Jslush  id: 11490397
created Platform action
08/07/17 15:14h first_login_default 
08/07/17 15:30h join_team  HYDRA2 (11490406)
09/07/17 18:45h team_kick  HYDRA2 (11490406) / by Deleted account (11446489)
26/08/17 17:03h join_team  5 Κings (11663156)
03/09/17 14:18h team_kick  5 Κings (11663156) / by Deleted account (11663145)
06/10/17 18:52h register_team  Deleted account (11784115)
12/03/18 22:19h join_league  ESL Play Clash Royale 1on1 Grand Challenge #44 Global
12/03/18 22:24h join_league  ESL Play Clash Royale 1on1 Clash of Titans Ladder Global
29/04/18 18:50h inactivity_kick  ESL Play Clash Royale 1on1 Clash of Titans Ladder Global
11/06/18 22:05h join_team  Deleted account (12490693)
18/04/19 20:44h register_team  Deleted account (13612668)
26/05/19 15:31h join_team  Goblins Gaming (13617751)
26/05/19 16:12h join_team  Deleted account (13178676)
26/05/19 16:22h team_kick  Goblins Gaming (13617751) / by Deleted account (12845870)
09/06/19 14:04h team_kick  Deleted account (13178676) / by Deleted account (12634484)
29/07/19 16:02h join_team  Deleted account (13933239)
29/07/19 16:08h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Clash Royale 1on1 Challenger Series Cup #14 Americas
29/07/19 16:14h join_league  ESL Play Clash Royale 1on1 Challenger Series Cup #14 Americas
17/12/19 22:12h join_league  ESL Play Clash Royale 1on1 Clash of Titans Ladder Global
05/01/20 15:37h join_team  Megalodon Esports (13925460)
30/01/20 18:40h inactivity_kick  ESL Play Clash Royale 1on1 Clash of Titans Ladder Global