created | Platform | action |
05/09/17 17:49h | first_login_default | |
10/09/17 15:07h | join_team Mechanical Gaming (11698708) | |
15/10/17 14:20h | team_kick Mechanical Gaming (11698708) / by sharrieff (9452619) | |
19/11/17 01:51h | register_team Deleted account (11914578) | |
19/11/17 01:52h | register_team Deleted account (11914579) | |
19/11/17 01:52h | register_team Deleted account (11914580) | |
19/11/17 01:53h | register_team Deleted account (11914582) | |
19/11/17 10:19h | register_team Deleted account (11916364) | |
19/11/17 10:19h | register_team Deleted account (11916365) | |
19/11/17 12:06h | join_team Balloon pups (11916743) | |
26/11/17 12:46h | join_team The Cuh (11936134) | |
10/12/17 13:06h | join_team Foxtop (11936269) | |
14/01/18 13:13h | join_team Xbox plebs (11952875) | |
26/01/18 16:27h | join_team United As 1 (12039650) | |
29/01/18 20:03h | leave_team Balloon pups (11916743) | |
29/01/18 20:03h | leave_team Foxtop (11936269) | |
29/01/18 20:03h | leave_team The Cuh (11936134) | |
29/01/18 20:05h | leave_team Xbox plebs (11952875) | |
25/03/18 12:44h | join_team ice tray (12351521) | |
06/05/18 12:47h | join_team Xbox plebs (11952875) | |
27/05/18 14:21h | join_team donkeys (11973211) | |
05/01/19 02:30h | join_team Upper 90 eSports (12685940) | |
21/05/21 18:03h | register_team eUnited (16895366) | |
28/05/21 19:48h | join_roster for team #16895366 in Intel World Open 2021 Rocket League Open Qualifier #1 United States #223542 | |
28/05/21 19:48h | join_roster for team #16895366 in Intel World Open 2021 Rocket League Open Qualifier #2 United States #223544 |