quitter when i was winning 2-1 Detail
20.03.13 1236204 1-2 over the top balls to beat defenders... Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Night Cup Season 3 - #14
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22.03.13 7553434 Detail