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aNNNti  id: 11961708
created Platform action
06/12/17 10:29h first_login_default 
03/02/18 06:27h join_team  Die with Rodjo (12138356)
08/03/18 09:15h leave_team  Die with Rodjo (12138356)
10/03/18 09:27h join_team  Panteri (11749482)
12/03/18 11:26h join_league  ESL Play Zula (PC) 1on1 Open Ladder Europe
04/05/18 18:50h inactivity_kick  ESL Play Zula (PC) 1on1 Open Ladder Europe
17/05/18 12:56h join_team  PANTERI #2 (11942816)
19/05/18 07:07h team_kick  PANTERI #2 (11942816) / by cicko1337 (11749269)
02/06/18 08:32h team_kick  Panteri (11749482) / by Deleted account (11749252)
21/07/18 17:04h join_team  Deleted account (12656959)
04/08/18 18:09h team_kick  Deleted account (12656959) / by Deleted account (12586105)
12/01/19 09:13h join_team  Deleted account (13167673)
18/02/19 10:02h team_kick  Deleted account (13167673) / by Deleted account (12507804)
01/06/19 11:40h join_team  Deleted account (13728999)