UbiTrynaGoofMe  id: 11639914
created Platform action
04/09/17 22:19h first_login_default 
07/11/18 17:37h join_team  Hit or Miss (12983169)
24/01/19 17:34h join_team  The University of Alabama (13183874)
23/03/19 23:12h register_team  Deleted account (13518980)
26/05/19 16:51h leave_team  The University of Alabama (13183874)
22/06/19 20:24h leave_team  Hit or Miss (12983169)
29/08/19 20:17h join_team  Quality Shot (13639051)
10/09/19 23:02h register_team  THE (14111680)
15/12/19 16:57h leave_team  Quality Shot (13639051)
26/01/20 17:10h register_team  EHT (14652881)
02/03/20 19:39h join_team  Carried Collegiate Players (14862983)
03/03/20 14:53h leave_team  THE (14111680)
29/03/20 15:08h join_team  THE (14111680)