created | Platform | action |
29/05/17 22:56h | first_login_default | |
10/06/17 22:29h | join_team Wildfire (10922280) | |
16/06/17 09:20h | join_team Deleted account (10974288) | |
23/06/17 06:54h | leave_team Wildfire (10922280) | |
21/07/17 23:58h | team_kick Deleted account (10974288) / by Sinnix (10951551) | |
27/07/17 06:12h | join_team Deleted account (10623445) | |
07/08/17 07:21h | team_kick Deleted account (10623445) / by Deleted account (10380478) | |
03/09/17 11:29h | join_team Team Obsidium (11683070) | |
03/02/18 21:52h | join_team Mount Franklin (11909252) | |
04/02/18 07:20h | team_kick Mount Franklin (11909252) / by Crude (10641851) | |
31/03/18 22:49h | join_team Iguana Play? (12370402) | |
31/03/18 22:58h | register_team iguana (12370415) | |
29/07/18 22:51h | register_team Dudest Of Dudes (12689332) | |
16/11/19 01:48h | register_team Stack The Flippin' Deck Boys (14344072) | |
01/05/21 03:58h | join_team Paid to lose in CL (16835770) | |
01/05/21 10:06h | join_roster for team #16835770 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #45 Oceania #223284 by #10908875 |