Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (2) Contacts & Buddies (0) Rating Gameaccounts History ShuttleIoI id: 11696784 created Platform action 09/09/17 23:33h first_login_default 09/09/17 23:58h join_team Deleted account (11696806) 04/10/17 19:51h team_kick Deleted account (11696806) / by Fliqz (11696762) 31/01/18 14:14h join_team Deleted account (11696806) 11/03/19 17:43h join_team Faded Gaming (13477783) 24/03/19 17:39h join_team NoTomorrow (13153832) 06/04/19 21:22h team_kick NoTomorrow (13153832) / by Deleted account (13521887) 14/04/19 19:40h join_team NoTomorrow (13153832) 17/05/19 16:23h team_kick Faded Gaming (13477783) / by Fliqz (11696762) 02/06/19 16:24h join_team Faded Gaming (13477783) 19/07/19 15:16h join_team Deleted account (13886045) 20/07/19 19:35h team_kick Deleted account (13886045) / by Deleted account (13886038) 21/07/19 18:00h join_team Deleted account (13886045) 22/07/19 15:27h team_kick Deleted account (13886045) / by Deleted account (13886038) 22/07/19 15:32h join_team Deleted account (13886045) 04/08/19 13:00h register_team Atlas (13956012) 20/09/19 20:51h register_team Sweats (14145821) 01/10/19 16:38h join_team Swamp hogs (14174358) 25/11/19 15:43h join_team Overweight Hogs (14384771) 05/01/20 14:17h join_team Respect the Drip (14481937) 24/02/20 16:13h join_team The Greasers (14832380) 20/03/20 20:56h team_kick NoTomorrow (13153832) / by Defending-NT (12600839) 26/04/20 15:48h join_team The Boys Are Back in Town (14633093) 25/02/22 18:55h join_roster for team #17516660 in Rainbow Six: Siege (PS4) Three Round Blitz February 2022 #4 North America #234968