SalinktorHD  id: 12109372
created Platform action
24/01/18 18:33h first_login_default 
24/01/18 18:34h join_team  The Five Colors.DE (12107561)
13/04/21 11:50h join_roster  for team #16764301 in PS4 Tournaments Call of Duty: Cold War 2on2 April Open Tournament #2 FaZe Clan Europe West #219946
13/04/21 16:32h left_roster  for team #16764301 in PS4 Tournaments Call of Duty: Cold War 2on2 April Open Tournament #2 FaZe Clan Europe West #219946
13/04/21 16:32h remove_from_league_219946_due_to_psn_online_id_unlink