Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (2) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History Jake Holbert id: 11063394 created Platform action 19/03/17 12:24h first_login_default 19/03/17 12:24h join_team Deleted account (11061267) 19/03/17 18:39h team_kick Deleted account (11061267) / by Deleted account (9919542) 30/03/17 17:35h join_team Bluu Storm (11093064) 12/08/17 13:43h join_team Squidward Tiki Land (11598591) 13/08/17 11:45h leave_team Squidward Tiki Land (11598591) 13/08/17 14:15h register_team Deleted account (11627684) 24/09/17 09:20h join_team Pack of Alpha’s (11745518) 24/09/17 23:26h team_kick Pack of Alpha’s (11745518) / by Deleted account (11745405) 19/11/17 14:10h leave_team Bluu Storm (11093064) 18/12/18 15:54h join_team CRLCommunity (12889597) 18/12/18 20:36h team_kick CRLCommunity (12889597) / by CRL TheDoctor 1 (12419355) 07/02/19 11:24h join_team CRLCommunity (12889597) 31/03/19 20:57h team_kick CRLCommunity (12889597) / by CRL TheDoctor 1 (12419355) 25/05/19 22:37h join_team NG Esports (13615229) 06/06/19 23:21h team_kick NG Esports (13615229) / by Deleted account (12735906) 07/07/19 16:37h join_team Burnt Tacos (13638897) 21/07/19 13:24h join_team Deleted account (13910570) 21/07/19 15:48h leave_team Burnt Tacos (13638897) 28/07/19 14:23h register_team FirstRoundExit (13930291) 19/08/19 19:24h join_team CRLCommunity (12889597) 22/11/19 03:31h team_kick CRLCommunity (12889597) / by Deleted account (12435639)