Change my photo Edit Info Main More about me (0) Replay Archive (0) Awards (3) Contacts & Buddies (1) Rating Gameaccounts History Ravel id: 11973906 created Platform action 10/12/17 06:43h first_login_default 10/12/17 06:44h join_team Tri-hard (11949437) 30/12/17 09:44h join_team Xmas Team 1 (12021505) 18/03/18 14:14h join_team That team (12326306) 08/04/18 13:27h register_team Garblers (12394777) 13/04/18 11:22h join_team Dong! (12330896) 22/04/18 09:44h join_team Two and a Half Men (12427903) 29/04/18 12:48h join_team Gamma (12446128) 22/07/18 12:20h team_kick Gamma (12446128) / by Deleted account (11659820) 03/08/18 07:33h join_team Smash Dash (11808346) 08/08/18 07:02h team_kick Smash Dash (11808346) / by SendoTarget (11800007) 16/09/18 12:45h join_team Crisps (12824378) 30/09/18 12:46h team_kick Dong! (12330896) / by Matti_123 (11783395) 07/10/18 08:59h join_team Two Minis and a Treetrunk (12883511) 20/01/19 09:50h join_team No Fun (13039756) 03/02/19 09:51h join_team Deleted account (13248693) 10/02/19 12:45h leave_team No Fun (13039756) 23/03/19 09:06h join_team EggBoyz (13515098) 18/04/19 19:09h team_kick EggBoyz (13515098) / by LoneGecko (11684180) 28/04/19 11:39h join_team Mariachis (13520631) 04/05/19 20:19h team_kick Mariachis (13520631) / by Deleted account (11674605) 30/06/23 01:27h team_kick Two Minis and a Treetrunk (12883511) / by Daemon (3) 30/06/23 01:27h team_kick Crisps (12824378) / by Daemon (3) 30/06/23 01:27h team_kick That team (12326306) / by Daemon (3) 30/06/23 01:27h team_kick Garblers (12394777) / by Daemon (3) 30/06/23 01:27h team_kick Tri-hard (11949437) / by Daemon (3) 30/06/23 01:27h team_kick Two and a Half Men (12427903) / by Daemon (3) 30/06/23 01:27h team_kick Xmas Team 1 (12021505) / by Daemon (3)