created | Platform | action |
16/04/16 06:24h | first_login_default | |
16/04/16 06:24h | join_team FullHouse Gaming (10042769) | |
25/04/16 11:20h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe | |
01/07/16 19:13h | inactivity_kick ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe | |
14/08/16 06:36h | join_team Harambe (10397491) | |
11/09/16 05:04h | leave_team Harambe (10397491) | |
11/09/16 05:05h | leave_team FullHouse Gaming (10042769) | |
21/11/16 14:35h | join_team In Memory of ANGRY GORILLAS (4563724) | |
29/01/17 17:58h | team_kick In Memory of ANGRY GORILLAS (4563724) / by MPSv3 (1799023) | |
03/01/18 12:10h | join_team ....5Acess (10600574) | |
31/07/18 10:42h | leave_team ....5Acess (10600574) |