Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (2) Contacts & Buddies (1) Rating Gameaccounts History Desi id: 10856353 created Platform action 17/01/17 22:22h first_login_default 17/01/17 22:58h join_team RP (10692357) 12/04/17 22:38h leave_team RP (10692357) 12/04/17 22:40h register_team EntryRL (11185754) 29/06/17 00:22h join_team Deleted account (11433648) 30/09/17 15:29h join_team Lactic Acid (11767051) 22/10/17 13:37h register_team Deleted account (11842147) 22/10/17 13:54h join_team Team Obey (11842237) 05/11/17 01:56h join_team Deray B (11880033) 03/12/17 14:05h register_team Ballistic B (11955577) 03/12/17 14:06h register_team Ballistic 2nd (11955579) 18/02/18 13:57h join_team Mans are hot (12208160) 18/03/18 14:05h register_team gey shet (12326264) 21/04/18 00:34h join_team CursedAscension (12347908) 28/06/18 19:06h join_team Deleted account (12351502) 12/08/18 13:46h join_team Hooked Esports (11394244) 30/08/18 04:13h team_kick Hooked Esports (11394244) / by Deleted account (9394456) 02/09/18 01:45h join_team epic cool gamers (12789936) 02/09/18 14:27h leave_team Deleted account (12351502) 09/09/18 14:50h join_team the bags of trash (12808889) 09/09/18 14:55h register_team baddies (12808908) 09/09/18 14:56h leave_team Mans are hot (12208160) 15/09/18 23:43h join_team Deleted account (12351502) 23/09/18 14:02h team_kick Deleted account (12351502) / by Deleted account (11864144) 23/09/18 14:23h join_team ESL Monthly Potatoes (12666064) 23/09/18 14:37h team_kick epic cool gamers (12789936) / by Deleted account (10710792) 07/10/18 14:37h team_kick ESL Monthly Potatoes (12666064) / by Deleted account (10636135) 07/10/18 14:42h leave_team baddies (12808908) 07/10/18 14:42h join_team K. (12808640) 14/10/18 16:20h join_team ESL Monthly Potatoes (12666064) 18/11/18 14:15h team_kick ESL Monthly Potatoes (12666064) / by Deleted account (10636135) 23/05/21 17:29h join_team Oxygen Esports (16901521) 25/05/21 14:09h join_roster for team #16901521 in Intel World Open 2021 Rocket League Open Qualifier #1 United States #223542 by #11523610 25/05/21 14:10h join_roster for team #16901521 in Intel World Open 2021 Rocket League Open Qualifier #2 United States #223544 by #11523610