matsgrey  id: 12278227
Game Value Created
To add or change your game IDs, find a tournament for that game by choosing a game on the games page. On the right side of the tournament you will see the tournament widget, where you can update your game ID.
Epic Account matsgrey   2021-05-23 16:39:05
Epic Account Name matsgrey   2021-05-26 18:45:22
EpicID 8f003348c86446b4b38a6f093a109bb6   2021-05-23 16:44:00
Riot ID madsmonster#EUW   2021-05-23 16:39:18
RocketID matsgrey#7718   2020-03-04 19:43:59
Steam Account matsgrey   2021-05-23 16:38:56