created | Platform | action |
06/01/18 09:10h | first_login_default | |
06/01/18 09:10h | join_team DRKE_eXtreme Ghost (11088440) | |
08/04/18 06:43h | join_league ESL Play Clash Royale 1on1 Grand Challenge #47 Global | |
08/04/18 06:49h | wanna_join_league ESL Play Clash Royale 1on1 Open Cup #2 Italy | |
08/04/18 07:11h | join_league ESL Play Clash Royale 1on1 Clash of Titans Ladder Global | |
08/04/18 08:17h | join_league ESL Play Clash Royale 1on1 Open Cup #2 Italy | |
09/04/18 13:04h | join_league ESL Play Clash Royale 1on1 Arena #61 Europe | |
13/04/18 11:50h | join_league ESL Play Clash Royale 1on1 Grand Challenge #48 Global | |
13/04/18 11:50h | wanna_join_league ESL Play Clash Royale 1on1 Open Cup #3 Italy | |
13/04/18 11:50h | join_league ESL Play Clash Royale 1on1 Arena #62 Europe | |
14/04/18 17:03h | join_league ESL Play Clash Royale 1on1 Open Cup #3 Italy | |
15/04/18 08:52h | register_team Deleted account (12412463) | |
11/05/18 05:29h | team_kick DRKE_eXtreme Ghost (11088440) / by Deleted account (10938110) | |
11/05/18 05:32h | leave_team Deleted account (12412463) | |
11/05/18 06:11h | join_team Deleted account (11691012) | |
11/05/18 08:55h | leave_team Deleted account (11691012) | |
12/05/18 09:34h | join_team Deleted account (11691012) | |
13/05/18 09:02h | leave_team Deleted account (11691012) | |
13/05/18 09:06h | register_team Deleted account (12480415) | |
13/05/18 11:06h | leave_team Deleted account (12480415) | |
13/05/18 11:54h | join_team Deleted account (11691012) | |
21/05/18 08:57h | leave_team Deleted account (11691012) | |
22/05/18 10:58h | register_team Deleted account (12501141) | |
26/05/18 14:53h | leave_league ESL Play Clash Royale 1on1 Clash of Titans Ladder Global | |
15/06/18 14:40h | join_team Deleted account (12033355) | |
17/06/18 06:56h | leave_team Deleted account (12033355) | |
17/06/18 09:48h | join_team Flawless eSports (11378433) | |
18/06/18 06:32h | leave_team Flawless eSports (11378433) | |
25/06/18 02:47h | join_team Deleted account (12456283) | |
06/07/18 14:23h | leave_team Deleted account (12456283) | |
06/07/18 14:32h | join_team Deleted account (12616157) | |
20/08/18 17:03h | join_team DRKE_eXtreme Ghost (11088440) | |
20/08/18 17:07h | leave_team Deleted account (12616157) | |
30/08/18 19:35h | join_team Deleted account (11852698) | |
30/08/18 19:37h | leave_team DRKE_eXtreme Ghost (11088440) | |
01/09/18 08:10h | team_kick Deleted account (11852698) / by DownPerScelta (11137120) | |
02/09/18 18:13h | join_team DRKE_eXtreme Ghost (11088440) | |
07/09/18 07:37h | join_team Flawless eSports (11378433) | |
10/09/18 07:41h | join_team Team Hound (11951744) | |
10/09/18 07:42h | leave_team DRKE_eXtreme Ghost (11088440) | |
10/09/18 07:43h | leave_team Flawless eSports (11378433) | |
06/10/18 07:49h | team_kick Team Hound (11951744) / by Robertfulvio (10993564) | |
22/10/18 07:36h | join_team GG.Oryx (12814767) | |
24/11/18 02:43h | team_kick GG.Oryx (12814767) / by Zecker.OP (11167434) | |
27/11/18 13:59h | join_team DRKE_eXtreme Ghost (11088440) | |
19/12/18 17:53h | team_kick DRKE_eXtreme Ghost (11088440) / by Deleted account (10938110) | |
02/02/19 06:27h | join_team DRKE_eXtreme Ghost (11088440) | |
11/02/19 05:40h | leave_team DRKE_eXtreme Ghost (11088440) | |
30/01/20 13:40h | register_team Architects ITA (14666680) | |
05/02/20 14:10h | register_team Architects ITA ESL ITALY 1 (14696832) | |
05/02/20 15:01h | register_team Architects ITA ESL EU (14697056) | |
15/02/20 09:20h | join_league ESL Play Clash Royale Challenger Series Cup #53 Europe | |
13/03/20 15:25h | register_team Deleted account (14901176) | |
13/03/20 15:47h | register_team Deleted account (14901263) | |
19/03/20 07:06h | team_kick Deleted account (14901263) / by Deleted account (13321979) | |
19/03/20 09:45h | join_team Deleted account (14901263) | |
21/03/20 07:23h | team_kick Deleted account (14901263) / by Deleted account (13321979) | |
26/06/20 04:44h | join_team GH REST TrunK (14625102) | |
