kRistall  id: 1192986
created Platform action
04/04/05 07:14h first_login 
04/04/05 08:24h join_team  Deleted account (1032233)
04/04/05 08:25h leave_team  Deleted account (1032233)
04/04/05 08:43h join_team  Deleted account (1193667)
04/04/05 10:50h join_team  GoddKings Coding Connection (678346)
25/09/05 05:48h team_kick  Deleted account (1193667) / by Deleted account (55)
26/12/06 13:11h leave_team  GoddKings Coding Connection (678346)
07/01/07 11:24h join_team  Spielerbank Sigmaringen (970396)
07/01/07 11:29h join_team  Baden Wuerttemberg.Cs - Bodensee (1079251)
15/01/07 15:02h join_team  Baden Wuerttemberg.Cs (1966371)
15/01/07 15:04h join_team  m w h e e l u p (1837267)
15/01/07 15:05h join_team  iNETB1TCH (1832278)
15/01/07 15:08h join_team  Deleted account (1615841)
15/01/07 15:22h join_team  fiqqn ey (2092943)
15/01/07 15:23h join_team  Deleted account (2101804)
15/01/07 15:24h join_team  Deleted account (1695495)
15/01/07 15:26h join_team  Bud Spencer und Terence Hill Fanclub Volume 2 (2165348)
25/01/07 15:35h register_team  Deleted account (2268177)
12/02/07 11:43h join_team  recoil is no more (2300177)
12/02/07 11:45h increase_trustlevel  0 -> 2
12/02/07 12:49h join_league  Ger Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder
12/02/07 12:52h wanna_join_league  Ger Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 Ladder
12/02/07 14:01h join_league  Ger Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 Ladder
16/02/07 11:59h join_team  H A R D S T Y L E (1943860)
17/02/07 09:08h join_team  ESL Allstars (919778)
17/02/07 09:08h join_team (1763544)
17/02/07 11:36h join_team  DREIST Zombiemod (2270700)
17/02/07 11:41h join_team  In memory of DREAMLiKE (1618782)
17/02/07 14:21h register_team  Deleted account (2311560)
18/02/07 13:33h join_team  DAMNSTYLE ... (2274801)
18/02/07 15:07h join_team  PokeR-LivestylE (2260213)
05/03/07 13:07h join_team  Deleted account (1235114)
06/04/07 14:52h join_team  BonG-sMokErZ (2337538)
26/04/07 15:04h join_team  MueTze trifft GlaTze (1517410)
29/05/07 13:37h join_team  Deleted account (2505377)
19/06/07 07:29h team_kick  Deleted account (1615841)
20/07/07 04:36h team_kick  Deleted account (2505377)
28/07/07 17:10h team_kick  m w h e e l u p (1837267)
04/08/07 07:57h team_kick  DREIST Zombiemod (2270700) / by Thefly (1)
15/08/07 18:00h team_kick  DAMNSTYLE ... (2274801) / by Deleted account (2)
25/10/07 05:49h team_kick  recoil is no more (2300177)
17/12/07 08:18h join_team  Spiderschwein (2625876)
29/01/09 12:29h first_login_esltv 
02/02/09 19:50h decrease_trustlevel  2 -> 0
18/11/09 17:17h leave_team  Bud Spencer und Terence Hill Fanclub Volume 2 (2165348)
18/11/09 17:18h leave_team  ESL Allstars (919778)
18/11/09 17:18h leave_team (1763544)
18/11/09 17:19h leave_team  iNETB1TCH (1832278)
18/11/09 17:20h leave_team  fiqqn ey (2092943)
24/11/09 11:01h join_team  Deleted account (3162683)
24/11/09 11:04h leave_team  H A R D S T Y L E (1943860)
24/11/09 11:04h leave_team  MueTze trifft GlaTze (1517410)
24/11/09 11:05h leave_team  Spiderschwein (2625876)
24/11/09 11:05h leave_team  PokeR-LivestylE (2260213)
24/11/09 11:47h join_team  Lasst uns über die 09er ablästern (3763488)
26/11/09 17:25h first_login_esltv 
26/11/09 17:27h join_team  TAMM 4 EVER (1304541)
07/12/09 13:01h increase_trustlevel  0 -> 2
28/12/09 07:39h join_team  Spielerbank Bodensee (1456690)
28/12/09 09:51h join_team  1.5 war neee geile zeit (2986885)
28/12/09 10:10h join_team  Baden Wuerttemberg - Esports (1913235)
28/12/09 10:23h join_team  Deleted account (2140454)
04/09/10 06:57h first_login_consoles 
15/11/11 12:39h join_team  International Gaming (4437775)
27/11/11 19:29h decrease_trustlevel  2 -> 0
22/01/12 18:18h team_kick  International Gaming (4437775) / by Deleted account (3484964)
05/09/13 09:23h leave_team  BonG-sMokErZ (2337538)
05/09/13 09:24h leave_team  In memory of DREAMLiKE (1618782)
05/09/13 09:25h leave_team  Lasst uns über die 09er ablästern (3763488)
22/12/16 23:29h first_login_sm