Visitors (since 04/04/21)
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created | Platform | action |
26/03/17 09:31h | first_login_default | |
26/03/17 09:59h | join_team The Wrath (9778182) | |
27/10/17 14:41h | join_team 5FraGz (10856825) | |
28/10/17 10:30h | team_kick 5FraGz (10856825) / by Deleted account (11209021) | |
01/06/18 18:06h | leave_team The Wrath (9778182) | |
01/06/18 18:12h | join_league ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe | |
14/07/18 18:43h | inactivity_kick ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe | |
27/07/18 12:31h | register_team Deleted account (12679710) | |
27/07/18 12:36h | join_team The Wrath (9778182) | |
06/09/19 15:16h | join_team Aggression (13615457) | |
06/09/19 15:17h | leave_team The Wrath (9778182) |