created | Platform | action |
04/03/17 05:02h | first_login_default | |
04/03/17 05:08h | join_team Rost family (10495354) | |
07/05/17 12:41h | join_team Naoki (11281813) | |
07/05/17 12:57h | leave_team Rost family (10495354) | |
18/06/17 17:28h | join_team Zc & Friends (10763663) | |
21/06/17 16:52h | leave_team Zc & Friends (10763663) | |
02/07/17 11:02h | join_team Zc Tryouts FamiLy (10398110) | |
30/07/17 01:25h | join_team AxS Clan (11572011) | |
30/07/17 02:28h | leave_team Zc Tryouts FamiLy (10398110) | |
05/08/17 09:14h | join_team Zc Tryouts FamiLy (10398110) | |
13/08/17 14:43h | team_kick Zc Tryouts FamiLy (10398110) / by Deleted account (10228414) | |
28/11/17 04:11h | join_team Rost family (10495354) | |
02/12/17 10:26h | join_team Secrets (11586428) | |
12/12/17 10:54h | join_team BeastSeиιoR (11980358) | |
13/01/18 07:19h | join_team SpιðeR Daиce MAEKEN (12058033) | |
21/01/18 10:32h | leave_team BeastSeиιoR (11980358) | |
21/01/18 10:47h | join_team Ðearły Bełσveð (11940092) | |
27/01/18 05:57h | team_kick SpιðeR Daиce MAEKEN (12058033) / by Deleted account (10914450) | |
31/01/18 04:08h | join_team Deleted account (12130853) | |
18/02/18 00:20h | join_team SpιðeR Daиce MAEKEN (12058033) | |
24/02/18 06:26h | team_kick Deleted account (12130853) / by poon (10816557) | |
24/02/18 08:45h | join_team Deleted account (12130853) | |
24/02/18 11:00h | leave_team Rost family (10495354) | |
03/03/18 09:51h | join_team Rost family (10495354) | |
07/03/18 02:58h | leave_team Secrets (11586428) | |
19/03/18 16:08h | join_team Deleted account (12330929) | |
14/04/18 08:44h | join_team MiVŁ Blue (12242815) | |
14/04/18 08:46h | leave_team Rost family (10495354) | |
14/04/18 08:47h | leave_team SpιðeR Daиce MAEKEN (12058033) | |
25/04/18 15:55h | team_kick MiVŁ Blue (12242815) / by SG (10239140) | |
27/04/18 13:17h | join_team Rost family (10495354) | |
28/04/18 11:42h | join_team Deleted account (12405197) | |
30/04/18 00:47h | join_team YsP Nation (12447485) | |
01/05/18 16:46h | leave_team Deleted account (12405197) | |
02/06/18 18:00h | join_team Strong eyes X-men (12530083) | |
03/06/18 00:43h | leave_team Deleted account (12330929) | |
09/06/18 10:32h | leave_team Strong eyes X-men (12530083) | |
09/06/18 10:36h | join_team Mi Vida Loca (12017413) | |
14/06/18 08:56h | leave_team Mi Vida Loca (12017413) | |
16/06/18 09:56h | join_team Strong eyes X-men (12530083) | |
03/08/18 13:46h | leave_team YsP Nation (12447485) | |
03/08/18 13:51h | leave_team AxS Clan (11572011) | |
02/09/18 15:57h | join_team YsP Nation (12447485) | |
16/11/18 22:21h | leave_team YsP Nation (12447485) | |
16/11/18 22:22h | join_team Deleted account (11305059) | |
23/11/18 01:55h | leave_team Deleted account (11305059) | |
23/11/18 09:03h | join_team Deleted account (13031552) | |
26/11/18 00:57h | join_team Deleted account (11305059) | |
26/11/18 00:57h | leave_team Deleted account (13031552) | |
15/12/18 08:11h | join_team Deleted account (13079431) | |
15/12/18 08:11h | leave_team Deleted account (11305059) | |
29/12/18 11:39h | join_team FaZe Shift (13123776) | |
29/12/18 13:38h | leave_team Deleted account (13079431) | |
02/02/19 11:10h | join_team Deleted account (13251286) | |
03/03/19 09:01h | join_team Deleted account (11305059) | |
03/03/19 15:47h | leave_team Deleted account (11305059) | |
03/03/19 15:57h | join_team Deleted account (11305059) | |
27/03/19 18:52h | register_team Iиtø the wild @目あった?バージョン (13529901) | |
24/08/19 17:46h | join_team Deleted account (14045740) | |
29/09/19 09:46h | join_team POON Company (14170832) | |
19/10/19 17:52h | join_team Søиs of Λиaгcʜy (14179654) | |
02/11/19 08:33h | join_team SταR*gaming (14254417) | |
02/11/19 08:34h | leave_team Søиs of Λиaгcʜy (14179654) | |
23/11/19 02:53h | join_team Søиs of Λиaгcʜy (14179654) | |
23/11/19 02:54h | leave_team POON Company (14170832) | |
23/11/19 02:54h | leave_team Deleted account (14045740) | |
23/11/19 02:54h | leave_team SταR*gaming (14254417) | |
01/12/19 14:10h | leave_team Iиtø the wild @目あった?バージョン (13529901) |