Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (1) Replay Archive (0) Awards (3) Contacts & Buddies (5) Rating Gameaccounts History William 'Spoit' Löfstedt id: 10501695 created Platform action 25/09/16 05:38h first_login_default 25/09/16 05:40h join_team GODSENT (10494694) 18/10/16 10:45h join_team Deleted account (10546922) 19/10/16 09:56h register_team Deleted account (10548819) 19/10/16 10:11h team_kick Deleted account (10546922) / by Deleted account (10545913) 23/11/16 04:31h register_team Deleted account (10695637) 24/11/16 12:24h join_team Deleted account (5804021) 02/12/16 12:36h leave_team Deleted account (5804021) 18/12/16 07:06h leave_team GODSENT (10494694) 18/12/16 07:11h leave_team Deleted account (10695637) 25/12/16 10:05h join_team GODSENT (10494694) 27/12/16 09:36h register_team Deleted account (10786120) 17/01/17 13:36h register_team Deleted account (10855029) 26/01/17 05:37h register_team Deleted account (10884461) 04/02/17 11:02h join_team GoootEeeeem (10915872) 27/02/17 03:43h register_team Quantic eSports. R6S (10997196) 03/03/17 09:41h join_team mixy (11004051) 08/03/17 12:37h join_team Deleted account (11025784) 08/03/17 12:47h team_kick Deleted account (11025784) / by Deleted account (10196317) 01/04/17 14:37h join_team Deleted account (11088951) 28/04/17 15:49h join_team Elemental R6S (11027935) 06/07/17 06:59h register_team AvidityGG - CS:GO (11476419) 15/07/17 07:20h join_team Team Reformxd (11496311) 15/07/17 13:09h join_team Reflame Mix (11507355) 02/08/17 18:29h team_kick Team Reformxd (11496311) / by Deleted account (10842460) 11/08/17 16:05h register_team SpoitKNOWS (11621533) 11/08/17 16:05h register_team Spoit and his slaves (11621535) 16/08/17 18:58h team_kick Reflame Mix (11507355) / by Deleted account (10842460) 02/09/17 08:34h join_team Obliter8A (11678990) 23/09/17 04:33h join_team Classic and friends (11736641) 21/10/17 10:48h join_team Deleted account (11835447) 08/11/17 15:48h leave_team Classic and friends (11736641) 18/12/17 13:10h join_team Team Purple R6S (11871091) 11/05/18 15:20h team_kick GODSENT (10494694) / by Treiko (10014157) 19/05/18 16:21h join_team Deleted account (12451556) 09/07/18 04:17h join_team Deleted account (12623748) 30/07/18 07:12h join_team GODSENT (10494694) 05/08/18 09:18h join_team Ranked Family (12427566) 11/08/18 08:18h join_team Another Random One :/ (12726481) 30/09/18 07:15h join_team Deleted account (12858191) 12/12/18 12:43h join_team Deleted account (13070698) 15/12/18 08:58h join_team Shmoro4ka (12932804) 06/01/19 10:20h join_team Moulin Rouge (12390244) 11/01/19 13:17h team_kick Moulin Rouge (12390244) / by m1loNN (10104066) 21/01/19 12:05h join_team Deleted account (13209065) 07/03/19 10:41h join_team További szép estét! :) (13293934) 05/04/19 11:42h team_kick További szép estét! :) (13293934) / by Deleted account (11704352) 10/05/19 03:25h register_team Dora the Explorer n’ co (13686194) 02/06/22 06:48h join_team KOI (17554916) 06/04/23 15:14h team_kick KOI (17554916) / by LeonGids (10172306)