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StarCraft 2 Open Cup #232 Europe
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17.06.24 F2ClicK Detail
IEM Katowice 2024 - Americas Server Open Qualifier
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10.12.23 Maplez Detail
10.12.23 JHONATANCV Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #203 Europe
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27.11.23 Harstem Detail
27.11.23 Blutmilan Detail
27.11.23 saVer Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #202 Europe
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20.11.23 Narra Detail
20.11.23 Hoodra Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #197 Europe
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16.10.23 HolyHit Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #196 Europe
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09.10.23 DnS Detail
09.10.23 WhosSly Detail
09.10.23 Blade Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #184 Europe
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17.07.23 Harstem Detail
17.07.23 arrogfire Detail
17.07.23 Rostok Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #167 Europe
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20.03.23 Tomstar Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #165 Europe
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06.03.23 DisK Detail
06.03.23 AshbringerSC2 Detail
06.03.23 gimmesumloot Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #164 Europe
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27.02.23 uThermal Detail
27.02.23 DIMAGA Detail
27.02.23 Indy Detail
27.02.23 Dephy Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #151 Europe
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28.11.22 MaNa Detail
28.11.22 PhleBuster Detail
28.11.22 Anticore Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #142 Europe
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26.09.22 DnS Detail
26.09.22 MindelVK Detail
26.09.22 Azura Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #141 Europe
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19.09.22 ShoWTimE Detail
19.09.22 SKillous Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #140 Europe
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12.09.22 Nikich Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #137 Europe
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22.08.22 月野鹿 Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #135 Europe
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08.08.22 Harstem Detail
08.08.22 Trifax Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #134 Europe
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01.08.22 SKillous Detail
01.08.22 Spatz Detail
01.08.22 Hirich Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #131 Europe
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11.07.22 Exostriker Detail
11.07.22 Luke Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #129 Europe
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27.06.22 bioice Detail
27.06.22 NaJi Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #128 Europe
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20.06.22 SKillous Detail
20.06.22 Exostriker Detail
20.06.22 GgMaChine Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #127 Europe
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13.06.22 ForJumy Detail
13.06.22 Deca Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #126 Europe
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06.06.22 Gerald Detail
06.06.22 Azura Detail
06.06.22 GipsyDanger Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #125 Europe
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30.05.22 GunGFuBanDa Detail
30.05.22 Babymarine Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #124 Europe
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23.05.22 ForJumy Detail
23.05.22 GunGFuBanDa Detail
23.05.22 Babymarine Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #123 Europe
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16.05.22 bioice Detail
16.05.22 Rostok Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #122 Europe
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09.05.22 Babymarine Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #121 Europe
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02.05.22 GunGFuBanDa Detail
02.05.22 YoungYakov Detail
02.05.22 WaveCaptain Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #120 Europe
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25.04.22 BattleB Detail
25.04.22 HolyHit Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #119 Europe
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18.04.22 Kelazhur Detail
18.04.22 BratOK Detail
18.04.22 JasonStatham Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #118 Europe
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11.04.22 Lambo Detail
11.04.22 Vindicta Detail
11.04.22 control Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #117 Europe
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04.04.22 HeroMarine Detail
04.04.22 MaxPax Detail
04.04.22 Kas Detail
04.04.22 PaRoOby Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #104 Europe - Powered by Shopify
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03.01.22 Clem Detail
03.01.22 Lancer Detail
03.01.22 Fjant Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #103 Europe - Powered by Shopify
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27.12.21 Clem Detail
27.12.21 Lancer Detail
27.12.21 Trifax Detail
27.12.21 ReDy Detail
DreamHack SC2 Masters: Last Chance 2021/22 - Americas Server Closed Qualifier
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20.12.21 Zoun Detail
20.12.21 Erik Detail
DreamHack SC2 Masters: Last Chance 2021/22 - Americas Server Open Qualifier
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19.12.21 Nice Detail
19.12.21 Forestalling Detail
DreamHack SC2 Masters: Last Chance 2021/22 - Europe Server Closed Qualifier
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17.12.21 Lambo Detail
17.12.21 Krystianer Detail
17.12.21 Oliveira Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #101 Europe - Powered by Shopify
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13.12.21 herO Detail
13.12.21 GuitarKing Detail
13.12.21 MarxNotDead Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #100 Europe - Powered by Shopify
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06.12.21 GrosPapa Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #99 Europe - Powered by Shopify
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29.11.21 DIMAGA Detail
29.11.21 PPower Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #98 Europe - Powered by Shopify
