Gabriel 'Franjinha' Lemos  id: 11966285
created Platform action
08/12/17 09:54h first_login_default 
09/04/19 17:26h join_team  For The Win Esports Club (12952653)
13/05/19 13:44h team_kick  For The Win Esports Club (12952653) / by Deleted account (11874225)
08/07/19 17:57h register_team  formaNERVOSA v2 (13873780)
17/07/19 15:33h team_kick  formaNERVOSA v2 (13873780) / by whatz (12388642)
07/09/19 07:59h join_team  For The Win Esports Club (12952653)
28/08/20 15:00h register_team  For The Win Esports (16132201)
19/02/21 20:13h join_league  ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
05/04/21 00:11h inactivity_kick  ESL Play CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe