Alex 'Skyz' Kong  id: 11649267
created Platform action
21/08/17 15:54h first_login_default 
28/04/19 01:49h register_team  Deleted account (13635976)
17/03/20 11:17h join_team  Heroic Bravestone (14963539)
05/09/20 09:43h join_team  Onnest is the best (16109874)
11/09/20 11:12h join_team  Deleted account (16159214)
12/09/20 08:44h team_kick  Onnest is the best (16109874) / by Deleted account (9736131)
21/09/20 11:38h join_team  Deleted account (16196344)
12/10/20 02:58h register_team  Deleted account (16243680)
15/03/21 03:21h register_team  Nameless (16667696)
05/04/21 17:19h register_team  Go4Casualplay (16729730)
17/04/21 16:04h join_team  LAMNET (16053943)
17/04/21 16:13h join_roster  for team #16053943 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #37 North Division #222765 by #13293022
24/04/21 12:00h join_roster  for team #16053943 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #38 North Division #222766 by #13293022
01/05/21 07:14h join_roster  for team #16053943 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #39 North Division #223283 by #13293022
07/05/21 11:43h join_roster  for team #16053943 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #40 North Division #223535 by #13293022
15/05/21 15:11h join_roster  for team #16053943 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #41 North Division #224133 by #13293022
22/05/21 12:30h join_roster  for team #16053943 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #42 North Division #224539 by #13293022
14/08/21 12:35h join_team  GGTV Handsome boi (15464107)
14/08/21 12:50h join_roster  for team #15464107 in R6: Siege (PC) Weekly Open Cup #54 North Division #228455 by #15056409
28/08/21 11:07h team_kick  GGTV Handsome boi (15464107) / by Acog (15056409)