Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (7) Replay Archive (0) Awards (5) Contacts & Buddies (2) Rating Gameaccounts History Lynx id: 1120886 created Platform action 11/02/05 12:45h first_login 06/08/05 19:47h join_team Deleted account (1195832) 06/08/05 19:49h join_team Deleted account (1340721) 11/09/05 11:19h join_team Deleted account (1419603) 10/10/05 16:33h team_kick Deleted account (1340721) / by (-) 10/10/05 16:36h team_kick Deleted account (1195832) / by (-) 14/10/05 14:49h team_kick Deleted account (1419603) / by (-) 30/11/05 11:21h join_team Deleted account (1482034) 12/12/05 15:50h join_team Deleted account (1479733) 12/12/05 16:18h join_team Deleted account (1541512) 12/12/05 16:19h join_team Deleted account (1559036) 27/01/06 15:30h team_kick Deleted account (1559036) / by Tomboman (22) 20/03/06 17:18h leave_team Deleted account (1479733) 20/03/06 17:18h leave_team Deleted account (1541512) 20/03/06 17:19h join_team Deleted account (1694731) 29/03/06 03:47h wanna_join_league Ger Counter Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder 29/03/06 05:23h join_league Ger Counter Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder 26/04/06 12:16h team_kick Deleted account (1482034) / by Deleted account (55) 10/05/06 14:36h team_kick Deleted account (1694731) 26/09/06 12:11h join_team Spielerbank Aalen (1873385) 26/03/07 07:50h join_team Kommando-Spezialkraefte (1458579) 26/03/07 07:50h join_team The Both Camp of Illumination (1491708) 26/03/07 07:50h join_team I L L U M I N A T I (2319339) 26/03/07 07:51h join_team Deleted account (1952530) 03/05/07 16:51h leave_team Kommando-Spezialkraefte (1458579) 03/05/07 16:51h leave_team The Both Camp of Illumination (1491708) 03/05/07 16:51h leave_team I L L U M I N A T I (2319339) 03/05/07 16:51h leave_team Deleted account (1952530) 09/05/07 13:03h join_team Borussia Dortmund Fan Club (2133862) 06/04/08 05:46h first_login_esltv 06/11/08 11:19h join_team Retro-Gaming (3183684) 02/12/08 14:05h join_team Deleted account (3644796) 06/12/08 09:56h team_kick Deleted account (3644796) / by Deleted account (1938996) 07/12/08 13:14h leave_team Retro-Gaming (3183684) 04/04/09 23:08h wanna_join_league Europe PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder 05/04/09 01:09h join_league Europe PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder 14/04/09 06:47h increase_trustlevel 0 -> 1 03/05/09 11:13h join_team Retro-Gaming (3183684) 23/05/09 13:30h join_team Klabuschterbeerenbande (3822030) 07/06/09 16:35h join_team SPIELERBANK (4118609) 29/07/09 12:09h leave_team Retro-Gaming (3183684) 28/09/09 12:38h increase_trustlevel 1 -> 2 28/09/09 17:27h join_team In Memory of Ghostrider (3086892) 03/10/09 11:55h first_login_eslworld 13/10/09 13:59h join_team Retro-feeling (4489260) 15/12/09 08:52h join_team 1. Offizieller Jan Hegenberg FanClub (1683928) 06/04/11 19:17h decrease_trustlevel 2 -> 0 24/02/12 14:10h join_league Europe Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 Beta Key Raffle 26/09/14 19:56h join_team prYzm (4758879) 12/12/15 22:46h join_team make it or break it (9097233) 14/01/16 16:50h team_kick make it or break it (9097233) / by exSy (2369805) 05/05/18 16:56h join_team make it or break it (9097233) 05/05/18 16:57h join_team Deleted account (12449202) 05/05/18 17:10h join_roster for team #12449202 in PUBG Global Invitational 2018 Squad Open Qualifier Europe #174872 by #6794384 19/05/18 06:21h join_roster for team #12449202 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #2 Europe #175883 by #6794384 19/05/18 06:21h join_roster for team #12449202 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #3 Europe #175884 by #6794384 19/05/18 06:21h join_roster for team #12449202 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #4 Europe #175927 by #6794384 19/05/18 06:21h join_roster for team #12449202 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #5 Europe #175928 by #6794384 04/08/18 17:13h join_roster for team #12449202 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #11 Europe #179458 by #6794384 12/08/18 07:22h join_roster for team #12449202 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #12 Europe #179459 by #6794384 27/09/18 12:48h join_team Deleted account (12851622) 27/09/18 15:40h join_roster for team #12851622 in ESLM PUBG Squad Open Qualifier #1 Germany #183157 by #8550282 05/10/18 04:45h join_roster for team #12851622 in ESLM PUBG Squad Closed Qualifier Germany #183159 by #8550282 13/10/18 09:54h join_roster for team #12851622 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #7 Germany #183175 by #8550282 19/10/18 13:23h join_roster for team #12851622 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #8 Germany #183174 by #8550282 26/10/18 15:48h join_roster for team #12851622 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #9 Germany #183173 29/10/18 19:39h join_roster for team #12851622 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Winter 2018 Final Germany #1 #183968 03/11/18 10:21h join_roster for team #12851622 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #10 Germany #184580 10/11/18 10:40h join_roster for team #12851622 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #11 Germany #184581 13/11/18 12:02h join_roster for team #12851622 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Winter 2018 Final Germany #2 #183969 17/11/18 09:09h join_roster for team #12851622 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #12 Germany #184582 by #7303023 24/11/18 08:45h join_roster for team #12851622 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #13 Germany #184583 27/11/18 00:17h join_roster for team #12851622 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Winter 2018 Final Germany #3 #183970 01/12/18 11:08h join_roster for team #12851622 in ESLM PUBG Winter Diamond Division Matchday #8 #183926 by #6794384 08/12/18 11:42h join_roster for team #12851622 in ESLM PUBG Winter Diamond Division Matchday #9 #183927 14/12/18 19:48h join_roster for team #12851622 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #16 Germany #185751 16/01/19 13:35h join_roster for team #12851622 in PUBG Squad Proving Grounds Tournament #21 Germany #187188 01/02/19 13:07h join_team Team Leisure PUBG (2028266) 01/02/19 13:38h join_roster for team #2028266 in ESLM PUBG Spring Open Qualifier #1 Germany #189032 by #846363 01/02/19 13:38h join_roster for team #2028266 in ESLM PUBG Spring Open Qualifier #2 Germany #189033 by #846363 08/02/19 10:11h join_roster for team #2028266 in ESLM PUBG Spring Closed Qualifier Germany #189030 by #846363 09/02/19 06:03h join_team Deleted account (13268082) 14/02/19 12:14h join_roster for team #13268082 in ESLM PUBG Spring Diamond Division Matchday #1 #189533 by #3023805 21/02/19 12:29h join_roster for team #13268082 in ESLM PUBG Spring Diamond Division Matchday #2 #189534 by #3023805 07/03/19 10:42h join_roster for team #13268082 in ESLM PUBG Spring Diamond Division Matchday #3 #189535 by #3023805 14/03/19 13:51h join_roster for team #13268082 in ESLM PUBG Spring Diamond Division Matchday #4 #189536 by #3023805 28/03/19 15:22h leave_team Team Leisure PUBG (2028266) 28/03/19 15:22h leave_team Deleted account (13268082) 20/04/19 10:15h join_roster for team #12449202 in PUBG Squad Easter Cup 2019 Germany #191200 29/04/19 15:57h