26/06/20 04:47h | leave_team Architects ITA (14666680) | |
26/06/20 04:48h | leave_team Architects ITA ESL ITALY 1 (14696832) | |
26/06/20 04:48h | leave_team Architects ITA ESL EU (14697056) | |
29/06/20 16:17h | register_team REST - Gamer's House (15911425) | |
02/07/20 15:14h | wanna_join_league ESL Play Clash Royale Summer Season 2020 Open Cup #5 Italy | |
02/07/20 20:10h | join_league ESL Play Clash Royale Summer Season 2020 Open Cup #5 Italy | |
03/07/20 06:43h | join_league ESL Play Warface (PS4) Open Series Weekly Qualifier July 2020 #2 Europe | |
03/07/20 11:09h | join_team GH REST LeaveS (14311596) | |
03/07/20 17:03h | join_league ESL Play Clash Royale 1on1 Clash of Titans Ladder Global | |
05/07/20 07:01h | join_league ESL Play Clash Royale 1on1 Open Cup #1 Europe | |
05/07/20 07:09h | leave_team GH REST LeaveS (14311596) | |
05/07/20 16:01h | wanna_join_league ESL Play Clash Royale Summer Season 2020 Open Cup #6 Italy | |
05/07/20 16:01h | join_league ESL Play Clash Royale 1on1 Open Cup #2 Europe | |
06/07/20 04:15h | join_league ESL Play Clash Royale Summer Season 2020 Open Cup #6 Italy | |
08/07/20 13:18h | leave_league ESL Play Warface (PS4) Open Series Weekly Qualifier July 2020 #2 Europe | |
19/07/20 08:42h | leave_league ESL Play Clash Royale 1on1 Clash of Titans Ladder Global | |
02/08/20 16:35h | join_team GH REST LeaveS (14311596) | |
07/08/20 13:27h | wanna_join_league ESL Play ESL Vodafone Championship Winter 2020 Clash Royale Open Qualifier #1 | |
07/08/20 19:56h | increase_trustlevel 0 -> 1 | |
31/08/20 18:18h | register_team GH REST RooTs (16141018) | |
03/09/20 07:44h | leave_team GH REST LeaveS (14311596) | |
03/09/20 12:34h | register_team GH REST BrancheS (16148385) | |
04/09/20 16:31h | register_team GH REST BrancheS (16151022) | |
05/09/20 13:34h | leave_team GH REST TrunK (14625102) | |
07/10/20 14:18h | register_team GH REST BrancheS (16231149) | |
12/10/20 15:22h | leave_team GH REST BrancheS (16231149) | |
16/10/20 05:47h | join_team GH REST LeaveS (14311596) | |
16/10/20 11:03h | leave_team GH REST RooTs (16141018) | |
16/10/20 12:54h | register_team GH REST BrancheS (16253143) | |
17/10/20 01:51h | join_team GH REST TrunK (14625102) | |
17/10/20 11:15h | leave_team GH REST TrunK (14625102) | |
18/10/20 06:33h | register_team GH REST BrancheS (16255691) | |
21/10/20 11:22h | register_team GH REST BrancheS (16262448) | |
21/10/20 11:58h | leave_team GH REST BrancheS (16262448) | |
21/10/20 11:59h | leave_team GH REST BrancheS (16255691) | |
02/11/20 03:16h | join_team GH REST TrunK (14625102) | |
02/11/20 03:20h | join_team GH REST RooTs (16141018) | |
02/11/20 03:39h | join_team GH REST BrancheS (16231149) | |
02/11/20 03:42h | join_team GH REST BrancheS (16262448) | |
02/11/20 03:42h | join_team GH REST BrancheS (16255691) | |
04/11/20 13:48h | join_roster for team #14311596 in Clash of Clans Mobile Open Season 2 Play-in Europe & MENA #216995 | |
18/11/20 08:02h | leave_team GH REST TrunK (14625102) | |
18/11/20 08:03h | leave_team GH REST RooTs (16141018) | |
09/01/21 11:02h | join_team GH REST RooTs (16141018) | |
09/01/21 11:08h | join_team GH REST TrunK (14625102) | |
13/03/21 07:16h | join_team GH REST ESL ITA (16661764) | |
07/04/21 04:59h | register_team GH REST (16736366) | |
09/04/21 14:03h | wanna_join_league ESL Play Lichess Community Cup #1 Italy | |
09/04/21 14:03h | trusted_direct_join ESL Play Lichess Community Cup #1 Italy | |
09/04/21 14:03h | join_league ESL Play Lichess Community Cup #1 Italy | |
10/05/21 03:47h | register_team IDK (16859139) | |
10/05/21 10:09h | leave_team IDK (16859139) | |
28/07/21 10:49h | register_team GH REST ESL MOBILE (17069095) | |
28/07/21 14:05h | leave_team GH REST ESL MOBILE (17069095) | |
26/09/21 08:36h | register_team I Nabber (17271967) | |
06/04/22 15:55h | register_team RVNT (17529818) | |
16/06/22 15:22h | join_team RVNT (17543362) | |
20/10/22 21:17h | join_team RVNT (17588472) |