amR 'mastroK' adeL  id: 8532959
[ Match Ratings ]
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Crossfire 1on1 Halloween Cup 2015 Europe
created to rating comment match
31.10.15 Dopie Detail
31.10.15 8601222 Detail
31.10.15 soLiD Detail
31.10.15 9312004 Detail
Crossfire Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created to rating comment match
28.01.15 8641274 Detail
16.01.15 DoyouWantSomeBeef Detail
15.01.15 8641274 Detail
12.01.15 8821652 Detail
06.01.15 Faykow. Detail
06.01.15 8538381 Detail
04.01.15 8716046 Detail
22.12.14 8791948 Detail
20.12.14 8644684 Detail
30.11.14 7448993 Detail
28.11.14 DeNis Detail
26.11.14 8325040 Detail
24.11.14 Faykow. Detail
23.11.14 deRrpPpPP Detail
Crossfire Team Deathmatch 1on1 Sniper Ladder
created to rating comment match
22.09.14 Cryyy Detail
03.09.14 8477108 Detail
14.08.14 7639534 Detail
04.08.14 7451197 Detail
03.08.14 8538883 Detail
01.08.14 8335418 Detail
30.07.14 7913490 Detail
28.07.14 6329384 Detail
27.07.14 TEEDDYY Detail
Crossfire Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
15.09.14 8417394 Detail
15.08.14 Faykow. Detail
02.08.14 deRrpPpPP Detail