Visitors (since 09/08/20)
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Geovanni 'Lavina' Dominguez  id: 12086430
created Platform action
19/01/18 12:39h first_login_default 
19/01/18 12:40h join_team  Deleted account (12086187)
06/03/18 09:28h team_kick  Deleted account (12086187) / by Deleted account (12086124)
01/05/18 15:21h join_team  FatalFury (12287238)
01/06/18 17:06h join_team  αutomata Reign (11336873)
08/06/18 17:21h join_team  automato Reign meme team (12421638)
27/07/18 16:44h team_kick  αutomata Reign (11336873) / by iGotUrRedPixel (6036436)
22/03/19 18:22h team_kick  automato Reign meme team (12421638) / by iGotUrRedPixel (6036436)
02/08/20 18:41h join_team  Hoow Team (15772106)
16/08/20 14:36h team_kick  Hoow Team (15772106) / by SoydePrincesa (12188599)
21/08/20 15:58h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Paladins 1on1 Best of Buck Cup #83 LATAM
21/08/20 16:10h join_league  ESL Play Paladins 1on1 Best of Buck Cup #83 LATAM
22/08/20 16:50h join_team  Deleted account (16093485)
28/08/20 19:19h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Paladins 1on1 Best of Cassie Cup #84 LATAM
28/08/20 19:31h join_league  ESL Play Paladins 1on1 Best of Cassie Cup #84 LATAM
10/09/20 10:54h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Paladins 1on1 Best of Drogoz Cup #86 LATAM
10/09/20 11:45h join_league  ESL Play Paladins 1on1 Best of Drogoz Cup #86 LATAM
13/09/20 16:43h join_team  SiNister Gaming (16178323)
25/09/20 19:05h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Paladins 1on1 Best of Strix Cup #88 LATAM
25/09/20 19:32h join_league  ESL Play Paladins 1on1 Best of Strix Cup #88 LATAM
27/09/20 13:21h join_team  Mustard Gaming (16178251)
27/09/20 17:54h team_kick  SiNister Gaming (16178323) / by Kylar (12086213)
02/10/20 17:55h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Paladins 1on1 Best of Bomb King Cup #89 LATAM
02/10/20 18:56h join_league  ESL Play Paladins 1on1 Best of Bomb King Cup #89 LATAM
09/10/20 19:54h wanna_join_league  ESL Play Paladins 1on1 Best of Ying Cup #90 LATAM
09/10/20 19:55h join_league  ESL Play Paladins 1on1 Best of Ying Cup #90 LATAM
06/12/20 13:44h team_kick  Mustard Gaming (16178251) / by ProttyPake (15201041)
16/04/21 18:51h join_team  zzzzzzz (16782356)