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22.11.21 MoonBeam Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #96 Europe - Powered by Shopify
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15.11.21 ForJumy Detail
15.11.21 elfleischo9 Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #94 Europe - Powered by Shopify
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01.11.21 BratOK Detail
01.11.21 elfleischo9 Detail
DreamHack SC2 Masters Winter 2021 - Closed Qualifier - Europe
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26.09.21 Adonminus Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #87 Europe - Powered by Shopify
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06.09.21 Forestalling blew up his banelings by mistake. Very cool Detail
06.09.21 roroo Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #86 Europe - Powered by Shopify
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31.08.21 Spatz Detail
31.08.21 I'm so useless... Detail
31.08.21 Losting Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #85 Europe - Powered by Shopify
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23.08.21 Kas Detail
23.08.21 Forestalling Detail
23.08.21 Spazymazy Detail
23.08.21 mglo Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #84 Europe - Powered by Shopify
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16.08.21 SKillous Detail
16.08.21 Krystianer Detail
16.08.21 Indy Detail
16.08.21 grapefruitman Detail
16.08.21 EastToss Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #83 Europe - Powered by Shopify
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09.08.21 Strange Detail
09.08.21 Aristori Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #76 Europe - Powered by Shopify
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21.06.21 MilkiCow Detail
21.06.21 Keiras Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #75 Europe - Powered by Shopify
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14.06.21 Harstem Detail
14.06.21 Bistork Detail
14.06.21 ibabattlenet Detail
14.06.21 Swing Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #70 Europe
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10.05.21 Kelazhur Detail
10.05.21 Bly Detail
10.05.21 Nicoract Detail
10.05.21 Guru Detail
10.05.21 mglo Detail
SC2 TeamLiquid Starleague 7 - Qualifier #2 Europe
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08.05.21 ziGGy Detail
08.05.21 Harstem Detail
08.05.21 I'm so useless... Detail
SC2 TeamLiquid Starleague 7 - Qualifier #1 Europe
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01.05.21 Lambo Detail
01.05.21 Clem Detail
01.05.21 Forestalling Detail
01.05.21 Mixu Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #63 Europe
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22.03.21 Wayne Detail
22.03.21 FrisK Detail
22.03.21 AllHailLulu Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #62 Europe
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15.03.21 HolyHit Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #61 Europe
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08.03.21 Kas Detail
08.03.21 Blutmilan Detail
08.03.21 Fjant Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #60 Europe
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01.03.21 MaxPax Detail
01.03.21 SortOf Detail
01.03.21 YoungYakov Detail
01.03.21 AaRaSs Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #52 Europe
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10.01.21 JEROS Detail
10.01.21 MoltenSC Detail
10.01.21 GipsyDanger Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #51 Europe
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07.01.21 MaxPax Detail
07.01.21 Kas Detail
07.01.21 CuKu Detail
07.01.21 turtle Detail
Dreamhack Masters: Last Chance 2020/21 - Americas Server Closed Qualifier
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18.12.20 Kelazhur Detail
Dreamhack Masters: Last Chance 2020/21 - Americas Server Open Qualifier
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17.12.20 goblin Detail
17.12.20 16363096 Detail
Dreamhack Masters: Last Chance 2020/21 - Europe Server Closed Qualifier
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15.12.20 PtitDrogo Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #48 Europe
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07.12.20 goblin Detail
07.12.20 uThermal Detail
07.12.20 Denver Detail
07.12.20 AshbringerSC2 Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #47 Europe
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30.11.20 Lambo Detail
30.11.20 MaxPax Detail
30.11.20 HolyHit Detail
30.11.20 ArabEmirate Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #46 Europe
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23.11.20 Simmen Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #44 Europe
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09.11.20 Kelazhur Detail
09.11.20 MaxPax Detail
09.11.20 HolyHit Detail
09.11.20 ZeroBrain Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #43 Europe
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02.11.20 MaNa Detail
02.11.20 ShaDoWn Detail
02.11.20 Exostriker Detail
02.11.20 CuKu Detail
02.11.20 DarkTilRisen Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #42 Europe
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26.10.20 HeroMarine Detail
26.10.20 Bly Detail
26.10.20 Narra Detail
26.10.20 bArtH Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #38 Europe
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28.09.20 BattleB Detail
28.09.20 bArtH Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #37 Europe
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21.09.20 AqueroN Detail
21.09.20 ShOckWavE Detail
21.09.20 napolcochon Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #33 Europe
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24.08.20 MaxPax Detail
24.08.20 Madlife Detail
24.08.20 XY Detail
DH SC2 Masters Fall 2020 - Open Qualifier #1 Europe
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19.08.20 8352010 Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #19 Europe
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18.05.20 Spatz Detail
18.05.20 9607386 Detail
18.05.20 15656095 Detail
Shopify TeamLiquid Starleague 5 - Qualifier #1 North America
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28.04.20 Denver Detail
28.04.20 Neeblet Detail
28.04.20 Cham Detail
27.04.20 WarreN Detail
Shopify TeamLiquid Starleague 5 - Qualifier #1 Europe
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25.04.20 GunGFuBanDa Detail
25.04.20 Lambo Detail
24.04.20 MogarFNSMASH Detail
24.04.20 4965018 Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #12 Europe
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29.03.20 TLO Detail
29.03.20 PAPl Detail
29.03.20 Teebul Detail