Alex 'Hughesy' Hughes  id: 10485736
created Platform action
17/09/16 10:44h first_login_default 
17/09/16 10:47h join_team  Venom (10485059)
01/10/16 20:19h join_team  The Drongos (10487447)
21/10/16 22:11h register_team  Team TBD (10566148)
21/10/16 22:12h leave_team  Venom (10485059)
21/10/16 22:13h leave_team  The Drongos (10487447)
10/12/16 20:09h register_team  sandcastle + 2 (10746498)
17/12/16 19:31h register_team  lul (10765420)
17/12/16 19:32h register_team  lul (10765423)
05/01/17 01:54h join_team  Deleted account (10805824)
27/01/17 10:31h team_kick  Deleted account (10805824) / by Kamii (10805819)
28/01/17 01:59h join_team  Boosted Animals (10890761)
04/02/17 00:24h join_team  paw patrol (10914595)
18/02/17 02:22h join_team  2KF1 Gaming (10574250)
18/02/17 19:20h join_team  Nameless (10965881)
18/02/17 19:20h join_team  Nameless (10965881)
24/02/17 08:24h join_team  Team Name (10986046)
24/02/17 19:11h team_kick  2KF1 Gaming (10574250) / by Deleted account (7589495)
04/03/17 16:57h join_team  Toxic (11013008)
18/03/17 20:28h join_team  IDK (11039038)
25/03/17 20:59h join_team  Unban Erit from RLO (11080668)
01/07/17 21:20h join_team  Hughesy and idk lol (11464436)
08/07/17 21:19h join_team  Team Name (11492238)
21/09/17 07:38h join_team  Deleted account (11726981)
25/09/17 22:30h join_team  Deleted account (11464412)
26/09/17 04:22h team_kick  Deleted account (11464412) / by Hawk (11439778)
25/10/17 04:22h join_team  Optimistic Losers (11784680)
19/11/17 01:53h register_team  Pirates of the Coliseum (11914583)
18/02/18 01:44h join_team  Da Girlz (11876521)
18/03/18 03:06h join_team  Super UwU Gamers (11712075)
18/03/18 03:25h team_kick  Optimistic Losers (11784680) / by Deleted account (10845054)
25/03/18 01:29h join_team  Apes (12348968)
08/04/18 01:02h join_team  Lèsè Esports (11906577)
08/04/18 04:39h team_kick  Super UwU Gamers (11712075) / by Calstar (10693201)
22/04/18 04:14h team_kick  Da Girlz (11876521) / by Deleted account (10659501)
20/05/18 04:02h register_team  Skrtt (12495517)
10/06/18 03:11h register_team  skrtt (12550204)
24/06/18 04:03h join_team  your dad (12566426)
08/07/18 01:47h join_team  Lèsè Esports White (12559288)
26/08/18 03:21h register_team  beans (12770524)
06/10/18 21:52h team_kick  Lèsè Esports White (12559288) / by Deleted account (10849601)
04/09/20 07:57h join_team  Boomers (16149985)
19/11/20 22:17h join_roster  for team #16149985 in ESL Oceanic Championship RL Winter Event 2 Open Qualifier #216517 by #13463935
04/03/21 07:10h register_team  RICH GANG (16639703)
05/03/21 19:12h join_roster  for team #16639703 in ESL Oceanic Championship RL Spring Event 1 Qualifier #221748
01/06/21 09:11h join_roster  for team #16149985 in Intel World Open 2021 Rocket League Open Qualifier #1 Australia #223467 by #13463935