created | Platform | action |
24/08/17 08:36h | first_login_default | |
24/08/17 08:37h | join_team Team RoyaL (11655608) | |
18/02/18 06:58h | register_team Team RoyaL Go4 (12206230) | |
10/03/18 16:56h | join_team For The Dream (12203783) | |
17/03/18 11:40h | team_kick For The Dream (12203783) / by Rezz (11850590) | |
22/03/18 19:28h | join_team Deleted account (9126202) | |
07/04/18 10:30h | join_team Team RoyaL (12390079) | |
01/06/21 11:57h | join_team RoadToTop1 (16925462) | |
03/07/21 11:29h | team_kick RoadToTop1 (16925462) / by Spec (13775891) |