created | Platform | action |
03/06/16 06:04h | first_login_default | |
03/06/16 06:04h | join_team Bristle Is OP (10161026) | |
12/04/18 23:09h | join_team Team Flash (11949033) | |
22/12/18 22:53h | join_team Arab&Proud (13117023) | |
18/09/19 05:07h | join_team Sencens (13352045) | |
03/12/19 14:02h | team_kick Sencens (13352045) / by Ravesse (9151315) | |
06/01/21 12:04h | register_team Watermelons (16476737) | |
13/03/21 08:39h | join_team Deleted account (16656401) | |
18/11/21 16:39h | join_team The Brood (17379744) | |
23/02/22 10:33h | team_kick The Brood (17379744) / by Saito (12075702) | |
22/05/22 13:27h | join_team Le Classique (17551846) | |
01/07/22 08:58h | join_team Team Blink (17562200) |