Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (3) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History Aufrichtig id: 10002351 created Platform action 29/03/16 13:06h first_login_default 19/04/16 11:08h join_league ESL Play LoL EU West 1on1 Proving Grounds #210 19/04/16 12:39h register_team TLM (10050576) 19/04/16 12:40h register_team Deleted account (10050581) 24/06/16 16:25h join_team Tribunal E-Sports (10156115) 26/06/16 11:19h join_team LoL - Tribunal eSports (10220197) 08/07/16 06:04h increase_trustlevel 0 -> 1 23/07/16 14:56h team_kick LoL - Tribunal eSports (10220197) / by Deleted account (7261332) 18/09/16 13:40h register_team Tribunal Academy White (10489968) 24/09/16 13:42h join_team eversity red (10377981) 29/09/16 14:33h join_team Tactical Riot Gaming (10202907) 08/12/16 11:48h join_team Amigoz on Tour LoL (10645142) 11/12/16 12:11h team_kick eversity red (10377981) / by Deleted account (10181139) 19/12/16 12:06h join_team TRG EVOLVE (10524772) 07/05/17 10:57h join_team In Memory of ANGRY GORILLAS (5618315) 22/05/17 15:20h register_team GES Rastbachtal (11330094) 14/09/17 18:14h team_kick In Memory of ANGRY GORILLAS (5618315) / by Deleted account (5563910) 11/10/18 12:05h join_team Die Bamboozler (12347488) 10/02/19 07:14h register_team Laneflare (13271986) 10/02/19 07:14h register_team Laneflare (13271988) 15/03/19 21:07h join_team Team Vertex (13475389) 26/04/19 18:07h join_team Flayn eSports Swiss Edition (13536034) 31/05/19 16:06h team_kick Flayn eSports Swiss Edition (13536034) / by Deleted account (11565024) 06/07/19 19:14h decrease_trustlevel 1 -> 0 26/05/23 18:19h team_kick Team Vertex (13475389) / by Daemon (3) 26/05/23 18:19h team_kick Die Bamboozler (12347488) / by Daemon (3) 26/05/23 18:19h team_kick Tactical Riot Gaming (10202907) / by Daemon (3) 26/05/23 18:19h team_kick Laneflare (13271988) / by Daemon (3) 26/05/23 18:19h team_kick Laneflare (13271986) / by Daemon (3) 26/05/23 18:19h team_kick Amigoz on Tour LoL (10645142) / by Daemon (3) 26/05/23 18:19h team_kick TRG EVOLVE (10524772) / by Daemon (3) 26/05/23 18:19h team_kick TLM (10050576) / by Daemon (3) 26/05/23 18:19h team_kick GES Rastbachtal (11330094) / by Daemon (3) 26/05/23 18:19h team_kick Tribunal E-Sports (10156115) / by Daemon (3) 26/05/23 18:19h team_kick Tribunal Academy White (10489968) / by Daemon (3)