created | Platform | action |
26/04/16 11:28h | first_login_default | |
26/04/16 11:30h | join_team The Kryptonious (10068464) | |
26/04/16 13:33h | team_kick The Kryptonious (10068464) / by Deleted account (9725419) | |
01/03/17 14:42h | join_team RedBone.T (11004520) | |
08/04/17 15:35h | join_team fragthieves (11165849) | |
16/05/18 17:04h | team_kick RedBone.T (11004520) / by Deleted account (9826302) | |
07/09/18 11:52h | join_team UZSUUKAA (12802602) | |
08/01/19 15:20h | join_team IQ Gaming (10461425) | |
21/01/19 14:27h | team_kick IQ Gaming (10461425) / by LeoKing (9775740) | |
02/03/19 18:37h | register_team aimhaus_apex (13400287) | |
07/04/19 06:45h | join_team Ardua (11210494) | |
26/05/19 13:17h | register_team Ardua (13738179) |