IKellero  id: 12097320
created Platform action
21/01/18 09:05h first_login_default 
21/01/18 09:11h join_team  Magyar srácok (12072762)
10/06/18 09:06h join_team  Deleted account (12551004)
15/06/18 15:20h team_kick  Deleted account (12551004) / by Deleted account (12257423)
08/09/18 07:34h join_team  BCH_eSports (11603223)
05/10/18 12:40h join_team  Deleted account (12751969)
23/10/18 04:01h join_team  H (12943385)
24/10/18 15:13h join_team  Deleted account (12948178)
28/10/18 09:56h join_team  Deleted account (12058646)
31/10/18 06:41h join_team  Hungarian black squad (12955925)
04/11/18 10:13h register_team  Hungary Kiddo (12977308)
05/11/18 11:53h register_team  Hungary Boy (12979880)
05/11/18 11:53h register_team  Hungary Boy (12979881)
05/11/18 11:53h register_team  Gg (12979883)
24/11/18 06:45h team_kick  BCH_eSports (11603223) / by Costa (11603146)
24/11/18 08:26h join_team  Hungarian project reality team (13024848)
01/12/18 10:20h team_kick  Hungarian project reality team (13024848) / by PatrikFollowme (12761451)
14/01/19 02:34h join_team  Thunder Wolf (13180066)
14/01/19 13:01h register_team  Hhhhh (13181382)
02/02/19 07:51h join_team  Deleted account (13114501)
09/02/19 10:56h team_kick  Deleted account (13114501) / by Deleted account (12465281)
23/03/19 09:27h join_team  TKD_eSports (13487660)
24/03/19 13:36h team_kick  TKD_eSports (13487660) / by Crxshyy (11884184)
07/09/19 06:18h join_team  The Expert_eSports [PS] (14047364)
09/09/19 12:30h join_team  Black Bacardi (12620565)
23/11/19 04:58h join_team  Deleted account (14204630)
08/12/19 08:23h join_team  Deleted account (14433458)
02/02/20 06:59h join_team  Deleted account (14678688)
02/02/20 08:28h join_team  Boosted Känäx (14290580)
02/02/20 08:35h team_kick  Boosted Känäx (14290580) / by NafriMitLocken (11741424)
29/03/20 06:35h join_team  TeamGodWarriors (14273910)
25/04/20 06:59h team_kick  TeamGodWarriors (14273910) / by Deleted account (14774266)
30/04/20 17:34h join_team  Deleted account (15395472)
23/09/24 18:41h ESL team_kick  The Expert_eSports [PS] (14047364) / by Daemon (3)
23/09/24 18:41h ESL team_kick  Hungary Kiddo (12977308) / by Daemon (3)
23/09/24 18:41h ESL team_kick  Thunder Wolf (13180066) / by Daemon (3)
23/09/24 18:41h ESL team_kick  H (12943385) / by Daemon (3)
23/09/24 18:41h ESL team_kick  Hhhhh (13181382) / by Daemon (3)
23/09/24 18:41h ESL team_kick  Black Bacardi (12620565) / by Daemon (3)
23/09/24 18:41h ESL team_kick  Hungarian black squad (12955925) / by Daemon (3)
23/09/24 18:41h ESL team_kick  Hungary Boy (12979881) / by Daemon (3)
23/09/24 18:41h ESL team_kick  Hungary Boy (12979880) / by Daemon (3)
23/09/24 18:41h ESL team_kick  Gg (12979883) / by Daemon (3)
23/09/24 18:41h ESL team_kick  Magyar srácok (12072762) / by Daemon (3)