therealCCV  id: 11872747
created Platform action
02/11/17 11:05h first_login_default 
19/01/20 07:43h join_team  NoAmmo (14625570)
20/01/20 03:27h join_roster  for team #14625570 in R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Open Cup #8 India #204371 by #14566541
16/02/20 12:22h join_roster  for team #14625570 in R6: Siege (PC) 5on5 Open Cup #9 India #206143 by #14566541
21/02/20 02:20h join_team  Deleted account (5804021)
07/03/20 07:01h leave_team  Deleted account (5804021)
08/03/20 04:50h leave_team  NoAmmo (14625570)
25/03/20 02:46h join_league  ESL Play Clash Royale 1on1 Clash of Titans Ladder Global
06/05/20 18:47h inactivity_kick  ESL Play Clash Royale 1on1 Clash of Titans Ladder Global
27/05/20 03:19h join_team  Decoy Dreams (13921654)
31/05/20 08:37h leave_team  Decoy Dreams (13921654)