join_team Mercury eSports (13638793) 04/05/19 19:34h join_roster for team #13638793 in PUBG Squad Challenger Series Tournament #14 Europe #192804 by #12611002 26/05/19 18:44h join_roster for team #13638793 in ESL Meisterschaft Sommer 2019 PUBG Squad Open Qualifier #1 Germany #194316 by #12611002 26/05/19 18:44h join_roster for team #13638793 in ESL Meisterschaft Sommer 2019 PUBG Squad Open Qualifier #2 Germany #194317 by #12611002 10/06/19 16:24h join_roster for team #13638793 in ESL Meisterschaft Sommer 2019 PUBG Squad Closed Qualifier Germany #194318 by #12611002 15/06/19 12:14h join_team Deleted account (13792692) 18/06/19 12:12h join_roster for team #13792692 in ESL Meisterschaft Sommer 2019 PUBG Diamond Division Spieltag #1 #194319 by #12611002 22/06/19 18:54h join_roster for team #13792692 in ESL Meisterschaft Sommer 2019 PUBG Diamond Division Spieltag #2 #194321 by #12611002 16/07/19 07:24h join_roster for team #13792692 in ESL Meisterschaft Sommer 2019 PUBG Diamond Division Spieltag #5 #194324 by #12611002 02/09/19 16:25h join_roster for team #13792692 in ESL Meisterschaft Sommer 2019 PUBG Squad Open Relegation #1 Germany #195261 by #12611002 05/09/19 07:38h join_roster for team #13792692 in ESL Meisterschaft Sommer 2019 PUBG Squad Open Relegation #2 Germany #195262 by #12611002 12/09/19 19:38h join_roster for team #13638793 in ESL Meisterschaft Winter 2019 PUBG Squad Open Qualifier Germany #198733 by #12611002 15/09/19 15:25h join_roster for team #13638793 in ESL Meisterschaft Winter 2019 PUBG Squad Closed Qualifier Germany #198734 by #12611002 24/09/19 11:51h join_team Deleted account (14157037) 06/10/19 16:03h join_roster for team #14157037 in ESL Meisterschaft Winter 2019 PUBG Elite Division Spieltag #2 #199527 by #12611002 15/10/19 18:09h join_roster for team #14157037 in ESL Meisterschaft Winter 2019 PUBG Diamond Division Spieltag #3 #199519 by #12611002 23/10/19 15:00h join_roster for team #14157037 in ESL Meisterschaft Winter 2019 PUBG Diamond Division Spieltag #4 #199520 by #12611002 30/10/19 08:36h join_roster for team #14157037 in ESL Meisterschaft Winter 2019 PUBG Diamond Division Spieltag #5 #199521 by #12611002 06/11/19 19:40h join_roster for team #14157037 in ESL Meisterschaft Winter 2019 PUBG Diamond Division Spieltag #6 #199522 by #12611002 11/11/19 16:20h join_roster for team #14157037 in ESL Meisterschaft Winter 2019 PUBG Elite Division Spieltag #7 #199532 by #12611002 21/11/19 08:54h join_roster for team #14157037 in ESL Meisterschaft Winter 2019 PUBG Diamond Division Spieltag #8 #199524 by #12611002 28/11/19 06:49h join_roster for team #14157037 in ESL Meisterschaft Winter 2019 PUBG Diamond Division Spieltag #9 #199525 by #12611002 16/04/20 16:52h join_roster for team #13638793 in PUBG Squad Open Tournament #1 Europe #208700 23/04/20 18:52h join_roster for team #13638793 in PUBG Squad Open Tournament #2 Europe #208756 22/03/21 12:49h join_roster for team #13638793 in PUBG (PC) Squad Masters Qualifiers Spring 2021 Europe, Middle East & Africa #221776 02/06/21 17:31h join_roster for team #13638793 in PUBG (PC) Squad Open Qualifiers Summer 2021 Europe, Middle East & Africa #225642 27/06/21 18:21h join_roster for team #13638793 in PUBG (PC) Squad Masters Qualifiers Summer 2021 Europe, Middle East & Africa #227049 30/10/21 10:59h join_team Wadu Gang (12461909) 30/10/21 11:00h join_roster for team #12461909 in PUBG (PC) Squad Halloween Cup 2021 Europe, Middle East & Africa #232162 by #3343213 15/11/21 14:08h join_team Team from Wish (17335775) 15/11/21 16:40h join_roster for team #17335775 in PUBG (PC) Squad Open Qualifiers Winter 2021 Europe, Middle East & Africa #232087 by #14070615